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I'm back

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    I'm back

    As some of you might have noticed, I haven't been writing on the forums for the last couple of weeks. Jesse has been here for 4 weeks now and I suppose I subconsciously wanted to push aside everything about long distance and just focus on spending time with him.

    We've obviously been having an awesome time. We had all sorts of stuff planned but only did a fraction of them because I didn't wanna push Jesse's health to the limit. We've mostly stayed home (and in bed..) and watched a bunch of bad movies and South Park. :P I made him taste a lot of different Finnish foods and dragged him to sauna several times.

    Unfortunately, the trip hasn't been without problems. A couple of weeks after Jeesse arrived he started feeling very sick, so we took him to the emergency room and he spent a night at the hospital. They wanted to keep him longer, but in the end it wouldn't have helped much since we already had antibiotics and an oxygen machine here, so we decided to just take it easy the rest of the visit.

    Worrying about his health has been admittedly stressful, but I still think the trip was worth it. He got to meet my family (who all loved him, despite the language barrier) and see my homeland.

    But everything good has got to end. We're gonna leave in about 8 hours to take him to the airport and he'll be gone before the sun rises.

    Not to be rude, but what is wrong with Jesse?


      Originally posted by sagittariusgirl89 View Post
      Not to be rude, but what is wrong with Jesse?
      That's alright, don't worry about asking.

      He has cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease that affects him in many ways - most common symptoms are dfficulty breathing, coughing up lots of mucus from his lungs and his body doesn't digest food properly. The median life expectancy for CFers is around 35 years, and Jesse isn't even expected to live to 30.

      Visiting Finland was a big risk for him, especially since this is the first time he's outside the US, but all things considered, it could've turned out worse.


        I'm glad to hear you've had a good time (health worries aside). 4 weeks!! I am very jealous.


          At least you still got four weeks in! Hope he feels better! And hope those last few hours together we're great! =] Welcome back!


            You lucky girl! 4 weeks!! How fun! I hope the last couple hours were great!!


              I'm happy you had a great time, I hope you can meet again soon!


                And so he's gone. I'm past the hysteric crying phase and now I just feel empty inside. God I miss him.

                In a way, this parting has been even harder than the last two times, because now anywhere I look, I'm always reminded of the things we did together. But on the other hand, now I didn't have to sit on a plane half the day while trying to hold back my tears; I was able to let it all out in the car back home which made me feel a lot better.


                  Hope you can get back into a normal routine soon. Hugs!


                    I just got done with my hysterical crying phase as well....hope things can get back to the normal routine soon *hugs! Glad everything went smoothly (except for the hospital trip)!


                      How amazing that you have had three weeks with him. I'm sure you made awesome memories, even with the health issues. I hope he feels better. I'm sorry that you're sad. I've been home for a week now and I still Miss Kevin like crazy. Glad to have you back

