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    Sadly, olavo broke up with me. It's been a month now since he broke up. He tried to be as nice as possible, but in the end, he still broke my heart and my spirit. I am getting better though! I have deleted him off my facebook, messenger, and twitter. He's already moved on with another girl. That makes me incredibly angry, but not much i can do about. I want to but i don't think i could ever be his friend. I didn't cry to much over it, but i did lose my appetite for a while. As long as i keep busy i shall be fine. I've never had anyone break up with me before, and i'm not sure how long it takes to stop feeling bad, and how long it takes for you to stop thinking about him everyday. How do i deal with a first break-up?

    I think he broke up with me because we did things way to fast (when i say we i mean him!) he told me he loved me like 2 weeks after we meet, he told me he wanted to marry me and live with me, he told me he wanted to have kids with me.... so so stupid. We are both young and are apart of two different cultures. No matter how much we had in common we are two different people.

    I know i never really spoke about us but it would be nice to get some help on how to deal with a break up

    *hugs* i'm so sorry to hear that, but if you want feel free to stick around here, you are more than welcome and if you need anyone to talk to i'm always here to listen.

    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


      There's no set time line for breakup 'recovery', especially if it's your first break up. All I can say is take care of yourself, maybe be a little selfish and pamper yourself with a spa day or new clothes/shoes, just something little to say "I still matter, I still have value and I'm worth this."

      From the sounds of it I'm not entirely sure he was in love with you, maybe some crush and he got sort of out of control with it? I don't know, saying all those things and being so enthusiastic so soon into the relationship just smacks of insincerity. That and the fact he already has a new girl, kind of shows how invested he was. Don't mean to sound like I'm badmouthing him, that's just the impression I'm getting which makes me feel all the more upset for you because obviously all you invested was not some grand fantasy.

      I can't really offer much advice as I've never had a break up (though I did get my heart broken once, but you don't wanna go the road I did) but just know that everyone here is willing to help you one day at a time regardless of your current status as single. We don't stop caring just because you broke up.


        Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
        There's no set time line for breakup 'recovery', especially if it's your first break up. All I can say is take care of yourself, maybe be a little selfish and pamper yourself with a spa day or new clothes/shoes, just something little to say "I still matter, I still have value and I'm worth this."
        I couldn't agree more.

        I can only imagine how frustrating it may be that he has already found another girl, but honestly, the psychology of it is that men tend to jump back into the fast lane rather quickly after breakups. It is usually to focus their emotions/time on something other than what once was. However, you can do the same by focusing on the #1 person who counts right now; yourself.
        It sounds like you are doing well by keeping yourself busy. You are already taking steps forward by being active in your life! You'll become a stronger person from this and let it add to your experience in life. You'll find your special someone Good luck!

        *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


          It will get easier *hugs* I went through a month of a breakup with my SO, and it felt really did tear me up inside. But as weeks went by and no matter how many tears I shed, it still hurt. But it will get easier I promise you. It's just as you said, keeping your mind off of him and realising you're a strong independant woman. You will find another, and he'll treat you with the love and respect you deserve. It's just another blow to your heart right now, but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.


            I'm sorry to hear about your breakup! As other people have said, There really is no set time limit to feel better. It's different for each person. For instance, it took me a full year to get over my first (and only) serious ex. You need to allow yourself to grieve and go through the step. It will feel better in time I promise
            "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


              Thank you all. LMH I think you're right about him, not really being in love with me.

              You all are so awesome thank you so much, helping me realize that it'll get easier and it will get better.

