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Need HELP: Birthday ideas

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    Need HELP: Birthday ideas

    My SO's birthday is coming in a month, he's in Sydney while I'm in Indonesia. I'm going to send him a present but it must not be fragile things like framed photo (which is strongly recommended) coz I'm afraid that it will be damaged on the way there. Any idea what to give on his bday? I have to prepare it sooner coz it's gonna take more time to reach him.

    If you're wanting to send a framed photo, you could look for some clear plastic ones that have magnets on the back that you just slip the photo in. They're fairly hardy, or make a frame out of some craft sticks and whatnot. You might want to check the Gift Ideas section of the forum as there are tons of threads there with ideas for both handmade and store bought stuff. You could even go through an online store and have them ship it directly to him with a note from you to save time and expense.


      I sent a photo framed (with a glass front) to Australia from the US - I just left it in its bubble wrap and made sure to not pack it against another hard object that could poke it. I also made sure to pack the entire box well - I used packing peanuts so there was something soft to nestle it.

      It arrived just fine and in good condition.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        In case you don't send a framed photo, I don't know. You haven't mentioned his interests, things he might need, a budget and whatnot. Without that, my next guess is a stripper, because what guy doesn't appreciate a stripper? xD Seriously though, a few more specifics would be nice :P.


          Hi Mundohh, My partner celebrated his birthday last week and apart from sending him some small chocolates and treats of his favourites, I aslo organised a telegram to arrive. I ordered it from Telegramstop (they advertise on here). He loved it and is going to have it lamenated. I do have to admit that what made it truely special is what I chose to write in it. It is now something that he can always keep and the words on it far out weigh any words typed over an IM or text message!
          Something for you to think about. Best of luck! Nat

