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    anyone else have problems with it? how do you deal?

    I've dealt with insomnia for years, it comes and goes. Sometimes I go months with barely any sleep or no sleep, then the next few months I'm getting 14+ hours of sleep.

    What is it you find difficult with getting to sleep, or is it staying asleep that bothers you? Some people with insomnia can't shut off their brains in that their thoughts are racing and if your mind is busy and not relaxing it can't properly shut you down to sleep. You could try meditation such as focusing all of yourself on your breathing and not letting your mind wander to another thought, white noise machines, relaxing music, chamomile tea, or even stuff like Tylenol PM or Advil PM as an over the counter sleeping pill. If those don't work you could ask your doctor to prescribe you one, but that's only if you're comfortable with taking medication as opposed to a more 'natural' method.

    Me I tend to use those hours to get work done as I find naturally wearing myself out by drawing, doing some house work, etc will help me get to sleep. Also avoid anything caffeinated like coffee, most tea (unless it says decaf), and sodas after 5pm. Even if you need a TON of coffee to wake you up or get you started, even just a bit of caffeine at night may hurt you.


      Pretty much getting to sleep. It went away when my husband and I were together but now its back. Once i am out i am usually out for a long time.


        Maybe it's the environment, then. You were comfortable enough when your husband was there that your mind relaxed and let your body do the same, but without him maybe there's a note of discomfort or even a lack of safety that comes with being near the one you love? Is there anything of his you could bring to bed with you, maybe that smells of him, to see if that might make a difference?


          Ironically, I just made a status update on facebook - "I would appreciate it if sleep would stop being so elusive."

          It comes and goes for me, and I don't know if it's really insomnia. Sometimes, I will get by on only 2-3 hours of sleep a few nights in a row, and other times I'll get at least 7-8. Most of the time, it's not even when I'm stressed, and I'll just read until I can eventually fall asleep.


            yeaah i have it! its better once i get to sleep with Denise in the same bed but its a pain in the ass


              Insomnia - I've found a lot of new TV shows that I had never watched before via late night syndication. CSI: NY is quickly becoming a favorite.

              Since The Boy and I have a 6 hour time difference (I am ahead), I usually wind up talking to him til about 2 or 3 am. That's usually bedtime and I'm up by 6 am to get my daughter ready for school. The last few nights, due to the breakup, I've gone to bed early, 10:30, 11 pm then woken up early at 4 am.

              When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

              True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

              When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

              1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.

