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When Emails The Only Option :/

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    When Emails The Only Option :/

    I'm getting worried. Recently my SO has lost phone usage, so we only email (he's not exactly a letter writer) now and I have no idea how to deal with this. There has to be someone out there with a similar problem. My worry is planning trips together without being to talk as often. How do other people deal with only being able to write/email? :/

    The only communication option we have had since December of last year is texting and even that's iffy. Basically you just learn to live with it and be glad you have at least that much as opposed to nothing at all. It's not a great situation to be in especially when your communication no longer takes place in "real time" and gets stunted because of it, but you simply have to make the best of it or run risk of letting something that silly ruin an otherwise good thing. Shit happens, stuff breaks or no longer becomes available for use, people get busy and leave little room in their lives for other things. Just a matter of adapting, being determined to see the rough patch through, and just counting your blessings. Even if you see the glass as half empty, there's still something in the glass.


      In the beginning, my SO and I only emailed and personally, I loved it. Neither of us really care for talking on the phone plus it gets expensive talking on our mobiles and besides that, we have very different schedules so one of us is usually busy while the other is free. Now, we text as well, but those are really are main two means of conversation. I think any conversation is better than none and while it isn't the same as talking to your loved one on the phone or better yet in person, it really isn't that bad. I think once you adjust to it things will be fine.


        Personally I love email communication. Sure it's slower and requires a bit more effort, but I also think it has more substance. We used to email a lot before we switched to Skype and texting. I kind of miss those times. Texting can make you lazy, you often chat about nothing, answer in short replies, whereas with email most people are compelled to reply in more than two words. Even if he's not much of a writer.

        And we always use email to plan trips - we send each other links, itineraries, outline plans etc. I find Skype too distracting for that, and texting is obviously limited.

        Just don't get discouraged, I think you'll find a few positives

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


          My SO and I only write emails to each other. We don't really send text messages because it's way too expensive and there are no data plans for Germany - New Zealand. We do talk over Skype once a week though. Maybe twice.

