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Computer Time?

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    Computer Time?

    I was having a conversation with my SO last night about computer time. Many times in the evenings after work, we won't log into the computer at all but will talk by text or phone and alot of times, like last night... log in long enough to sleep on yahoo voice with each other. He apologized to me last night because he thought I wanted him on the computer (he wasn't feeling well) and I realized that it was actually a good thing.

    My ex was always on the computer, every waking moment nearly with very few exceptions. One of our problems was that he was much better at talking and existing on a computer than he was in person and it is very refreshing to me to have someone that can converse and live without having to be plugged in all the time and is not addicted to the computer world.

    Anyone else have an SO or someone they know that has a hard time communicating outside of an online environment? How do you think this is going to effect your relationship together once you close the distance and don't have to rely on it for total communication?
    Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
    Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
    Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


    You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
    Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

    Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
    Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!

    My SO and I spend quite some time online because that's the only way we can communicate. Emailing, chatting, Skyping. Whenever we visit each other though it's not a problem at all. We barely hop on our laptops then because we don't need to anymore - we're finally together. We do check our emails or upload photos to Facebook, but nothing more. But then again we also have this huge time difference which allows us to not be at a computer for several hours. So thankfully, we're both not addicted to the online world.
    Last edited by NaNi; April 21, 2011, 02:10 PM.


      My SO and I like to sit in front of the computer everyday. Sometime he go to the gym, go play games (PS3) or hang out with friends. And I just sit in front of the tv, babysit my nieces, watch tv, play games (xbox) or work out.
      When we are together, we spend time together a lot. We go buy groceries, go shopping, go to arcade, cook or go outside and eat. Of course sometime we sit in front of the computer, but either we use one computer together or we sit in the same room and use computer and laptop. So... I think it won't effect our relationship when we close the distance. We just have the same interest of using our spare time, and we will communicate every single day cause we're going to live together.


        My SO and I spend about the same amount of time on the computer. If we are busy we both kind of go without going on the computer. I always check my email at minimum but may not go on facebook or other things that I normally do once a day. He goes days without checking his email and such. When we are together we really try to limit the time we are on the computer unless it is something we are doing together or I'll sit on his lap while he surfs. He is a gamer so he gets caught up in that world more than the computer


          I am definitely the one who spends more time on the computer in my relationship. I think it's just proof that those in younger generations rely on technology more than older generations (my SO is 10 years older than me). It might also be partly due to the fact that he spends so much time on the computer while at work. When we're together, I try not to get on the computer because there's not a real need, especially when he's here, but I find it hard. I usually get on within a couple of days of him being here. It's easier to get on when I'm there since he has to go to work so I don't feel guilty getting on the internet.
          "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

          "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

          Met: August 22, 2010
          Made it official: September 17, 2010
          Got engaged: January 15, 2012
          Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
          Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
          Got married: November 21, 2012
          Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
          Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


            My SO can not live without his computer. It irritates the crap out of me. Most of the time that's not a problem, and I don't have trouble getting his attention when I'm home etc. But when he was visiting me in Australia it was a real issue and caused a lot of fights (I wound up without a home and we were staying on my sister's floor, there was no room for his computer and he whined constantly about it. And about everything else >.> ).

            Me? I spend quite a lot of time online. I don't watch tv at all, so all those hours regular people waste infront of the box I tend to be online instead. But if I'm on holiday I don't feel the need to take my computer with me, and if I don't use it for a week it's not a big deal.
            However I'm far better communicating in text, so sometimes my SO jokes "We can log into msn and talk it out".
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              My SO is a computer science major, so I guess computers are part of his life, and we spend much of our free time online, mainly on Skype. But when we are togheter, no Internet! We can spend a whole day without checking email or Facebook and we are both perfectly fine! So... no addiction for us!


                I'm definitely fond of my computer-it gets turned on basically when I wake up and only turned off when I sleep. He's...rather computer illiterate. I type so much faster than him, for one. Even though I'm typing in Chinese its a pinyin system, still typing roman letters.

                However when I'm actually on a trip I find no need to be on the computer much, except for skyping the parents and relatives and checking emails. Computer solves boredom for me, and on a trip I'm in no ways bored.


                  Me and my SO actually don't use the internet at all to communicate, aside from Facebook wall posts. I like that better.
                  ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                    Sweetie and I never talk online. We may send each other an occasional email or post on each other's wall on facebook, but other then that if we are on the internet it is school related and not talking.
                    We always text or talk on the phone, and I love it that way


                      I spend all my time at home online. He's online whenever I'm online. We both are pretty connected to the internet world, but make sure we have time for the real world too. We communicate solely through the internet every day, but when we're together we hardly used the computer because I spend all that time online with him when I'm at home.


                        We're both on the computer a lot, but it's kinda our hobbies. Some people have cars or models, for us it's computers. He studied computer science and his job is in tech support. I've been building computers and websites for over 10 years. Most of our computer time is spent with each other online (usually voice chatting on Skype). If it's not, then we're reading up on programming or using the internet for research. It's kinda funny because we'll completely geek out and have long conversations about computers while voice chatting online hehe. We've talked about when we close the distance what would happen. More than likely we'll have a computer connected to the tv and watch movies from there together and play video games either on a console or on computers/laptops in the same room together. We're pretty geeky, I guess. :P


                          My SO and I spend quite some time online. We are both gamers so we tend to spend most of the time in game. Even if we are in game, we are sometimes on the phone or in ventrilo. If we aren't playing we are in facebook or skype.

                          If we are physically together, the maximum time we spend online is 1hr and is to check on our facebook games.

                          At the beginning of our relationship I was having a tough time handling his addiction to gaming (having to be online all the time), but we ended up setting ground rules and now everything is working for the best =)

