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Family Dsiapproves?!?

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    Family Dsiapproves?!?

    I've had trouble in the past with my parents not approving me dating long distance but they liked my SO, a lot, and we worked it out.

    My very stubborn older brother, who I consider myself pretty close to, apparently flat-out dislikes him. This worries me a lot. I don't think it's a protective thing but what could it be!?! He won't tell me anything when I ask.
    Has anyone else had this issue?

    Well my dad doesn't like my SO and my brother also doesn't like him, I don't think it has anything to do with Clay personally but everything to do with who my dad is and how stubborn my brother is. my SO was playing halo on xbox live with my brother and started cussing at him and because of that my brother instantly disapproved of Clay, now what is my brother doing? cussing. he is so 2 faced it makes me so mad.
    As for my dad it's because Clay is younger and is quite.
    I honestly can't do anything about any of those reasons so I just ignore it. or try to at least, it makes me really upset if I think about it
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      Sometimes people just flat out don't like other people, regardless of if they've met.

      I had the same problem with a friend who I'd known 9 years and treated like a sister. She never met my SO, never WANTED to (she said she was scared of him), but would gladly tell me how much of a liar he was and she didn't like him for this or that and all these things. It could be more the fact your brother doesn't like you dating or how you guys are dating (LDRs strike more outward paranoia than necessary sometimes) than who you're dating specifically. If you guys are/were close, it's instinct. If you're not close and he's still acting that way, well he could just be a prick. If he's not willing to give you a reason then let him have his mental hate fest all he wants and if your SO ever has to come into contact with him, just tell your guy to kill him with kindness.


        Well, I'm on the other side actually. My family loves my boyfriend, and his family loves me....except for his older sister. Granted, she has bipolar disorder, so that's somewhat justified I guess. She never liked me...even when my boyfriend and I were just best friends, and I'd go out with the family for certain things, whether it be Anthony's birthday or Anthony's graduation. Anthony told me the last time he was home how much his family loves me, except his older sister. He said he thinks she's just jealous of me because I'm thin. I'm pretty tall, and and I am self-conscious of my weight at times. People have called me anorexic many times, but it is far from the truth. Anthony's sister is very short, and a little pudgy. She's not fat, just pudgy. She actually complained to her mom when she found out I was going to spend Thanksgiving with them. She claimed there wouldn't be enough food for everyone if I came. I am always nice to her every time I see her, and will continue to be nice to her, even if she isn't to me.

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


          Originally posted by loveknowsnodistance27 View Post
          Well, I'm on the other side actually. My family loves my boyfriend, and his family loves me....except for his older sister. Granted, she has bipolar disorder, so that's somewhat justified I guess.
          Uh, no offense, but how does being Bipolar justify someone not liking you? It's a mood disorder, not a people-liking one.


            Aaron's younger sister hates me with a fiery, burning passion because when I lived with his family she had to share the "spotlight" for the first time in her life. She was no longer the only girl, and she hated the fact their parents and I got along so well. She's kind of a sociopath though, but not a very smart one ironically, and a whore to boot so it's no real loss there. Some people just don't like each other, and there's no rhyme or reason or way to fix it. I wore myself out trying to fix things with his sister, but she's content to seethe and hate.

            In all honesty, I love Aaron's family, but I don't always like them. Aaron got along famously with my family. He doesn't hate my parents, but he doesn't like them for how he knows they treated me in the past, and then in front of him during our short time in WV, and then how they treated him as a result when he took up for me. Fortunately, he understands the complexity of my relationship with my parents, and likes them for their good parts, and dislikes them for their bad parts, and somehow manages to keep that separate.

            I know it would be wonderful to have everyone love each other, but that isn't always possible. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it's just a lack of "chemistry." In any case, don't worry about it. It will sort itself out.


              His parents hate my existance or something. They told him he can't love me because I'll "distract him from university".
              What bs. They haven't even met me yet, and they won't give me a chance.

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              -Miguel De Cervantes

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                im lucky i havent had that issue yet... i havent met all of his family so im not sure on that side.. but on my side fortunately every1 loves him.


                  His parents hate my existance or something. They told him he can't love me because I'll "distract him from university".
                  What bs. They haven't even met me yet, and they won't give me a chance.

                  ^This is the state my poor SO's in. =_=

