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Sleeping Arrangments

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    Depends on the season: hot season (90-120 degrees at night), we can't cuddle at all. It's just too painfully hot. So we pretty much both lay on our backs and sometimes hold hands Usually no pillow and definitely no blankets. One of us usually gets up in the middle of the night to get us some cold water. Ughh hot season

    Cool season (aka still hot but less), we love cuddling. And we are both kind of blanket hogs but that's mostly because we only have 1 small blanket to share.

    Also, he is a very active dreamer, thus I've received his elbow in my face on a few occasions. Jerk.


      We'd start out cuddling but will slowly move away from each other. I have to toss and turn before I fall asleep but am pretty still once I am asleep, he has an amazing ability of willing himself to sleep. We both stay under the blanket well enough. But I need more pillows and stuff around me and preferably be next to a wall and he used to sleep with nothing until I was there for three weeks, now he sleeps with a pillow AND a big bolster I gave him. I snore, but he says I don't. I'm not sure if it's because he can't hear me or because I don't snore when I'm with him. I am a VERY heavy sleeper so he has a hard time waking me every morning.


        i think you'll be so glad to be with him that you'll overcome your strange sleeping habits in order to spend time cuddling in bed with him <3

        Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


          I'm gonna list all our stuff separately so it doesn't get too confusing:

          We're both blanket hogs :P. We've practically battled for blankets xD. Hence why now we sleep with our own damn blankets. Not worth the black eye just to attempt to share a blanket @_@.

          I also let out an abnormal amount of heat. I'm pretty sure I'm exothermic since my skin is as cold a Popsicle in Siberia xD. Seriously, my normal body temperature is 97.2F (36.22C). My mom has it too, so we're guessing it's genetic. Poor Enrique won't let me cuddle him too close at night xD. I don't mind, I'd rather our butts face each other while we sleep :P.

          Enrique moves in his sleep from time to time. Once I'm asleep, I'm steady as a rock xD. This is something that has always disturbed my mother, since when I'm awake I can't stay still longer than 15 seconds :P.

          I sleep in like, 2 or 3 hour intervals throughout the night. Enrique's in it for the long-haul. I've learned to wake up quietly and distract myself while waiting to sleep since he sleeps over so damn often XP. I don't mind so much, it annoys less people in the house too xD.

          I'm a ridiculously light sleeper. The smallest thing will wake me randomly. Enrique's a hibernating bear xD. We've actually had sex in his sleep @_@.

          Enrique has a horrible habit of treating me like a body pillow xD. He doesn't even own one, so I don't know where that came from. He's literally actually moved on top of me to sleep on me. Fortunately my screams for help and oxygen will wake him pretty quickly ;_;.

          Enrique snores in the wrong position, I snore when my asthma acts up. That's mostly because I can't breathe and need to probably go to the hospital XP. Otherwise, I don't make a sound and sleep like the dead. You know, I don't sleep at night either. Almost all my sleep is in daylight hours. Oh God, I sleep like a vampire @_@. Not one of those crappy Twilight ones, I mean one of those badass Hellsing vampires. I'm just not as awesome as Alucard ;_;!


            I am such a light sleeper! I lie as still as a log. My SO tosses and turns so much at night that it like bounces the bed. haha! But I've already gotten used to that. It wakes me up briefly and then I fall right back asleep.

            The biggest thing for me is snoring. I've told my SO many times that if he were a snorer we would have never ended up together. I simply canNOT sleep with a snorer. Luckily for me he is a very quiet sleeper The funny thing is I snore! But it doesn't bother him.

            I'm also evidently a kicker. He says every once in a while he'll be looking at me sleep, thinking about how much he loves me, then WHAM. I'll give him a good kick. hehe I tell him I'm just getting him back for something he did during the day

            And finally cuddling... I like to cuddle for a few moments before I go to sleep, then it's like get to your side of the bed where you belong so I can get to sleep. haha He's the same way. Works well!


              I can sleep anywhere, anytime, in any position. Andy's the complete opposite so life's mostly harder on him when we go to bed. He has learned to fall asleep when we cuddle though but it took him some 2 years to get comfy with it


                im the blanket hog and i toss really bad were as my SO sleeps with one blanket and his dog right beside him the dog hates it when im there he gets kicked out but as long as hes got his arms around me were ok cuz hes so warm blooded i dont need the blankets it works out great


                  Who in your relationship is the blankey hog/cuddle bug, who's the blanket tosser, any kickers? Do your sleep habits cause any issues with cuddling your SO or are you comfortable?
                  We both snore and I'm a really light sleeper, he can sleep through my snoring but it took me pretty much the whole month till get used to it. The only other issues I had was I completely over headed when I was there, I wasn't at all used to the heaters and I'd wake up in the morning stripped off and still sweating.
                  You do get used to sharing a bed though, so don't worry too much.
                  Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                    I don't sleep on the wall side anymore because I always used to bang my foot, knee, hand or head. Also because I sometimes have to get up to go to the bathroom so it's easier to sleep on the other side of the bed. I also often switch positions. From lying on my left side to lying on my back to lying on my right side. Over and over again. My SO never seemed to mind though. She never really wakes up during the night anyway. Only when I complain about how she's lying on my side and is stealing all of the blanket.


                      First, it starts off as him cuddling me and then we just split into our own sides. Then he gets all feisty and wants to fight!


                        I am a blanket hog and a bed hog. I roll over in my sleep and end up stealing all of the blankets. Plus when he gets into bed he lays down where the pillow is, and I end up shuffling over to be closer to him, meaning I end up in the center of the bed and he has a lot less room to move. He's pretty good natured about it though.

                        The Boy has kind of loose joints and sleeps in really weird positions that look absolutely uncomfortable.

                        "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                        -- Anonymous


                          The only thing I notice is that no matter what side of the room the bathroom is on, I have to sleep on the bed closest to the bathroom. First time in Vegas I was on the right side of the bed, second time I was on the left side. I don't know if The Boy noticed or not.

                          We are neither bed hogs nor blanket stealers. We start out spooned next to each other in the middle and then at some point we just separate to our sides of the bed and sleep like rocks.

                          When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                          True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                          When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                          1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                            I'm always on the side closest the bathroom, I get up during the night, whilst he usually sleeps through when I'm home.

                            my SO snores sometimes, but I just punch him if he gets too loud.

                            I am the blanket hog... so much so we have to have 2 blankets now

                            Once in fact, I was too hot and not under the blanket, and in my sleep, I took the blanket off my SO, and put it underneath me so I was lying on top of it. He thought I had done it on purpose, but no, I was fast asleep XD He told me about it in the morning and I had no clue what he was talking about. So yeah I hog the blanket even if I don't want it

                            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                              I always sleep on a side that makes it easier to go to the bathroom. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here who does that. He's the bed hog for sure.

                              He's a snorer especially when he's just about to fall asleep or just about to wake between is usually silent. I find it pretty hilarious, it's like a warning. I snore sometimes but I'm also a sleep talker. Over the summer when we were living together I asked him if he'd "walked or taken the bus to work?" as well as a few other incidents. Usually very mundane stuff.

                              If it's too warm outside we tend to fall asleep holding hands. We usually fall asleep with him cuddling me and wake up with me cuddling him.

                              The other thing is that I need lots of pillows, I sleep with about two or three pillows because I need the angle.


                                i am a blanket and bed hog, she tends to tease me about it alot lol we both move alot in our sleep and she has kicked me in her sleep once, she talks in her sleep sometimes and i snore a little but neither of that bothers us, i tend to sleep better with her next to me, although i do notice it takes some time getting used to sleeping with someone since i have never done that so someone sleeping next me is weird at first and hard to sleep but i love it when shes next to me

