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    I have been dating a guy for about four months now. He lives 3/4 hours away. We really hit it off right from the start, and talk after work on a daily basis anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. The thing is he no longer answers my texts or emails. Am I asking too much for a quick reply to something I have texted to him or a short e-mail? Is the new just wearing off maybe? I just don't get it. Although we talk daily, our conversations aren't what they used to be either. Is this normal?

    well i know what you're talking about, me and my SO hit off with daily convos every night on aim, messages on fb and what not. Then slowly as the months progressed our convos also dwindled down. Our daily talks became weekly talks and now they seem almost monthly. We still have a lot to say and to talk about but I feel that its not the same. Now the thing is that if they have a valid excuse, sometimes they cant reply or they cant talk because their times is being consumed by work, family issues, or school.

    Yet he is always the first one to say im sorry, and i love you, and i'll wait for you. That makes things a bit more bearable. It seems that everyone goes through something similar. Its part of the struggle but u shouldnt let it get to you. Try bringing it up in a convo, see what he thinks. Just dont put it in a way where he is at fault, its a job for two, its teamwork.



      in my case i speak to my bf all day long when he's available..

      however, when we first met we used to talk about everything and anything the whole day, literally... yet after almost 2 years in a relationship.. we still talk all day, but there are less things to say...

      him and i however, enjoy our companionship, so even if we have nothing to say... we're still on a skype call together..


        Thank you for your replies. : )


          It's difficult to say without a bit more information. You say you two are dating-is this still casual dating or do you guys consider yourself in an exclusive relationship? If it's the former he may not realize you still wish for as much attention as before. You also say he doesn't answer your texts/emails yet you still speak every day. So going by that he does answer you. I don't mean to nitpick I'm just attempting to gather a clearer picture. Have you asked him what's going on in his life? He could just be busier with school/work/family as opposed to a few weeks ago, or he may be feeling more comfortable with your relationship and not feeling as clingy to you as he once was, and neither of these are things to worry about. But put it simply, your best bet is just to ask him. There's no shame if he's just busy with his outside life or even if you guys can't talk 24/7, some couples have set times during which they talk and perhaps that's a choice you two could look into.


            We do consider ourselves exclusive. Down deep I believe your correct in that he is just getting comfortable with the relationship. It's most likely just me worrying. I do that. You see we're older and we both work pretty much the same hours. We both commute to work and talk during our drive home. It's just that he gets off sometimes at different times, so I'm always waiting on him to call. I was just wondering if the falling off of the texting and email (which I initiate) is just the normal progression of an LDR, or if I am correct in worrying?

