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Compulsive flight ticket buyer ;-/

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    Lol i wish i could be a compulsive ticket buyer, i wish i could afford to just go see him once, im struggling to have enough saved up for this summer, and he's coming here to me!
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      Originally posted by Kiara View Post
      You touched a good point. Sometimes I ask myself "How much am I dependant on my SO?" Everything started with some Skype calls to feel closer, but now everytime we are in Internet we are calling each other, even if then we are doing something else. It's like if we were in the same room, doing our study. And if I am a bit sad... everythign looks so bad without him and I feel I really need him to feel better. So... here is the decision to buy a new flight ticket!
      I know how you feel, I've become dependant on my SO in the past and would struggle whenever I couldn't talk to him and was finding it to be really unhealthy. My SO has been the one who has helped me get through so really hard things in my life but now I'm learning to deal with things on my own. Which I definitely need now because at the moment I'm lucky if we get to talk 20minutes every few days, the last month we've barely spoken (his shitty net) and I still have to get on with life.
      If you feel that buying a ticket is an healthy way of coping then maybe you'll need to find a way you can cope with things yourself.
      I've found talking to a psychologist has really helped me... I think everybody should get to talk to a psychologist, it's great having somebody to talk to, vent at and they put everything into perspective and help you challenge unhealthy thoughts and habits.
      Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.

