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Telling my parents about my LDR

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    I know I was freaked out at the idea of telling my mum (parents divorced so only had to deal with the one at the time :P) I don't remember everything about it, but I invited a close friend of mine over who knew about my SO. I was 17 at the time (wow, crazy to think back and I was that young), and I figured, with a friend there, it would give me support and my mum wouldn't freak out at me.

    I actually really benefited from having my friend there, we were eating dinner and I was too scared to bring it up, so my friend was the one who brought it up, which made my mum look at me for what I had to tell her and then there was just no way of avoiding it. I have no idea what I said, but I remember my mum asking where I met him or something, so I told her on a Lion King website. I know that the only reason I mentioned him was because I was wanting to meet my SO, and if he was going to visit, my mum had to know about it as I had to ask her. So I basically had to ask if he could do that. She must have been a bit shocked at the whole situation, because she wasn't mad at all, she took it all in stride and didn't say a great deal. I was worried that deep down she was really against the idea, so I forced myself to ask her again about my SO visiting, just in case she'd changed her mind or had forgotten, but she said it was still fine (though I could tell she was worried).

    In terms of politeness, my SO addressed my mum as 'Mrs Surname' :P and my mum's partner as 'Sir', called my brother 'sir' too, lol. But yes, as long as he remembers his manners, please and thankyous, nice to meet you, and you two don't show too much affection towards each other around your parents (because it takes them a while to get used to that), you'll be fine
    Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
    First met: June 13th 2006


      My dad keeps talking about how much he trusts me when I go on the internet I feel like I'm betraying him by "talking to a stranger" T^T What do I do?

