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Making Mistakes.

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    Making Mistakes.

    Just wanted to say that closing the distance with my LDR was something really amazing, but at the same time, can be extremely hard wwhen living away from your family and friends. Sometimes it gets on top of me and I freak out about it because I miss people so much. I made the mistake of thinking it would be better if I moved back, and packed my stuff and left. That was 10 days ago, and now I am ready to suprise her and drive back the 450 miles to go back to our home that we have together, because even though I miss being where I grew up so so much, it's only after a small while of coming back that you realise that your not missing that much, your friends and family are all still there for you, and enjoying seeing you more so when you go to visit.

    I have someone that loves me, and I love her back, I am sorry for hurting her, but I had my moment of madness, and I want her back, so that's what I am going to do....just as soon as I sort out saying goodbye to people again (who think I was staying)

    Be strong,


    My SO is having a hard time adjusting living with me too. He refuses to make new friends because he says he likes his friends back home. It's also his first time living out of his country. It's normal to have a flight reaction, but I hope everything works out for you.


      Dont get me wrong, I have made friends. I have been there 6 months now. We have nights out etc, but it's never the same. Just need to give it time, where did he move from??


        I think what you said is very true. Thinking about moving 11,500 miles away from my home is a scary thought, especially since I'll be missing my mom like crazy, but once you're back again everything will be the same. You adjust again pretty quickly. I realized that when I came back home after a 5 week trip from my SO's country and the first minute I saw my mom again everything was fine. Missing my SO hurts much more and the feeling simply stays with me. I'm not sure if I'm still going to think that way once I do actually move for good, but I'll see.


          That's the thing about long-distance relationships...To end one, one or both partners, must create a long-distance relationship with everyone else in their lives. It wasn't that hard for me when I first moved to NC to be with Aaron, because in a way, I was escaping. My parents and I have a very complex relationship, and they are abusive so my now-husband and his brother came and got me one night when it got bad again. So for nine months, we lived with his family in NC. There were 300 miles between my family, friends, and I. I missed my friends, but actually saw more of the closest ones than before, and I missed my sisters terribly, but they were angry at me for leaving for three months and didn't talk to me during that time. Things healed with them, and they came to realize that by leaving home, I wasn't abandoning them, and things got civil with my parents. We visited some and eventually moved to WV to try to strike out on our own (NC economy was so crappy), and I realized that while I loved being with my family (my parents were acting better, at first) and seeing my friends and old haunts that it wasn't the right fit. Then my parents reverted, and we were all but homeless (we stayed with them while waiting for apartment renovations to be completed) until an aforementioned friend and her husband took us in. Even that situation wasn't the most ideal since her husband is a little unstable.

          Now we are 808 miles away, and things are again civil with my parents. I honestly can only function in a long-distance relationship with them, but I do miss my sisters like crazy and my friend who let us stay with her and her husband and my grandparents...It's hard to be away, but I choose Aaron. I don't miss "home" because I found that with Aaron, which is why I never experienced the "flight," feelings, I think, but I do understand the missing and loneliness. I haven't really made friends here in WI (where Aaron grew up and got an amazing job offer, hence our move), and while the job I have now is better than the first one I got here, it still isn't my ideal. However, we have our own place, everything is paid for, and we're happy and away from the drama our families can bring into our lives (and would in closer quarters). I wish you the best, and hope that everything works out for you.


            My SO moved to the USA from Costa Rica. He's only here temporarily (until his 6 month visa runs out) then we'll go back to his country. I think for that reason he's not willing to make friends. He sees it as just something he "has to get through"

