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I seem to have a problem.

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    I seem to have a problem.

    I can't seem to stop doing this, it's broken us up alot of times.
    I have this desire to make this certain somebody feel really special.
    Like... when I wrote her a love song last Valentines day,
    I made her cry because nobody had ever done that for her.
    I want to make her feel THAT special every single day but...
    I'm not that talented or that creative, not enough to
    be able to do it every single day I'm with her.
    I feel really helpless, I sometimes break out into tears after
    thinking about what I could possible do to make her smile
    after I find not a single answer.
    I write her poems often, I send her cute pictures she really likes.
    I write her songs often but...
    it's like they don't even phase her as much as they used to?
    I don't know, I just want her to feel wow'ed like she did last Valentines day...
    Am I a bad person because I can't do that to her?
    Do I have to break up with her?
    What do I do so I don't feel like crap every day that I don't
    come up with something so magical and romantic that it makes her cry?
    "To the world you might just be one person but to one person you might be the world" ~

    Maybe you should only do it once and a while because if you do it too often it loses its luster. It doesn't have the same special meaning as if it was saved for something special.
    I don't know why on earth you would consider breaking up with her because of this though.


      As Snow said, once in a while will make it more meaningful. It's nice that you want to make her smile and happy, but you should be able to do that by simply being your 'every day self'.

      And I'll echo the question, why would you break up with her over this?


        you are so cute :P

        but i agree, maybe if you do it too often it loses its luster.

        And i also want to add that you dont have to do poems and stuff every day to make her happy. There are million of other things you could do to make a girl happy.

        little things like showing up one day with a flower.. finding out whats the closes flower shop to her and order a bouquet or whatever online..
        watching comedians together...movies...

        the important thing is to share. the important thing is also to have a good time.

        what i feel that you're doing, from what i read in your post, is that you feel extremely preassured to get the same reaction every time and the world doesnt work like that. Its like, if you were only thinking of having the biggest orgasm when u have sex... you wont get it lol...

        so just let things take their own course.. and ejoy the moments that you have.


          That's really cute you do those things for her, but when it becomes a weekly thing, it loses its meaning. But when it's every once in awhile and unexpected, it has more of a special meaning.


            Aw your so sweet! Mhm i agree with everyone else, and not do it as often. My SO doesn't do things like that every day but when he does it makes my whole day. So maybe just enjoy talking and save the extra romantic things for special moments and days. But she is lucky, lol im craving a little extra love from my SO right now.
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              I think you might need to work on your confidence/ self esteem. There's more to a relationship than small romantic gestures, and those things tend to be more important. So, aim to have a well-rounded relationship and you might be better off. But as the others said, less is more in some things

              Don't let it get to you, have fun with your love
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

