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Fallen Head Over Heals

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    Originally posted by princessmeg1328 View Post
    I think that it was a natural chemistry that made me first fall for my SO. The first time I say him, I knew I was going to end up with him. I just never thought it would be as fast or as amazing as it has turned out to be. Over time, I have fallen for his humor, his smile, and just everything about him, flaws included.
    I totally agree with this!!! My SO and I had great chemistry and when I was talking to him and could picture myself marrying him and it was the craziest feeling ever. I loved his honesty, his genuine interest in me, his ability to listen, and his caring and compassionate nature. I loved his devotion to his faith as well! We shared a lot with each other when we first met and we have only grown as time passed.


      All of these are super cute!!!

      I was first drawn in with his really dry sense of humor, just like mine then the more I knew him the more comfortable I got. I put up a show for just about anyone but I'm totally myself when I'm around him. He's my best friend.


        the way she could make me laugh, she made me laugh the first time i started talking to her and i just knew i found my soulmate *Happy sigh*


          I think it was a natural chemistry for us too...I can't pinpoint the exact reason I loved him, I just knew I did. His intelligence, sense of humor, his smile - when he gives one I think these were all factors, but initially it just was...we met and it was almost as if I'd known him for ages.


            I don't know exactly what it was about Alex that got me... Whether it was his personality; his willingness to make people happy, his cute shy thing he has going on sometimes, the fact that he could just go on for ages about *one* little thing... Whether it was the millions of things we had in common... Whether it was that power over me that he has, that makes me smile; no matter how upset I am, he only has to say a few things, and it makes me happy again... Whether it was his amazing smile, or his eyes; that are always filled with love for me... Whether it was the soppy texts I got, or the cute letters... Whether it was the fact that when I'm in his arms, I feel so safe, so secure... Whether it's that he understands more than anyone I've ever known...

            I don't know what it was.. I guess we just.. clicked.<3


              We met online so we didn't have any of that in-person chemistry some couples have. But I think, if I had to pinpoint a reason for why I fell for my guy, it's because he honestly made me feel, as cliche as it is, worth it. When I first met my boyfriend, before we started dating but he was flirting with me, I was also in a weird, flirting relationship with a guy I knew from high school. I was interested in this other boy but plain and simple, except for the couple of times we went out, he never seemed to really go out of his way to pay me any attention unless it was convenient for him. My boyfriend on the other hand made it quite clear that he wanted to spend time with me and valued me, and I thought he was pretty cute myself which certainly didn't hurt his case . Perhaps it sounds egocentric of me, but I've never felt so important to someone before and knowing how much I meant to him made it quite easy to realize he was so much better for me than this other boy who never seemed to show any sign of caring that we'd stopped talking anyway. From there I suppose it was only natural I'd fall more in love with him


                I fell in love with him because he's really sweet, romantic, and sensitive, when I was going through a rough patch with my boyfriend at the time he took a whole bunch of pictures of the sunset he could see from his house, they were absolutely gorgeous and made me smile through my tears, he's always been here for me emotionally and now I've come out of my depression and couldn't be happier. ^^

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  This is going to sound weird, but the day that he said he loved using excel for a lot of things, I ran out of my office and went to my best friend and had told her I had found the man of my dreams.

                  Aside from that, he is caring, lovable, my best friend. Most importantly he keeps me in check, how can't I be head over heals for him?


                    The fact that he singlehandedly made me believe in love again.


                      My SO had feelings for me long before I ever had any for him. I was already in a doomed relationship when we first started talking, and he was the complete opposite of what I was used to. He was always there to listen, always making me smile. For a looooooong time, I shut him out romantically due to the previous guy, but he just persisted until he broke through my walls... and I'm glad he did.


                        I fell for my boyfriend because when we are together, it feels comfortable and safe. He makes me feel at ease and like he would be by my side no matter what. It just felt right, like he was the missing puzzle piece to my life and he was supposed to be there.


                          As cheesy as it sounds.. I fell for him because of the way he is and the way he makes me feel. I love his personality, he makes me laugh every single day and on top of that he accepts me for who I am. What else can I ask for, really?

                          I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                          I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

