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Very Good News , (:

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    Very Good News , (:

    So , usually when me and Isaac plan to meet our plans get all messed up .
    well now its a for sure thing . In 40 days he'll take a plane out here to see me ,
    he bought the ticket, the rental car and booked the hotel . (:
    I am incredibly excited ,(: 40 days is still a long time to get all worked up i know.
    but we've been waiting 1 year and 2 months for this , I cant put into words how happy i am .
    he's staying for only six days which is better then nothing , but he'll be here for my sixteenth birthday which is exciting .(:

    But The point of me posting this , is im nervous .
    I am so incredibly nervous. we've never met before and this would be the first time .
    im scared on how things will change between us? i'm sure it'll make us closer . and we'll be stronger . but is there a chance of tthings changing for the worst,?
    i know its gonna make it harder to be apart , and we have a hard time handling the distance as it is .
    im scared shitless . but im so excited at the same time .

    we met over myspace when i was 14 , when myspace was still tiight,

    anyone meet their SO online who'd like to give advice or share their first meeting experience.?


    Lol your in the same boat as me, i met my so online and we haven't met yet we been waiting over a year and he finally had booked his ticket and is coming! I still have 58 more days, so your first. You have to tell me how amazing it went lol. Im nervous and excited for the day. Still a ways away but no harm in getting excited now. (my SO will be here for my b-day too lol) I worry about that same thing. How will things be between us, what will change, what will stay the same? But try not think to much about it and go with the flow. Like my Nathan tells me, your not going to think about anything else when u see him and just be in the moment. I think if its meant to be everythings just going to work out and when u finally see him for the first time, get to be there with him in person! Your just going to get lost in your own world with just the two of you. At least thats how i feel it will happen, but we will see huh lol Best of wishes to you
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I met my boyfriend online and we just met last weekend for the first time. I had the exact same fears that you did.

      We had been talking online for over two years, and then every day, all day, via AIM for about 18 months, and during those 18 months I knew I had feelings for him. He seemed to feel the same way, but we never really talked about until about 5 months ago. We never made a spoken commitment to each other during this time, but we both felt the same way. He had started calling me baby, and we decided that if things went well when we met in person, we would attempt a long distance relationship.

      Before he bought his plane ticket (we split it and it was purchased just three weeks before his trip out), I voiced the concern that maybe when we met in person, it would be plain weird and our feelings for one another wouldn't be the same. I believe this is a real possibility, and everyone I know warned me as such as well. We decided that if it was weird, we'd still have a great weekend and he'd sleep on the couch.

      Over the weeks before he came though that just melted away, I knew nothing would be different and he did too, and when I saw him, it wasn't odd at all. The feelings were still there, and the weekend was wonderful. We talked about being in a relationship now (even though I hadn't dated or thought of anyone else for 16 months because I was hoping something would happen between my boyfriend and I). It was amazing to have him here, and it made us a thousand times closer.

      I thought, having been in a LDR before, that it would be fine.
      Until I dropped him off. Part of me wonders if I'm really strong enough to endure the distance and time apart. I know this sounds crazy because I am at home in his arms and want to be in nobody elses, but the fact that I can't be in his arms whenever I want tears me apart. The fact that I don't know when or how we'll close the distance but I want nothing else. I just, well I finally found the man I want more than anything, but I wonder if I'm actually strong enough to do it now that we've met.

      Just remember that there is a chance it won't be the same in real life, but stay positive and know you get to spend time with your good friend no matter how it turns out. You're not going to be able to foretell the future, and you'll know how it'll be when he's actually there. I hope you guys have a great time together, you should plan some activities now so you have more to look forward too.


        I met my SO online and waited more than a year to see him in person, months before he was supposed to come down I started having the same doubts, and all my friends were joking around saying that he might murder me or something so I really freaked out, and it just kept getting worse and worse as the meeting day approched the night before I couldn't even sleep because the nervousness made me sick to my stomach and, I had those doubts up until the very second I saw him, but as soon as I laid eyes on him I knew that all my worries had been pointless because I love him for him, I love his personality and that wouldn't change just because I could hold him, in fact I got to know even more of his personality and some of his mannerisms and fell even more in love with him, now that we're apart though I get really depressed every once in awhile because the ache of missing him is so great but I know that it's all going to be worth it once I see him again

        you just have to be strong and if you understand that there may be some different things about your SO that you aren't used to the one you love is still there, you have to cherish that they're there with you and you should be perfectly fine. I wish you guys luck!

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          aww that's so sweet. I'm sure it will make you guys stronger than before, but don't be so surprise if some things are different from what you've expected. I didn't met my SO online, so I don't have stuffs to share but I wish you luck for the visit


            ahh i'm so excited for you!

            my SO and i met online as well, and lets just say we did NOT take things sloow haha

            we met in mid march, and by mid may i was flying out there to meet him

            now most people say the guy should be the one to fly out first, which was what was going to happen, but then eric wasn't going to be able to come until later because of scheduling issues, and we wanted to meet ASAP! however, i didn't have the funds to fly out there when we wanted to, so eric was amazing and paid for my entire ticket, and amazing hotel room. i couldn't believe someone i hadn't even met yet was flying me out there to meet him.

            i was soo nervous that day. i couldn't believe i was going to meet him face to face, be able to hold him, kiss him, just be with him. so when my plane landed he wasn't there yet so i sat on a bench by baggage claim and waited for him. as soon as he got there we both just looked at each other and had huuuge smiles on our faces. i got up and we both starting running to each other, he dropped his keys on the ground, i jumped into his arms, and we just hugged each other as tight as we could, and then we started kissing. i felt like no one was around, and everything else froze. that moment was so incredible and i will never forget it.

            after that it wasn't awkward at all. sure i was super nervous for a while, but things weren't awkward and i just loved being with him.

            you're going to be nervous, theres no way around that. but if you keep saying to yourself, this is going to be awkward, this is going to be awkward.. then it will! you just kind of have to take a deep breath, and make yourself feel more happy and thankful then nervous... i know it's so much easier said than done, but thats what i did, and that first visit was incredible


              My SO and I met online as well. We met back in September 2009, became officially official in November 2009 and met in person for the very first time in January 2010. We were both really nervous, but we both knew that we needed more than just the online communication. I had crazy thoughts running through my brain. Whaf if she doesn't like me? What if we don't know what to say or what to do? Well, the worrying was pointless. We hit it off right away.

              I did read about some couples who didn't work out in person though. They came across differently online and just didn't know what to do with each other in person. It happens. But if you have a great communication already and get along well... I wouldn't worry at all.


                We met online and I flew up to see him a year later for three weeks. The last one or two weeks before the trip I was very nervous and constantly picking fights with him, but the the moment I was in his arms all of that disappeared. Our feelings for each other were a lot stronger since then. The one big downside to that trip is that I'm now less able to handle the distance between us.

                I hope you guys have a great time together!


                  Just be happy and don't you worry, this will bring you closer!

                  Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                    My man and I met online July 2010. November I flew out to be with him and the second we layed eyes on each other at the airport that time apart just melted away. We walked up to each other and held each other so tight, he told me he loved me and we kissed, then we walked hand in hand to collect my baggage and then walked in hand in to the car where we kissed some more before heading to our hotel room for the night. Gosh the sexual tension in the car on the way to the hotel!!!

                    This time apart (currently almost two months) has been sooo tough on us but something that keeps us going is remembering back to that first time. That when we were in each others arms all the pain of being apart faded away.

                    Nothing was akward between us at all. Alright we wern't exactly like we are now you know, all couples are the same. But when we were together, it was just right. It just worked.


                      Ahww ! All of those stories are so sweet (:
                      thankyou for your advice ! it really helped im not nearly as nervous as excited to be with him ((:

