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So, Don't Know Where I'm Going With This...

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    So, Don't Know Where I'm Going With This...

    Okay, I spent a bit of time just looking around at the site and I guess this is my heart pouring moment...

    I'm truly miserable here. I hate my job and the fact the person I love is far away. The town that I live is grey and insular, really small Northern England mentality. I hate it. I made my mind up to pursue a course in personal training because people are my passion and I feel that I can help make a difference. I've had difficulties maintaining health after being seriously ill and i know that my experiences can help others. My S.O is great, really supportive. We have had a wobble or two but always sorted it quickly and that is very new to me.

    I tried a long distance relationship before. It didn't work. There was simply no time frame, no plan. When I mentioned one, it was all excuses and whatnot. I gave up a lot of my time and felt isolated. I have few friends here now. It is hard for me to take because the closest person to me is physically the furthest away. I think she doubts my love for her sometimes. She's supported me emotionally and spiritually in a way I've not had. I'm determined to do right by her and get sorted with a job etc etc beforehand. We talked on Skype recently and seeing her again brought it all home. I just don't know what else to do to convince her of how I feel and what I intend to do. As I said, I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I suppose that emotionally at least I'm fragile as far as relationships go, trying to forget past and give my SO the opportunity had not been easy. I love her with all my heart though.

    It's time to formulate a plan and put it into action. You want to be a personal trainer - where do you go to school for that? I don't remember you mentioning where your SO it possible to go to school where your SO is?

    So do you get your visa there? Student visa? Get a job? Where would you stay? You have to start getting your ducks in a row and make it happen.

    When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

    When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

    1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


      Perhaps you'd benefit from making a bigger support network at home. If your uni is like mine, there's lot of societies to join and meet new people. More friends at home sounds like it would make you feel so much better!
      Where's your SO live? How soon till you can think about closing the distance?


        The course is privately run. My SO lives in Mexico with family in the USA. She is also a US national. There probably are opportunities to study there, perhaps. The plan from my end:

        1. Save enough money to complete my studies and have enough to live on while i do so. I've earmarked the next 12 months for that.

        2. Complete my studies, which would take 14 weeks.

        3. Either look for a job there, or, go for an internship with a view to a job, say, three months.


          It wont be easy but if you really put all your energy into it, I think it will work.
          I really wish my SO was willing to work hard to be next to me like you are trying to do with your SO.


            i know how it feels, i think many of us do. i hate northen italian mentality and i am quite frustrated by things at the moment.
            just keep in mind that we are all friends here, and we support each other, so you can count of us if you need further venting

            Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


              i totally feel your pain as well. i'm in pretty much almost the same boat. also had health issues and work sucks for me which makes the grass look a lot greener on his side especially because he's there hehe.
              keep your plans up though, i'm freaking out on a daily base because im scared of making mistakes or putting too much effort in and then being disappointed, but i figured i might as well. need to have a goal and work towards it, and what better goal is there than love and being with your loved one!

              all the best to you!

              p.s.: funnily enough my guy lives close to manchester, uk


                Thank you for the input. It has kind of put things into a much better perspective. I'm sometimes a bit too harsh with myself. And meldir males me realise the world is a lot smaller than we think it is....

