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Coincidence? I think not...

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    Coincidence? I think not...

    So I'm in Walmart picking up a few things to go up to see Keeper tomorrow... and my phone rings... and it's Keeper... "hey I'm in Walmart picking up a few things for the weekend and I was wondering if you needed..."

    just struck me as so funny that we were BOTH in WALMART at the same time...

    hmmmm fate???
    We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
    but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    I like when things like that happen. I was babysitting the other day and they had raisin bread and I thought to myself 'we haven't had any at home in years! I want some" then I come home that day and my mom bought raisin bread!!


      Haha back when my SO and I first started going out I always worried if I was texting/emailing him too often, and almost every time right when I decided not to send anything so I wasn't being overbearing he would send me one instead. The timing was ALWAYS uncanny. :P

      "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
      -- Anonymous


        WOW! That's crazy lol! There was one morning Anthony texted me and he was eating a chocolate chip waffle for breakfast. I had just finished cooking a blueberry waffle for myself and we both ate breakfast and texted each other while we felt like we were eating together!

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


          Things like that happen to us all the time. One thing that is really crazy to me is that if we both try to call each other at the same moment, it goes straight to voicemail, and we both end up leaving each other a voicemail at the same time. It happens very often, more often than could be by chance (we don't schedule our phone calls or have set times we call each other). It's how I know we're connected.


            That happens almost daily with TJ and I, we think it's kinda strange but he thinks it's also a great way to know we are compatible. When we're in the truck we will both reach for the seatbelt at the same time(because I like to hold the buckle for him while he buckles up.) Or if we go through a drive thru, after he pays we will both go reaching for the ashtray to pull it out and put the change it. Maybe it's just because I know he would do it but I want to do it for him, naturally he wants to do it but I usually get to it first. Or we'll be thinking the same thing sometimes we'll actually say it out loud to each other and we joke saying "Get out of my head" it happens quite a bit..

            Once when we were wrestling and playing around, I had my forehead on his and I was staring into his eyes, at the same time we both went to head butt each other(lucky we both realized it and stopped at the same exact time, otherwise that would have hurt!!) it's so great connecting with him in that way.


              haha love these moments. Where we'd think of the same things and say them at the same time or when we'd text each other and ask how his day is and then as I press send a text comes through and then we both text a "Omg!" xP

              Great minds think alike


                when we are together and he finishes my sentences it's like he can read my mind.

                we aren't together that long (5 months since we decided to start an affair and about 3 months since we started getting serious..

                still amazes me...
                We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
                but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

