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Question for experienced military SOs?

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    Question for experienced military SOs?

    Okay well once I gradute HS I'm considering moving up to where his 1st duty station is and attending college there. But I'm getting a couple of mixed responses...
    How often would they move around (not counting deployments!): He's in the AF so Im aware that his deployments wouldnt be as long as some other branches. Now i hear some stories about them being constantly moved from base to base, but other (particulary veterns) say that they mainly stay at one base for their full first term. So where is the accuracy in these? Cause it would be a waste to move up just to find out tht he moves somewhere else a year later...

    Well my SO has been at the same base for a while. He joined, went into training, and was deployed. We met on his 2 week block leave after deployment and he's been at the same base since then. Just over a year now. But he's in the Army, not so sure how different they all work. Sorry can't be of more help.


      My SO has been stationed where he is at for about 6 years now. All I can say is know that your SO may HAVE to move to a diff base. So long as you can accept that, it'll be fine.


        Ya but that is what im worried about, moving there in the midst of receiving a degree and then just being uprooted


          From what I have seen thus far, the military can pretty much do what they need to. So even if they were to tell your SO that he would be staying where he is, push come to shove, if they need him somewhere else, they'll move him. I know that sucks a lot, and its something i'm having to deal with as well, as I plan to move to my SO in august. Hope that it won't happen but know that it can. It's all we can do =/


            It's different for everyone no matter what branch, for deployment, dwell time etc.
            For example my cousin in the Army and just left for his second six month deployment, my SO will have a 12-15 month deployment, one his friends who's AF is leaving soon for about 12 months.
            As for change of duty station, it really depends on different training and things. My SO will deploy and soon after will go to training at another duty station and then he's hoping to get picked for something that's at another duty station and then he will assigned a "permanent" duty station.
            All in all it's really not guaranteed he will be there the whole time it takes you to complete your degree, so you have to think if he had to move would you transfer schools and try to transfer credits (not all schools accept everything, I'm speaking from experience because different schools have their own prerequisites and gen ed courses) Transferring could mean it will take longer for you to get your degree.


              Well I suppose if push came to shove, i would move up to where he is after i graduate and finish my degree there ( whether or not he moves) either way by the time I graduate college He'll be out of the AF. And I suppose if I can have some time with him, it'd be worth it


                Or as an option to save money (and as cushion in case of a sudden move) I could go to community college (which will only take a year to get my associates in the GE courses).. and then maybe get a better feel of things?


                  Honestly, you can't plan your entire life based on what he is doing. Stop looking at where he is going to be (because you probably won't even know for sure) and start thinking about colleges that are best for you. Look for ones that have good programs in the major you want, or maybe hunt for scholarships (that will save money for visits). I know it sucks, we all do, but if you are going to be together for the rest of your lives then there is not need to rush. Think about the other things you want to accomplish with you life besides your relationship, although it is important, that is not the only thing that makes you who you are.


                    Im aware of how important my college is, I've BEEN looking at everything, I already know i wont settle on any college unless it is either Ivy league or withing the top 100 in the US. But there's one of those in every state, and in complete honesty, there arent any specific ones that Im particular towards (lol seriously). All I know is that I want away from where I am (nothing against where I am, I just want to expand my horizons), and if home is where the heart is, then I want to be with him
                    Its a hard decision, and my parents are skeptical/supportive.


                      Well it sounds like you have your mind made want to go where ever he is no matter what. You've been asking questions like this one, just in different ways and from those post about go where he is it sounds like you've had your mind made up and you just keep looking for reassurance that it's the right decision for you, but in the end only you can decide that. It's sounds like you're not too picky since in once post you mention comm. college and in another you want a top 100. I don't know the whole situation or how your SO feels about the AF, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too much about him being finished with the AF once you graduate, he COULD decide to go career, or just extend his contract by a little bit more, it is job security.

