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Would You Regret It?

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    Would You Regret It?

    So long story short I'm in the middle of gearing up necessary elements to begin trying to close the distance with my SO, which means I will be moving to him. Earlier I was thinking about all that had to be done and I asked myself something I thought I'd ask you guys for the sake of discussion and sharing points of view:

    If you moved to be with your SO and things did not work out between you, would you regret moving?

    Keep in mind I ask this regardless of if you move back to your home country/state or not after the break up. I know a lot of folks don't even want to entertain the thought of breaking up, especially at that point, but humor me.

    Me, personally, I would not regret the move. Why? Well, despite always enjoying a change of scenery and a challenge I rarely ever do anything such as travel or move out my comfort zone. As I've mentioned in my blogs here I have another reason for moving and that is to find a career, hopefully with Disney or any other place that needs an artist. Where I am now, art is not in demand unless you go through local 'junk' shops to sell your paintings and cheap jewelry.

    If my SO and I were to break up after I moved, I would not regret it because he helped push me to step out of my comfort zone, look to better myself, and gave me a change of scenery. I can't say for certain if I'd move back home, but I'm leaning towards a 'no' on that end for personal reasons.

    So, LFAD, would you regret it?

    No, I wouldn't. You sometimes just gotta take a risk.


      Nope, honestly. Like yourself, I'd be pushing myself out of my usual comfort zone and growing in leaps and bounds. There are many things I can experience there that I'm held back from experiencing here. Plus, by doing so, I won't ever have to wonder "what if" - two of the most devastating words in the human vocabulary as we know. I've already had a glimpse of what life is like here, so I'm preparing to move on.
      My heart belongs to a pilot!


        No, I wouldn't.
        Kind of like when my SO and decided to go through with marrying. First I had my head filled with worries of later regret, but when the paperwork was done I actually felt convinced I had done the right thing. We might not be together forever, but we have to see life as an adventure. Sometimes we make wrong decisions, then we just have to make some new ones and try to clean up the damage. Whether it's getting through divorce papers or moving back to your previous residence. It's not like there is potential physical pain or loss of limbs. What is worse is the "what ifs" and regrets of not doing certain things when you had the chance. At least that is what I think.


          I've never even entertained the thought of moving away from my state to be with my boyfriend so I'm unsure if I can fully answer. Even with a guarantee that things wouldn't fall apart between us I still don't believe I'd ever be truly happy moving away from my home. So if I did happen to take that step in moving to be with him and having things not work I hardly think I'd be in such a mood as to chalk it up to experience. Regret is a harsh word and I'm unsure if I would use that to describe it but I probably wouldn't be as optimistic about it as some of those who have already posted either.


            No ma'am I would not! Never regret something that once made you smile.

            Plus, moving away gives one such a fresh canvas of new opportunities and scenery. I think it really is good for you to get that drastic change atleast once in your life.


              I'm not big on regret generally, but I think I'd be angry at the time I lost that I could have been in Uni or building my life in my home country, and the time lost with family/friends back home. I wouldn't regret having tried though, because wondering "what if" would have been far far worse than finding out the answer
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                I wouldn't regret having tried though, because wondering "what if" would have been far far worse than finding out the answer
                ^this! The "what if"s are the worst thing when you are an 80 years old grandmother and regretting you havent done the things you wanted or should have tried at least. I wouldnt regret it.


                  Absolutely not.
                  If I felt that I would regret moving, if we broke up, I wouldn't move. I wouldn't move anywhere I wouldn't want to live without him or where I didn't have a future (i.e. job opportunities).
                  It's one of the reasons that Closing the Distance is taking us so long. I'm don't want to give up on my education/career to move to him or move and don't have health insurance and it's the same for him. So we have to wait until moving together will be advantageous for both of us. So that none of us has to sacrifice too much (imho that's an extremly bad foundation for a relationship).

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    no i wouldnt, if that happened i would be in a area that i loved and theres no way i would regret it!


                      Nope, not as long as I've learned something.

                      For me, the interesting parts of life are the experiences, so even if I moved and it didn't work out, I'd still have had the experience of living in another country and everything that comes with it. If I thought about it thoroughly enough beforehand, I wouldn't agree to do it, if I thought the possibility of it not working would be bad enough for me to regret the whole thing.
                      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                        I wouldn't regret it, but I would have to agree with Zephii I would be upset with the time lost.


                          Not at all. SoCal is like paradise compared to where I live right now. There are plenty of opportunities in the biosciences in San Diego and they have marvelous weather.

                          Married: June 9th, 2015


                            I don't think so. I've been the happiest I've been in years, moving to the US, going through all that, I would never regret that experience. It's what has molded me and made me the person I am today. I'll have gone through so much to get through closing the distance, if I can go through this, I can go through anything. Whatever life throws at me, I can take it now for sure, because I know I've been through worse.

                            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                              I've always viewed love and life as a gamble. You never know if the cards you are dealt will win you the hand. You either pony up or you fold. So this time I have to put a lot more down than usual, but this time I'm almost positive I have all the right cards in my hand. If I lose, I lose, but I am feeling very lucky.

                              But this is coming from someone who rarely if ever folds.

                              I live my life to the fullest. I do what I know is going to make me happy. The what ifs, the maybes, and the aftermath are all someone else's division. If we break up after I move to him, I'd be devastated, but not because I moved my whole life for him, but because he was the one worth moving my whole life for. I'd probably move back home because I'd be shattered and need something familiar.

                              But I don't think that's going to be the outcome so I don't worry or consider it. I'm pretty sure about this one, but even if I wasn't I'd play my hand to the end.

