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Our Story

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    Our Story

    I never really did a formal introduction so I wanted to post something really fast. (and maybe I'll use this thread for little updates because I am constantly moving around).

    This story is kind of important for me to get out because as a couple we receive a lot of stigma, not from people who have seen us together of course. One, there is a 7 year age gap. Two, we live in different countries. Three, we met on the internet. I want other couples to know that they don't have to be embarrassed about this kind of thing. I spent a lot of time lying to people about how we met because I didn't want them to know we met on the internet. But times are changing and I'm out to remove the social stigmas!

    When I was 14 years old my family had just gotten dsl, it was exciting to actually be able to use the internet. Although my parents really wouldn't not have approved if they had known, I spent a lot of time in chat rooms. Just skipping around from site to site, I was mainly interested in talking to people from other countries, I've always been fascinated with that kind of thing.

    When I was 15, I met this really nice guy named Chris. Usually when spoke to people, it was just the once, and I never talked to them again. I was really conscious about being safe and I never gave out any information besides my name was Sarah and I was from the USA. But there was something different about this guy, he was from the UK and our 8 hour conversation was only interrupted because he had stayed up all night and now he had to go to work.

    We mainly spoke about our interests, I've always been obsessed with history so it had a lot to do with that. Because of the partial anonymity we were really able to open up with one another about a lot of things. He was there for me through problems with friends and my parents divorce.

    For a long time we never told each other our age, the curiosity was killing me! So finally when I asked him, he told me he was 22. I wasn't upset that he was so much older, at that time we weren't really going toward anything romantic anyway, I was just worried that if he knew my real age that he would think I was immature. So, I lied, I told him I was 18.

    The fact that I lied killed me. I worried about it all the time, it was crazy guilt. I waited about a month for me to turn 16 (because that sounded a little better than 15) and I finally sent a long email explaining how bad I felt and what the truth was.

    He completely understood and told me what an important friend I was to him. We continued to talk for a bit, but then he moved and didn't have internet for a while and we fell out of contact. I didn't really know exactly what happened and I didn't want to seem a nag and bombard him with emails. But one day, must have been almost a year later, I found him on myspace. Everything jumped right back into the way it was.

    When I was 18, in my senior year of high school, I gave him my phone number! That was a great day, I remember thinking "what an accent!" And it was that day that I started planning my trip to England in the summer after graduation. I was telling one of my friends about my plans and how I was really nervous about meeting him. My friend told me "why are you waiting until summer! Go over Christmas break!" To this day, every time I see that friend I thank him, it truly is because of him that I have my current relationship and happiness.

    I told my dad that my sister and I wanted to visit London on our own (he didn't know of Chris at time time, I didn't think he would approve). But he is smart, he found out. He looked up on my phone account who was calling me so often. When I explained he wasn't mad! I was so relieved, because this meant that he could go with me and I'd feel a lot better about everything.

    So the day after Christmas in my senior year of high school, my dad, sister, and I went to London for 9 days. Chris lives just outside of London, but he took the train in on 4 of those days. It wasn't until after that I told him I only went to London for him, I didn't really want to put my self in such a vulnerable place, so I made it sound more like a family vacation that he was welcome to join. The first day we met was New Years Eve 2007. I had planned that if he was around for midnight, I would kiss him. This would have been big! I'm not very forward and he is very shy so we had never really entertained any romantic notions, although it was obvious there was lots of flirting. But, he had to catch the train and left around 11:30. So close.

    The next few days I saw him I kept dropping subtle hints. I wanted to see if he would return anything, just so I could know where we stood before I put myself out there. But I wasn't getting anything. NADA. Needless to say, I got very fed up on the last day I was with him. I was quiet and upset, I was trying to come to terms that maybe friendship was what we were just meant to have.

    I returned to Florida with only one new love: the city of London. I'd been home for a few days and hadn't spoken to him except in reply to a "made it back safely?" text. I was still kind of upset with what had happened and part of me wished I had just gone right out and said something, if I left it to him, it would never happen, he's just too shy. (which I thought was endearing until then)

    Then one morning I had just gotten back from the gym and was getting ready for school. I checked my email real fast and had a lovely one from him. The subject was just "...." a few quotes: "I truly am profoundly glad to have met you. I don't just mean meeting you in person but glad of the one in a million chance of ever having come into contact with you." and "As great as talking to you on the phone or by other means is, it pales in comparrison to the real deal. Your personality is infectious, not once in the whole time did any of my ever present doubts or insecurities come to surface. As the old saying goes, when you smile the world smiles with you."

    He never went right out and said anything, but this was definitely enough for me! I still remember it taking me 20 minutes to read the entire thing (which wasn't too long) just because I was crying so hard. I sent him a reply right away, to which I added "ps If you had stayed till midnight, I would have kissed you." My reply to this was a text while I was at school, all it said was "we need to talk."

    OH NO! Did I just shoot myself in the foot and then stick it in my mouth!? Did I miss interpret what he was saying and take it too far? That night we talked, it was pretty late, found out later that it had taken him hours to dial my number. We talked casually for a long time. Finally we got into the topic of sharing secrets and random facts, something we did a lot. When it was his turn to tell me one he sad.... "I... I love you" - Mr. Darcy style and all. After nearly 3 years of getting butterflies at every email/text/call. There it was. I still cannot believe he did that, knowing how shy he is.

    So our anniversary is both Jan 9th and 10th because it was past midnight for him, but not yet for me.

    That summer he came to the states for the first time, and we got to meet each other all over again, this time, under completely different circumstances.

    For my first year at university I studied abroad. (fall, spring and summer) in London. I spent a large amount of my time with Chris, we practically lived together.

    I am now a Sophomore back in Florida to finish up my degree.

    At first we were really good at that distance thing, because it was all we had ever known really. I had my life, he had his, and we got to speak to each other every now and then and really enjoy each others company. But after I lived there for a year, it makes coming back a whole lot harder.

    I moved to the UK in August 2008, I was forced to return to the USA August 2009. - stoopid immigration laws.

    He got to visit over Christmas this year, which was amazing, I liked showing him my university here. I'm looking forward to many more Christmases.

    Right now, my next move is to spend 2.5 months there with him this summer. I am absolutely crazy with excitement. I don't think he will ever read this (even though he is a member on here), but if you are baby, I'd like you to tell your side on this thread..<3

    Well that was a lot longer than I intended. Sorry if you read the whole thing. But I do want to thank all of you on here for making me see that I don't have to be ashamed of all these things that make our relationship special. Yes he is older than me, yes we are over 4,000 miles apart, yes we met on the internet. But we love each other. And that's all there is to it.

    So for all you LDR couples that have met on the internet, or maybe haven't even met yet, I've been there! I know it seems awkward, like you are doing things backward. You are so close yet strangers at the same time. But, keep holding on, it is worth it.

    over and out

    p.s. follow me on twitter! @TheFakeSarah


      Very cute story!


        Oh my gosh, that's such a cute story. I t made me cry...
        You both sound really sweet and perfect together. It's amazing how you find love in the most strangest places at most unexpected times, isn't it?

        There's nothing to be ashamed of, your story is wonderful!


          i loved reading your storyyyy, my SO will hopefully be moving here june 2011 for school, we're adamant that were not leaving eachother after were together in person, good luck


            that's a lovely story... i wish you all the best!

            i kind of wish sometimes that T and i met on the internet... at least we would know what long distance is right from the start. instead, we just had a cdr with the perspective of ldr, that we couldnt run away from.
            and yes, i wish people were more open about age gaps, distance, and the way of meeting... it all doesnt matter when it comes to LOVE.


              awww what a beautiful story!! I love your last paragraph! That really gives me hope.

              I met my SO on the internet also...and we haven't met in person. Also he is 10 years older then me...This gives me hope and its great to know others are out there like me! Hopefully sometime this year we will meet in person. I want it sooner then later but it seems that financial things keep coming up, delaying him coming out. He won't let me pay for it or help him pay for it!! Men sometimes..haha

              I use to be ashamed of it also, but now I don't care. I am proud that the internet brought me to the love of my life, I will forever be in the debt of

              oh and P.S. I love your picture, what a cute idea!!
              Last edited by agentholli; March 17, 2010, 04:23 PM.


                Welcome to the community!
                Your story is great one to hear, even for someone who hasn't met their SO online : )


                  Well as per my beautiful SO's wishes here's my side of things

                  First off I will say that Sarah has a much better grasp of dates and time than me so if anything I type seems to chronologically not make sense then chances are that she will have it right and that I'm probably thinking of a dream I once had.

                  So that brief disclaimer over with I shall begin.
                  Way way back when I'd not been long moved out of home I found myself between jobs and with not many people free with which to socialise. As a result I began searching for other avenues of entertainment and human contact in the form of chat rooms. Now my previous experiences with chat rooms where from the tender age of 14 in which they all seemed rather innocent and fun, not seemingly the case these days. Most of my conversations involved being asked varying degrees of which Dragonball Z character did I like best and what colour underwear was I wearing. The only thing that kept me coming back were sporadic genuinely nice people with which I had some nice conversations with. However one day as I was just about to sign out of the chat room I was in one of the messages just caught my eye before I hit the logout button. On a whim I responded and quite quickly realised I'd met someone a bit special (though how special I had NO idea!). As Sarah said we talked for hours and hours only ending as it was pretty much time to go to work.

                  So on the topic of stigmas (see how smoothly I brought that in) there is another one which affects me more than Sarah...I'm a massive nerd. At the time something I used to do recreationally was to role-play, by which I mean the dungeons and dragons variety. I was unaware that roleplay in a chat room does not mean this, it would seem largely that it just means to have cyber sex. So when I was asked to role-play it was with great joy to find out that she did not mean the later (although didn't actually mean the former either but more on that). What we basically did was write fiction together, with a strong historical bent to it which is part of what we spent a lot of our early chats doing and yes it is pretty geeky but you know what? I wouldn't change a second of it!

                  Now with that confession out of the way I will continue. As we talked more and more I looked forward to our chat greatly and more of our time was spent talking about ourselves personally which eventually lead to Sarah telling me she had fibbed about her age and was only 16. Now this was both a very hard decision and a very easy one to make at the same time. Immediately my response was that well of course that's fine, we're just friends, we chat, we talk about history then we go our separate ways but I also distanced myself a little because although I understood that was the case, many people would look at the situation and say "hey but he's 22! what possible reason could he want to be friends with her, he must be up to no good!" and so there's that age stigma rearing its head.

                  Unfortunately around this time I went through a spate of moving houses quite a few times and intermittent internet connections and broken computers left us out of contact for about a year after which time she found me due to the wonders of MySpace (see it does have it's uses). Actually she reconnected with me twice as after initial contact my situation didn't improve for a while and so when I got back onto the internet our friendship continued perfectly where it left off. One thing I will mention is that Sarah always gets what she wants, not in a bad way but when she sets her sights on doing something she ALWAYS does it, which I bring up because in our earlier conversations she once said in a rather off the cuff comment, "One day I'll go to England on a holiday, maybe we'll meet up" we both laughed then but see what ended up happening? Always gets what she wants

                  So skipping along and we come to her trip to jolly old England where we first met for real. I'm sat in Paddington station, its December so it's bloody freezing, I'm crazy nervous due to my complete social ineptitude and chronic shyness and I've drunk 2 large coffees and have the shakes pretty bad by this point. I'm trying to read my book and then just like that she sits down in the seat opposite me at my table "Hi there, how are you, cold isn't it". If Sarah gets nervous she never shows it, I was so taken aback by jumping straight into conversation I forgot be awkwardly shy and not talk. Just one of the many reasons I love her.

                  I must point out that at no point prior too or during our time together did I ever actively think anything romantic, it just didn't cross my mind. I loved spending time with her but It wasn't something I thought about so I was (infuriatingly, I am told) oblivious to any hints, nudges or clues to that Sarah quite liked me. Did I mention I'm socially ******ed? I had an amazing time, a great 4 days and then it came to say goodbye at Paddington station. This ladies and gents was the turning point. So we hugged and said good bye and she didn't seem into having a big goodbye just a "nice to meet you, it's been nice" (turns out she was just super bummed I hadn't reciprocated her feelings) and I walked off down the platform to my train...Walking away from her was the single hardest thing I have ever had to do. This is the point where I know I've made a huge mistake, I looked for her but they'd already left the platform and I had no idea where they were going so I get onto the train and in a daze head home. Back in my home town of Reading I get on the bus feeling completely numb and I just about managed to get back to my house and into my room before I broke down in tears, I'd missed my chance.

                  Needless to say I did not sleep that night, or the next. I'd found a girl who was just so amazing and had somehow been unaware that I felt this way. It sounds like something from a film but suddenly realising I loved her was like looking for your spectacles and shouting at people for having moved them on to discover they are on top of your head only 100 times worse. I felt so stupid, I mean how did I not now? I was so mad at myself. Eventually I sent an email expressing how I felt as closely as I dared and then waited for a reply. Again at this point very little sleep was involved. Then I wake up one morning and my computer screen has a tiny email symbol showing and I opened it as fast as I could. Reading that email made me feel so much better, but had I been clear enough? Niggling doubts kick in here so I send another being a bit bolder with my feelings, again with the waiting and then.....A REPLY! The second email only reassured more that she felt the same and so deciding the rest of the conversation should be done on the phone I send her a text message.

                  It turns out that without the context of knowing what the conversation is about, the message "We need to talk" traditionally does not have a great connotation attached to it.

                  After assuring her everything was fine we began talking and in our telling each other stuff we don't know about each other quizzes I make a charming debonair statement of my love and devotion to her by stammering for about 30 seconds before finally managing to spit out those 3 little words, I love you (smooth I know). Since then things have just gotten better and better, We've spent a Christmas together, I've vacationed in Florida where she lives a couple of times, we went on holiday to France together and we basically lived together for a year here in England whilst she was studying here. The LDR does get harder but boy is it worth it, she is my one true love, my everything now and for all time. Long distance works and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Yes we met on-line, yes I'm older and yes we live about a billion miles apart but so what, Love has no rules and as long as you have it everything else is just details.

                  I love you baby!
                  (boy that was long, sorry)


                    Yep. We have a pretty similar story. Met on the internet, although he confessed his love for me -before- he came to visit. I understand the stigmas. even close friends say "what's the point?" But we ignore them. <3


                      I can relate to you with living in 2 different countries. Eventually your going to have to consider to either get married or get a work visa (which could take years).

                      My boyfriend and I have been talking about marriage to end the distance. We've been together for 2 years and can't stand being away from each other. Every time we say see you later, it turns into a drama and we both end up crying. Its hard ...


                        Awww. Your stories are so cute!


                          Beautiful story!


                            I finally made an album on my profile! Just some pics of us that I had on my computer - some of them go way back to his first visit in FL


                              Only a week until we see each other again! Very excited, so much to do until then!

