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Communication Issues?

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    Communication Issues?

    Recently my boyfriend and I cannot communicate as well as we had been in the past. Everything was fine, he came down to visit for a weekend, and then as soon as he got back to his school things became shaky. I can tell we still have a solid foundation, there just seems to be something getting in the way of our communication. It's not that we're not communicating, we are, for some reason though it's like we aren't "getting" each other as much as we did before. We get in fights over stupid mis-understandings where before we knew exactly what the other one was talking about even if they didn't quite say it that way.
    I don't know what's going on, or why this suddenly started happening, can anyone help?


    I think sometimes communication suffers right after a visit because you were physically together and now you have to go back to communicating by other avenues. I know my SO is bad at communicating for about a week or so after we see one another because he doesn't want to go back to phone conversations, he just wants to see me. It takes us a little while to get back into the groove of the long distance relationship and the communication it brings. And then usually by the time we're back in the groove it is only a few days until we see one another again, but we see each other about every 3 weeks.

    Maybe you are fighting because you miss each other and you are having trouble expressing it? Just a thought.


      I know what you're feeling. I noticed my boyfriend and I have trouble communicating when we get back from a visit. It's not that we argue or misunderstand each other; we just don't really talk. I think my boyfriend has a hard time readjusting to distance again, and misses me so much, that he finds it easier to just not talk for a few days. He either stops texting me first and initiating conversations, or the conversation is very minimal. This makes me feel very sad because I think the time right after a visit is a critical point where a couple should be talking daily in order to get back into the groove and get through the initial sadness that ensues from restarting distance. Just hang in there, it'll get better. =]

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        Having and then taking away that physical connection makes it hard to adjust back to having to not "feel" the conversation a lot. If you catch yourself in a tricky situation early enough in the misunderstanding, take a step back and say hey, it feels/sounds like you're saying (something I don't like), is that what you meant? Give each other a chance to explain it before taking offense or getting defensive. Also, this is probably just a phase, it'll pass. (:


          its so easy to misunderstand each other while talking over the phone or especially online through chatting because you cant see each others expressions or body language. i do get that as well, its very frustrating and i usually try and rethink about what im going to answer to edgy or touchy subjects and so does he, so as already stated above, its a matter of adjustment and takes a little time especially after seeing him in person


            That's been happening to me also!!! I don't know what it is. I blame the spring is in the air and it's messing everyone up.
            However I think everyone above is correct. Especially the first couple of days back you're all screwed up and haven't gotten in the hang of stuff yet. Be there for him and wait for him to talk it out. Guys take longer processing their emotions and why longer than girls do.
            Also don't be prideful. Don't be offensive/defensive right away, as 130000km was dead on. It's easy for me and my SO to do that and it causes a heap of mess. Put it aside, and if you both do, you resolve the conflict 3x faster


              Just try to have a discussion about why you think you are fighting. Most likely it is because of the visit. Give yourselves some time to adjust to being back without each other. It's probably the best thing that you can do. I wish you the best of luck and if you need someone to talk to please feel free to message me.

