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Contact between you and your SO

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    Contact between you and your SO

    So I have a quick question about communcation with your SO. How often do you talk, is it daily, every couple days. Now im in a LDR thats international, so the time zone difference sucks. When we were both on spring break(when we first started Dating), we chatted everyday for hours. But now that were both back in classes and busy, we talk like every other day. I'll still send a message on FB or something daily. But i dont want to feel like a burden/bothering her for say. Or come across as being needy/pushy. But I'd just like to chat for sometime each day. So what do you guys think I should do. Thanks, I think she wants to chat more but her school work kills it.

    My SO and I talk every day, pretty much every minute. But that's just us and how we handle the distance.


      My boyfriend and I talk every day about 1 - 2 hours on the phone. And we kind of text during the evening hours before we talk. We both have busy schedules with work and school, but we love our 'us' time we spend together


        My girlfriend and I talk all day, everyday. Even if we're busy, we still find time to talk.


          I very rarely talk to my SO. usually we do nothing more than a "hi, have a nice day, I love you so much, kisses!" or a "goodnight my love, i've thought about you all day, and now I am going to dream about you tonight I love you so much, besitos!" We used to talk a lot more, but he works 5 days a week and has school sat/ sucks cause he is so busy. but I try to visit every few months. and I am trying to move there this summer *fingers crossed*


            If you guys have conflicting schedules, try setting up times once or twice a week that you both know you'll have maybe 15 or 30 minutes available and chat then. There's nothing wrong with wanting to talk as often as possible, especially since you guys are apart.

            These days it's roughly once a week I 'talk' with my SO, and by talk I mean get a reply to a text message. Fewer times than that does it become an actual conversation. He works 71+ hours a week, 7 days a week, and his computer's currently busted so texting is all we have. When we first began dating we talked almost every day, late into the night, but as his work became more demanding our time just dwindled. It's difficult, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing at all.


              My SO and I talk every day. We do not use the computer at all for communication. We usually send a handful of texts to each other during the day, and typically talk once a day on the phone, ranging from 10-45 minutes.


                Usually my boyfriend and I text for about an hour or so every day, sometimes more if we're not busy. We get to talk on the phone about once a month. If we're lucky, more than once. We also talk on MSN from time to time, if it's working....MSN tends to have problems lately. Also, we interact with each other on FB. We "like" posts or comment on them sometimes, and we've been in a poke war since October lol.

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  We talk everyday. Sometimes on the phone, sometimes online. I should point out though that my SO and I are fortunate enough to live in the same time zone and kind of have the same schedule (working/going to school during the day, can talk at night).


                    skype once a day, for usually 30 minutes to an hour and days i am off work...hours! because of the time difference he gets out of work before i go to work so sometimes we only have two hours between him getting out of work and me starting work, so we can only talk for under an hour those days.

                    never on the phone..UK to US....noo wayy too expensive and skype is free.

                    also we conveniently both had blackberrys when we met, so we BBM all day. everyone should get it, really! its free and you can talk to your SO every second of the day, and when you are out, send them pics, voice messages, ect


                      we are on the same time zone.. so we skype the whole day while we can be remotely close to our computers. like.. he just had to hung up on me to restart his PC and our skype call said it lasted 8hrs.

                      our longest call was 15hrs... surprisingly tho.. my internet behaved that day.. cuz i generally have to restart my modem 500 times.. which means calling him back 500 times.


                        Depends on the day and situation. With my current boyfriend, we text in the mornings sometimes and in the evenings and Skype every now and then. With my ex during deployment it was once every couple of weeks. It really depends. I know that when my current boyfriend deploys it will most likely be once every couple of weeks. It's different for everyone. Time zones suck though. I agree with you on that.


                          Just about every day with a text message. Phone calls once-twice a week. Video calls twice a week for 2 hrs each time, and monstrously long 4-5 hr chat session thursday nights (beginning of my weekend). I'm grateful. x3


                            My So is England, and we have a six hour time difference. We skype a definite 3 times a week, sometimes 4. We text only a few times on the days that we don't skype. I'm very grateful for the times we do have.
                            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                            Met: August 22, 2010
                            Made it official: September 17, 2010
                            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                            Got married: November 21, 2012
                            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                              My boyfriend and I used to speak almost constantly between phone calls, Skype, and texting. We would rarely go more than half an hour or so without hearing from each other, but that began to negatively affect other parts of our lvies, so we have cut back for various reasons. Now we talk at least once a day on the phone and text sporadically throughout the day. We leave each other voicemails when we call and the other can't answer, and we usually Skype before bed each night. We are fortunate that we live in the same time zone (barely) and are able to speak relatively often compared to some of the other couples on here.

