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Do I have an Eating Disorder.

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    Do I have an Eating Disorder.

    Ever since my husband left its like I have developed an eating disorder. I pretty much can't stop eating. The other day I went to Burger King and had two triple stackers, a large fry, a soda and pie. Its nothing to do with how I feel about my body theres no real feelings behind it other then I want to eat.

    Is this an eating disorder?

    If you find yourself compulsively eating even though you're not hungry and eating even though you're full to bursting, you might. I would consult a doctor, though, especially if most of what you're eating is junk food like Burger King because those foods, when consumed in excess, can really hurt your health even if your metabolism is keeping you from gaining weight.


      Have you considered that you may be eating due to the fact that your husband has left as a coping mechanism? More time = more boredom = more food? If you find yourself not very active and boredom kicks in, you may tend to eat more. That is natural. Try picking up some new hobbies, something physically active, or things just to keep your mind busy with interest. Hormones are also a good indicator for indulgence in food that are higher in fat and sodium. Do you have an eating disorder? I wouldn't immediately jump to that assumption from what you stated.
      You ate the triple stackers, fries, and coke. No big deal! When you need to be concerned is if you are becoming dependent on the food or if you are having meals like this quite often (as in, more than twice a week). If this is a recent thing, I would say relax and let yourself enjoy your food. Having meals like that are fine every once in a while.

      All in all, if you truly are becoming deeply concerned, go talk to a professional therapist. Discuss your eating habits, your feelings associated with it, and recent events (like your husband leaving). Express your concerns and what you can do to aid yourself along to get better with handling your food intake or potential coping skills. Good luck, sweetie!
      Last edited by ashleecarol; April 13, 2011, 12:46 AM.

      *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


        It sounds like eating disorder type behaviour but since none of us are doctors here and we don't know your entire mindset and habits it's impossible to say if you do or do not. But it's really good that you recognize these growing habits and are aware of what you are doing. All I can suggest however is to speak with a doctor about this to get a real diagnosis. From my own personal opinion (do not take this as fact since as I said, I'm no doctor), you don't have an eating disorder, but I can easily see this type of behavior turing into one if you don't look into it now, finding the causes behind it and dealing with them. Eating in this way every once in awhile isn't a disorder, just a bad habit, but once eating that much becomes a vital point in your every day activities it's something to be concerned over.


          its either that or your PMSing, i eat like a horse anytime i PMS so maybe thats it


            I'm guessing you're using it as a coping mechanism.
            Just try to replace that with something healthy like keeping fit.


              I agree with everybody else it's best to mention this to a doctor and if they don't listen see another. I don't know about there but some doctors here kind of don't really take eating issues to seriously (unless you're underweight or extremely overweight). If you can see a doctor who specialises in mental health that would be beneficial too.
              If you feel like this is a serious problem keep pushing till you find somebody who listens.
              Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                Its probably not a serious eating disorder. I know I eat when Im stressed XD but I've been trying to better cope with my stress by working out or eating healthier stuff.


                  It's weird how emotions can effect your eating habits. I mean, I will admit something here, I binge eat and crave fatty foods and then I throw it all up. I feel it's Bulimia but I know I can stop this habit if I just don't binge. I just get that urge to binge when I'm stressed and have nothing better to do. So it's definately emotional issues that result. I know I have to kick the habit.


                    Originally posted by Sav88 View Post
                    It's weird how emotions can effect your eating habits. I mean, I will admit something here, I binge eat and crave fatty foods and then I throw it all up. I feel it's Bulimia but I know I can stop this habit if I just don't binge. I just get that urge to binge when I'm stressed and have nothing better to do. So it's definately emotional issues that result. I know I have to kick the habit.
                    yea u should particularly because doing that is bad for your teeth, it can cause serious issues with your throat due to the chemicals in the binge and its also not an effective way to lose weight.


                      the best that i can tell u is to go to a Dr so he can get the exact diagnostic.
                      its really hard to tell if u do or not cos it might b something temporal.
                      i've had an ED since i was 16 n the best way i can describe it its like hell, its a constant daily battle against the worst enemy of ED (food)
                      its pretty sad too n destructive, i once went to a supposedly specialist but for all that we have some sort of ED wont be able to cure if we dnt wanna get help n or accept that we have an serious illness.
                      i have my seasons were i go back to a bad days or months w ED, now im better but still have it, i can never eat without feeling guilty even though i try to eat healthy. i must say that my SO its really comprehensive n understandable n its willing to help me now that i do wanna get help.
                      its a really seriously deep n contradictorily disease, so now that u kinda feel that u might have an ED i really recommend u going to a Dr n explain everything so u can b %100 accurate n if u do get in treatment b4 it gets worst.
                      good luck n hopefully u dnt have it.
                      keep us up date of whats going on w u in this situation, at least its interesting for me cos i know how this is n how worst can it get.


                        the best that i can tell u is to go to a Dr so he can get the exact diagnostic.
                        its really hard to tell if u do or not cos it might b something temporal.
                        i've had an ED since i was 16 n the best way i can describe it its like hell, its a constant daily battle against the worst enemy of ED (food)
                        its pretty sad too n destructive, i once went to a supposedly specialist but for all that we have some sort of ED wont be able to cure if we dnt wanna get help n or accept that we have an serious illness.
                        i have my seasons were i go back to a bad days or months w ED, now im better but still have it, i can never eat without feeling guilty even though i try to eat healthy. i must say that my SO its really comprehensive n understandable n its willing to help me now that i do wanna get help.
                        its a really seriously deep n contradictorily disease, so now that u kinda feel that u might have an ED i really recommend u going to a Dr n explain everything so u can b %100 accurate n if u do get in treatment b4 it gets worst.
                        good luck n hopefully u dnt have it.
                        keep us up date of whats going on w u in this situation, at least its interesting for me cos i know how this is n how worst can it get.


                          Originally posted by Angelmichu View Post
                          yea u should particularly because doing that is bad for your teeth, it can cause serious issues with your throat due to the chemicals in the binge and its also not an effective way to lose weight.
                          Yeah, I did stop after I told my SO. He (understandably) got upset about it. I started this silly thing because my Mum used to do it and she'd lose all this weight quickly. And I had always been teased over my weight from family and I thought it'd be a quick way to lose it. I did lose a bit of weight, 10 kilo's purging and 5 from exercise. But when I went over to the UK to see my SO, I had to stop purging but we ate so much junk food (as you would) and I put on 3 or 4 kilo's and I've still not lost that weight so I'm freaking out a little. My SO tells me he loves me how I am, but the fear I have is gaining more and going back to the big girl I was and fearing he'd fall out of love with me. Silly I know...But I do know its bad for my teeth and insides- one of my teeth has this grey colour now and it's made me shy to even smile. So I know I have to stop to make it all better again. I've told myself that when i get a craving for bad food, look for an ulternative thats healthy.


                            well next time the urge to do something like that comes around, just remember how it can really mess up your esophagus. to me thats the biggest concern. Some people have lost the ability to talk due to that, so be careful.

                            in any case, im happy that you are concious about how bad this can be for you and that you're working to fix it.

