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Survived First Fight!

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    Survived First Fight!

    So last night me and my boyfriend (who is 6 hours away) had the biggest fight we've ever had. It wasn't just a little misunderstanding that we cleared up pretty quick, we both went to bed upset, which I hate doing but neither one of us could portray our feelings and we were both getting more and more upset. This morning things weren't looking any better, but we were at least talking... then all of a sudden this afternoon things clicked and everything is okay now! We still have some more talking to do, and some more clearing up to do, but for now at least we aren't upset with each other, and he's not thinking about leaving anymore! I just wanted to share the experience with all of you... maybe showing that fights are not as bad as they seem sometimes!


    I hope everything works out. First fights can be rough because it shows how disagreements are going to be in the future. I am glad things are looking up tho.

    I hate going to bed angry because it just makes sleeping and resting bad too.

    Thinking happy thoughts your way!

    I Cry Cause I Miss You, Smile Cause I Have You, I Can't Live Without You!


      Oh that's good! Most couples find the first fight is the hardest, and I'm glad you did it well. But I think next time it'd be better if you clear the problems before bed.

