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is it really true that you can be happy when your love is miles away?

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    i always feel like something is missing. im not very good with maintaining my own things without thinking of him or regretting that he isnt there. i suppose it depends on what kind of person you are. of course i do appreciate that i met him, like many mentioned before me, but theres still always that nagging feeling in the back of my mind and my first thought when i wake up, that he isnt there. but then again im also very paranoid and make it hard on myself most of the time..


      Of course you won't always be happy about being apart, but it's not worth it to be miserable every minute you're apart. You'll have bouts of sadness without a doubt, and those aren't too much fun, but it's normal. On those days, let it out...cry if you want, listen to music to make you feel better or worse if you want, just don't stay in that place too long. I miss my boyfriend every day we're apart, but I can't let it consume my life. I try to make the best of my own life while he's up at school, and spend as much time with friends and family that I can. Schoolwork helps keep me busy too. Don't ever feel bad about having fun with friends while your SO is away, because you have to keep living your life until you're together again. It'd make me feel bad to know that my boyfriend was spending time in his dorm alone, being miserable all the time instead of socializing with people and getting involved in different clubs on campus.

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        It is absolutely true that you can be happy, but I think you have to make of it what you can. Like everyone has said so far, find things that interest you and spend time with family and/or friends and live your daily life in the way that an LDR allows you to because it keeps you from focusing on what makes you unhappy. If you and your SO are able to talk often, do it whenever you can. I know conversations on the computer will never be the same as spending time with them in person, but it still lets you both fill the gap and feel closer to each other by talking on a messenger or hearing their voice. Send each other mail, make music playlists for each other, keep a picture of them where you'll see it often. Make their presence known, even when they can't be there, to remind you that, even if there's distance, there is still someone out there you love who loves you. There are definitely days where you will feel upset or lonely and that's okay and normal, but try not to let those feelings distract you from what makes you happy about your partner and your relationship, as well as things like hobbies, pets, friends/family, work/school that you have with you already. After visits is usually when I feel my SO's absence the most, and like others have explained, it feels like I'm losing a part of myself when we have to separate at the airport. It's not something I'm getting used to the more we see each other in person, and it takes me a while to fall back into my normal routine and cheer up at home. As long as you're happy with them, though, even on days when the distance is really hard to deal with and you feel miserable, it's still worth it. Try not to let it overwhelm you. I hope you feel better!
        "These are the days of miracle and wonder. This is the long-distance call."--Paul Simon
        "I can't tell one from another. Did I find you, or you find me?
        There was a time before we were born. If someone asks, this where I'll be. . .where I'll be."--Talking Heads


          It absolutely is. You have to learn to be independent and realize that at some point you're going to be with your SO and then you won't have as much "you" time. Just try to have fun with the time you have for yourself right now and be happy that you have them in your life. When my boyfriend went to boot camp, I couldn't talk to him for thirteen weeks and in those thirteen weeks, I went through phases of feeling like I couldn't be happy when he was away. But he sent me one letter that changed my view on it. He mentioned to me that even though he is away, he's close with me in thought and in heart. It's the only way to make it through these kinds of relationships. He told me to take time to be me and enjoy my time by myself while he was away. He was right. I did enjoy my time, I focused on school, work, and I spent evenings going on walks and not answering my phone. Just remember that no matter how far away you are, life is too short to be sad. I learned that on deployment with my ex. He told me to live my life as if it were my last day to live, right before he left for deployment. He didn't know if he would make it back, so he wanted me to live life for the both of us. I did. It seems hard to be happy but you have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with another person. I wish you the best of luck, if you need anything please message me.

