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LDR literally gone south

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    LDR literally gone south

    hi there, im going out on a limb to even post on this forum, but i feel pretty desperate right now, and in an unhealthy way. i know this post is ridiculously long and i should probably just summarize it, but i feel like its all important and is even helping me to type. this probably sounds cliche or whatever, but i lost what i truly feel to be the love of my life, and now we are in limbo , but i cannot see myself living without her. i know thats like relationship withdrawal stuff, but we had made alot of life plans and really ive never met someone so perfectly in tune with me.

    so i have this girlfiriend, were like perfect and all that good stuff. we love eachother more than we have anyone before, click perfectly, finish eachothers sentances, and know eachother inside and out, blah blah you get the point, its perfect. then with her school, she starts to talk to me about studying abroad in south america. she says if she does, she will be gone for almost 5 months, which was really long considering we were together everyday. we talk about it honestly and i support her, but know that we will miss eachother alot. about a month before she left, the relationship got stressed a bit but things were still good. i was fully supportive of her choices and she didnt know if she really could leave her life behind for that long because of how hard it would be. it was difficult to let her go, but when she left, we were 100% still in a relationship, had plans and were happy with that.

    when she left we talked about twice a week, and things were good. she seemed overrwhelmed with the extreme life change where she was, but she was fine and our relationship seemed fine. where she was seemed like night and day different to the states, and i could tell she was happy where she was, but was definitely dealing with almost culture shock or something. then as a month goes by our phone calls end up bumming her out a little afterwards. she told me its because she wanted to share all of what she saw with me, and i couldnt be there, and instead i would always say, i love and miss you and all that stuff. she asked if i could fly down there to visit her, and i really considered it but sort of walled it off in my own mind because i have a job and am in school and honestly didnt know if i could even afford it. i told her all this, and (not until recently) she told me that i kept stressing out about the money and stuff, and didnt really show her i wanted to come. i think that upset her more than i knew at that point, although our conversations were still all lovey dovey. after this point she began distancing herself emotionally and she became less available to talk. when we would talk she would talk about how stress and everything just melt away where she is, and everyday life back home seemed to her to be increasingly more stressful and it reached a point where she wanted to extend her travels because she did not want to come back home. i took this more personally than i should have and think i treated her like she didnt want to come home at all, and again i came at her with the i love you miss you stuff. it seemed like she was magnifying all the negative stuff about our relationship, some of which seemed so miniscule, and all the good stuff back home wasnt really remembered. then she took a week long trip to a tiny village, like really tiny in the jungle and met this guy. they didnt hook up yet or anything, but really had a connection. she gets back to where she was staying and we talk, and everything seems normal... i dont think that this guy was even worth mentioning to her yet,, but we have a rocky conversation where she is distant, and im telling her how much i miss her and love her. we dont talk for like a week, and when we do she says she has to go. i finally talk to her and she seems off. like so distant that it was like a business call. i call her the next day and its the same. i know her well enough and she is honest and i asked her if she met someone else. she told me yes, that she ran into the guy she met in the village when she was in the city a few days ago. he is loosely involved with part of her study abroad program, so it wasnt like they met again just to hook up. so she cheats on me, and they do hook up for 2 nights and talk about life and all this deep stuff and really seem to hit it off, even though they are from opposite worlds and share almost nothing in common.

    part of me sees her relationship with this guy as a tie down there she is making to be able to have a reason to go back. she sees how unrealistic having any real realtionship with this guy is, but that is all her heart wants, like she really digs this guy even if it is a fantasy. she tells me this more or less, most of it i figured out, but am not jumping to any conclusions. when she told me about cheating, i wasnt yelling or anything but i more or less begged her to come back to me, which she really didnt expect.. im totally heartbroken, my world seems shattered, and she feels numb and like she lost her love for me before this happened. im a cryin wreck, and she feels bad for hurting me, but feels no guilt for cheating. i keep catching myself apologizing to her for little things or like things i shouldn't even be sorry for, which i know is getting really old for her. i know she still cares about me, but she says our spark is gone and she no longer loves me. since then ive poured my heart out to her, explaing what i think she is dealing with, what im dealing with and how devastated i feel. i call her probably too much and we talk about all this, and im trying to see if she still loves me and what the chances of us picking up the pieces are. she says she needs space, and still havent given it to her. i found a cheap plane ticket with a discount and asked her if she would like to see me, but she doesnt know if it will be good or bad. i would go if she didnt pursue the other guy more, but also dont know because my reasons for going are purely to save us now. i dont know what it is because i have pretty good self esteem, but all i can think about is getting her back.

    she still has a month and a half out there and we are broken up although she wants to figure herself out and considered seeing if she had love for me left when she gets back, although se seems doubtful. we have too much stuff back here together to even think about avoiding eachother upon her return, but we do not live together. she also doesnt know if she is going to see the other guy again, and i can tell she really wants to in her heart.

    all morning i have been looking at plane tickets and stuff and am thinking this is a really bad idea. i have talked to her about all of this, barring no emotions or feelings to her. i wouldnt leave here to see her for another month, but i dont know what to do. i would go, but not if we are in the same emotional situation we are now when it comes time to leave. i think i should give her space, but also do not want to because i feel like if she knows how i feel, maybe she wont see this guy anymore. i can tell she is hurt because she wants to share her experiences with me. i am supposed to talk to her tonight but i think that distancing myself and giving her time is a better idea, although i will lose any feeling of control over the situation, not that i really have any.

    ive never felt so torn up inside and have been thinking whats best for me. i know i dont deserve this, but also i know when she gets back i will try to see whats left. at this point, honestly ill still do anything to get her back. i cant just move on, especially because she wont get back for a month and a half, and our lives here at home are so intertwined.

    any advice in any corner of my issues would be appreciated, and thanks to anyone who sat though that essay.

    I'd give her the space she is asking for.
    As tough as this will sound I would even recommend going without contact until she's home. If she's not interested in talking things over when you get back then you know you made the right choice. Time apart will give you both a chance to reflect on things. If she does want to talk with you when she gets back then maybe you can end up working things out together if that's what you both want. But for now, I would really recommend just giving her the space.


      thanks for the reply, i think you are right... there is one other thing though... i made 2 packages to send her, one is already sent a while back and the other one im not going to send anymore. the one in the mail is waiting at her program center for her to pick up, but she doesnt know about it yet. in it is a ring and pictures and letter and a recorder with my voice on it, some things i made, lovey crap like that... but i can have the office mail it back to me, or they will deliver it to her. i do not know which would be worse.

      thanks again for your response, i truely appreciate it.


        I agree that it sounds like she needs some space. She went to another continent and busied herself there, was probably self-discovering in terms of other aspects of her life, and if she's young then that stuff can pretty much have a profound impact on you. That and with such a distance, it's natural doubts set in about whether you guys could work in her mind and what she really wants out of life and a relationship. Plus, no offense, but it sounds like you were subconsciously putting more pressure on her than needed by constantly saying "I miss you" and especially when she admitted to cheating, you kind of became a doormat from desperation. Yes you love her and it's fine to want to work things out, but to beg, plead, even look at tickets when she's not really sure she wants you anymore? She's the one who threw the monkey wrench into the relationship by gallivanting off with some guy and yet you're apologizing for stuff you didn't even do.

        When she comes back if she still does not want to be with you, then I would cut your losses and find someone who isn't going to be a fool and ruin a good thing for the sake of a cheap thrill in some other country. If she does want to be with you, then you might want to do something like Couple's Counseling to work out any lingering problems.


          i fear you are right, and i have to figure some stuff out about myself. im still really confused and i cant even begin to think of finding another love. i am a LTR guy to a flaw, and this all really scares me, which is an issue i need to address. maybe insecurity, maybe dependency. i do still, however need to communicate alot of things with her about stuff, because alot of our life is still connected here. we have $$ to deal with and dogs (no kids) and many things that require some types of communication. i dont know if i should be all business with her or what. im still kind of lost, although reason and logic is starting to take hold. its so hard to listen to your brain when you heart is way louder. im unsure still, but these replies are really really helping. thanks so much and im glad there are people out there!


            I think it's best to have the parcel sent back to you. But if she's not going to find out either way, then leave it unclaimed where it is.

            You don't want to be getting on with yourself and making steps, then have that parcel arrive on your door one day and it ends up making you feel like you're back at square one. If she's not going to know about it unless you tell her, just leave it where it is.


              so i spoke with her again and im totally torn apart again....i cant tell if i messed up or not. i finally showed some spine and i told her that i thought flying down there would be more bad than good, and a pile of stuff i didnt have the heart or guts, or something to say... but i dont know if its how i really feel. i told her that i didnt deserve this and that i love her and want to be with her, but i cant do that to myself if she doesnt love me back. i told her i cant follow my heart right now, and i cant talk to her about "us" until we are in person. i told her that we both need time apart to think about ourselves and we'll see eachother when she comes back.. i asked her if she saw hope in our relationship, and she said yes, but she doesnt feel like she can give me what i deserve yet. im so torn up i feel like i told her off on one hand, but on the other i dont know this could end up ok. i just cant get over her yet. i know it takes time, but i cant think of my life without her. i get so deep in relationships that i drown without them. im having the package sent back, but i just hope i did the right thing. logically it all makes sense, but this one hurt me way worse then before.

              thanks again, i do feel like i may have done the best thing i could have, but time will only tell. we are not speaking except for important "business" type stuff. i can see myself making a big deal out of something just to talk to her, but i am going to try my best not to do that.


                Originally posted by xopookie
                Hey you know what I think she wants both of you guys! A little spicy tamale in S. America and someone to come back home to in the states which is you! Yeah, cheating does happen pretty often when studying abroad because well... people figure hey I can have my cake and eat it too.... But I think you should give her the cold shoulder and be mean to her if you do that that'll turn her on and drive her crazy she'll want to come back to you and do all these crazy things! That's how women are seriously! So just let her go and don't give her the time of day and you'll see once she's dropped that spicy tamale she'll come right back to you!
                Please tell me this entire comment is either sarcasm or a joke.


                  Originally posted by xopookie
                  Hey you know what I think she wants both of you guys! A little spicy tamale in S. America and someone to come back home to in the states which is you! Yeah, cheating does happen pretty often when studying abroad because well... people figure hey I can have my cake and eat it too.... But I think you should give her the cold shoulder and be mean to her if you do that that'll turn her on and drive her crazy she'll want to come back to you and do all these crazy things! That's how women are seriously! So just let her go and don't give her the time of day and you'll see once she's dropped that spicy tamale she'll come right back to you!

                  Playing with people is really messed up.

                  OP, I would keep your ground with what you told her. No contact til she comes back. Keep busy and work on yourself. Maybe you won't even want her when she comes back and you will realize that she wasn't worth it to begin with. Or maybe you'll realize how you can make the relationship work now that she's cheated. Either way, It will keep you busy and make life better for both of you.
                  "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                    this has been the most difficult part for me, but i am going to try to not contact her until she contacts me, and i am going to try to have that be not until she returns. i think in that time, although it seems impossible i will either have moved on, or we will see if there is anything left between us. regardless, i have figured out alot about myself enough to change some and to do what is best for me.


                      Well done on doing that mate, let us know how things turn out and best of luck.


                        so it appears that when finally i have reached the best step for me, im still trying to go back and forth. we havent spoke since the last time i talked to her, i showed some spine and told her i didnt desrve this treatment, while still letting her know i love her. but now shes going both ways. she is trying harder now to secure her relationship with this other guy, although she knows its going to have to end soon. at the same time she is being really sweet to me now that i have backed off, although she is still treating me like a friend, but calling me darlin and hun, and stuff. on one hand i feel like im being played a bit, and on the other i feel like she is feeling really alone right now and i just drove her deeper into this guys arms. she hadnt contacted him while we were talking, but she did right away when we stopped. she also emailed me, although not about our relationship, she brought up alot of not so important stuff that i feel was her way of having an excuse to email me.

                        my immediate thoughts were to email her back and as where our relationship stood, and all that stuff, while not begging her to come back or acting desperate or anything, but i also dont know... i feel like totally ignoring her is going to make her thing with this guy stronger. im thinking about replying after a few days in a casual way addressing the things she talked about and just ask her hows she is doing and what her plans for the rest of her stay are, and not bringing up this other guy or asking here what condition our relationship is in.

                        i know im so back and forth on this, but the situation is changing everyday. i know that for myself i should really let her go until she comes back to see if there is anything left, but i am stubborn, and also i dont feel like her love for me is as absent as she thinks it is. i am a very understanding person, and i truely do understand that she is in a very different place mentally and physically right now. i do feel that when she comes back, we may have a future, and i do want her back, for alot of reasons, but i have to decide if i can take her continuing to see this guy or not, especially when she currently knows that i know and how i feel. i guess that is something that only time can tell, and i may have no power over it, but i still want to talk to her in the way that ensures our future, even if it is destined to fail.


                          Regardless of whether or not she knows what she wants (which she may not) she made the conscious choice to go after this other guy. Even if it's just some fling that ends the minute she leaves where she is and returns home, she still cheated on you and isn't expressing any remorse over it. I obviously don't know her well enough to know her full personality, but to me it seems like somewhere in her head she's not grown up enough to think her doing this is wholly a bad thing. For all I know she could be doing this because she likes the novelty of attention and wants to see which man's going to run a bus over their scrotum more to have her.

                          Either way your reaction to this situation is, no offense, really peculiar. Not everyone is going to react with anger if their girlfriend/boyfriend is unfaithful but you're making this sound in some way like it's your fault and anything you do from this point that isn't either letting it be or acting like nothing's happened is going to cut her loose to be with this guy. There are circumstances where someone makes a mistake, goes to someone else for affection, and regrets it because they honestly love the person they cheated on. However, that doesn't seem to be the case here. From all you've said it sounds like she's just being a brat in some form or another, and really I wouldn't call that love even if she's looking for some reason to hang on to you. Like I said I don't know her so I don't know what her agenda regarding this whole thing is, but you've seriously got to quit blaming yourself or thinking that anything you do in order to regain respect and trust is going to put a wedge between you. If she runs away, it's her fault, not yours. You can't say "I want you to treat me better" then grovel in the same breath. That's a mixed message, and it's going to hurt you more than help you.


                            i think your right, and i need to let the ball be in her court and stop thinking that i can or should change this. im doing alot better today, and think that moving on may be doable. but talking with her is hurting me and the situation too much. i feel no guilt for anything, and should stop acting like im the one ruining us.

                            i wrote a short email to her that i am going to wait to send until morning, if i still think it sounds good:

                            "to quickly address this, it seems each conversation we have about "us" end up with things are said in ways they werent meant, miscommunications, and me trying to make cut-and -dry sense out of an issue we are both confused about. this adds to additional pressure on both sides of a mixed up situation. i am trying to force clarity out of a situation that cant be forced into focus. i do still think we both need space and time to think. i definitely need to spend more time than i have thinking about myself and my needs in this whole thing. and will give you the same respect and space. i truly love you dearly. by darlin - me"

                            maybe i should be more casual or more blunt. im going to get some rest and re-read it in the morning. thanks for the reply.

