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How much do you talk to your SO?

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    We normally skype (video) for about an hour when he wakes up (he's 6 hours behind), and then we chat on skype (typing) on and off throughout the day. Sometimes we will talk for a bit on video before I go to bed too.


      We talk for about 30 mins every day, often split into 2 or 3 convos. After dating for 8 years, I have to admit, it's easy to run out of things to talk about! "Small talk" is really what we have left, and BF isn't very good at it, so... I would love to talk more on and off throughout the day, but I think it will take us a while to get there.


        My SO is not too far away...maybe 3 hrs and on the same time zone. When we first started talking, it was everyday, sometimes twice. He'd call me to say good morning and then I'd call him in the evening, if he didn't beat me to it first. Now, after about 9 mos., we talk every other day or every 2 days. At first it kind of freaked me out, but he's going through some rough times on the unemployment front and is adjusting to moving in w/ a good friend and he's really focused on finding a job and getting settled. In fact, I like talking 3x a week because we have longer conversations and take time to catch up. I'm excited though, because I'm headed up to see him this weekend to join him at his daughter's 25th b-day party.

        We have a long history. We met when I was just 18 and he was married and 30 yo. So it took us 28 years (I'm 47, and he's 60 yo) to finally want to be together. I believe he's the love of my life and he's always wanted to pursue a relationship with me, but it was never the right time.

        I think communication frequency for everyone is different, but if you are someone who requires more communication time, then ask for it. You're worth it


          My SO and I sometimes text back and forth a few times throughout the day, but usually only if there's something noteworthy happening or to let the other person know we're thinking about them. About 50% of days we don't really text at all though. We talk on the phone before he goes to bed each night (he's 3 hours ahead of me) for 15min-1hr depending on how late he calls and how much we have to say. Pretty much we just catch up on each other's days, talk about anything interesting we heard, and say goodnight.

          On the weekends, we can get up to 3hrs of chatting in one go sometimes, if the mood strikes us. Sometimes we skype, maybe about every other weekend. And.....that's about it.

          So yeah, you don't need to feel pressure to talk about super serious stuff all of the time. My SO and I used to quite often get into huge 4hr deep discussions about things we'd heard or seen, and while we can still do that on occasion it certainly doesn't happen anywhere near as much as it used to. Don't feel pressured to talk serious all of the time, and don't feel you have to talk for hours on end. Sometimes it can be better to talk less.

          "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
          -- Anonymous


            My boyfriend and I talk practically all day every day via AIM. We talk on the phone every now and then. Both of us aren't big phone talkers, so it's not an issue.


              Yeah I wouldn't stress over the running out of things to say. My SO and I skype probably 5/7 nights a week, but its mostly just hanging out not so much intense conversation, We both do homework, eat, play games online, but keep the skype open so its like we are together. When we are together we aren't talking the entire time, so its nice to have skype to make it feel as though we are togther when we can't be.

