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this just keeps getting harder :(

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    this just keeps getting harder :(

    When I first committed to being in a long distance relationship with him, I never thought it would be this hard. I knew that would mean we wouldnt see eachother much, would only be able to skype and talk on the phone instead of hanging out, etc.
    our first visit was over Christmas, about 9 months after I became his. the visit was wonderful. we had so much fun and grew so much closer in many ways. when it came time for him to go back, there were tears of course. we planned to see eachother next in june for my high school graduation.
    he surprised me with news that we would spend our one year anniversary (march 26th) together. he took a long weekend from work and i did the same from school. it was even better than the first visit, which made him leaving that much harder
    originally, i was hoping to move there after i graduate in june. but now, i'm enrolled in a community college here to get my prereqs for nursing. that means another 2ish years of this distance.
    i have my reasons for doing this. firstly because of my younger sister. shes afraid of my parents, and i couldnt stand just leaving her alone with them. secondly, my parents offered to completely pay for the community college, and i could stay in their house free, as long as i'm getting good grades and staying out of trouble. they also told me i dont even have to get a job, but i think i will just so i dont have to ask them for money.
    if i were to move after high school, of course my parents would help me out, but i would have to get my own place, and a job, and try to focus on school. i just dont think i'm ready for all that. (the reason i would get my own place is because i dont want to live with my SO until we are married).
    anyways, my SO is having a really hard time realizing that this all means another 2 years apart, because he cant just up and leave either. its really been getting to both of us lately. to be honest, we're both completely sick of the distance, but there really is no other way to do this...
    it makes me really sad that i cant just leave after high school and go to be with him for good. :'( i wish i could...idk. i'm really depressed about it all, and he is too. i'm worried about what this may do to our relationship. its just so hard
    thanks for listening to me go on about all this. if anyone has any advice thatd be great.

    I don't have any advice, but I know what you're going through. My SO and I don't know when we'll be able to close the distance, so one single visit a year is not much. It's getting harder and harder for us as well. We also seem to fight more often over silly little things. We're okay right now, but it breaks our hearts that we can't just do a spontanous visit to make it easier for us. It sucks, but we want to be together.


      one visit a year is not much at all, but its better than nothing!
      yeah as of now, we dont know when this is gonna end.
      we've been short tempered over stupid stuff with eachother lately too. and i dont like it.
      we wanna be with eachother to, its just so hard, for both of us:/


        I wish I had advice but I don't really. I just wanted to write you and say how sorry I am. You sound like your heart is breaking over this and I know how awful that must be. Your reasons for staying home make a lot of sense and you've got to do what's right for you and for your family. Unfortunately, this is the way things are in your life right now and you're just going to have to keep being long distance. Stay strong. I really wish the best for you.


          I agree with mllebamako. We all want the distance over as soon as possible, but in the long run you're doing what you believe is right by staying for your sister and furthering your education. It's not what people want to hear, that what they thought was going to be maybe over a year of distance turn into two more years, but I believe you can get through it. The best things in life you have to work yourself to the bone for.


            i know what i am doing is right. and i know our love is strong enough to make it through. i just hate hearing him say things like "please move here" or "i wish you were here". breaks my heart. i know it will be hard.... but i need him in my life. i know he is the one i was meant to be with, and i couldnt see myself with anyone else. thats why im willing to do it.<3


              oh sweetie i so get it. you just gotta be with the one you love and you can't. and I think that while this sucks so bad, you should be very very proud of yourself for making such a hard and mature decision.
              We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
              but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

