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Better Connection through new emotions

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    Better Connection through new emotions

    After recently visiting my boyfriend I've been thinking about something that happened right before I left for home again. He usually helps me pack my things so I don't forget anything that I absolutely need. This time he laid on his bed. I walked in and he had his head in his pillow. We were on his bed for awhile until he finally raised his head and his eyes were red and wet. He was crying. I'm not used to this...I've NEVER seen him cry! EVER!

    Shocking to me first of all and he kept saying how much it sucks when I'm only there for 3 days when we are apart for more than 3 weeks at a time. (I know some people are apart longer). Then out of no where he said "I'm in love with you"...we usually say I love you to each other everyday, but just the way he said "I'm in love with you"; it was different. Later in our conversation he said that he just hates when I leave and that I'm doing something to him. That I'm..."doing something to him". I know what he means. I understand that he didn't expect to love someone so much.

    I guess what I'm wondering is...when someone says special things to you tend to fall deeper in love with them? Or sometimes is it a sign that they are falling as hard as you? I'm in love with my boyfriend and would love to spend the rest of my life with him. Since he said this to me does that mean that he wants the same? That those new emotions that he is experiencing means that something more will happen. Idk! I guess I have tons of questions that just came to my head!

    i remember a convo like this. Nathan described it as a wtf moment. I actually have that convo saved. i can find and show. I felt at moments throughout our relationship theres been certain times when i'll stop and relize wow, i really love him. You already love him but every now and then u get hit with that relization, and its so much more real and, lol hard to explain. but i get this. Anyways heres that convo.

    5:12:44 PM Nathan well you know how i said about
    5:13:04 PM Nathan how i liked you know
    5:13:19 PM kiara continue
    5:13:33 PM Nathan well i like it even more
    5:13:46 PM Nathan and well i need to continue with it now
    5:14:00 PM kiara wait u like what, sorry confused
    5:14:11 PM Nathan loveing you
    5:14:27 PM kiara oh? wait lol
    5:14:34 PM kiara kk u said you love me but
    5:14:41 PM kiara and the thing is u like it even more?
    5:14:50 PM Nathan yeah
    5:14:56 PM Nathan its a wtf moment

    Its special, and to have these strong feelings. Cherish them, sometimes we get spoiled, or forget what an amazing person we have in our lives, have to appreciate and love our loved ones.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      i understand what you mean there are times where you have certain convo that make you realize how much and how stron your love is. My bby is from florida and i used to live over there but i had to move back to Puerto Rico to finish my degree and last time I was with him we went to a movie we were completly normal we got into his car and like always talking about the movie and then i realized this is our last date together. Al of a sudden we had this huge hug and when i stoped huging him and looked at him he was crying in my arms =( right away i started crying more. We had a crying fest for about 10 minutes. He said he didnt want things to change, that he loves me and he will miss me. And never had he opened up so much like that las time =( it was so beautiful cuz i actually felt him cry and huged him and kiss him to make sure he was ok. anywayz those moments feel so great and feels so great to look back and know that you had such a special moment when you where together =) <3


        There are moments in relationships, moments quite like these, that cannot be defined with words, but rather, only the feelings in your heart. It's hard to explain how much I love him or the width of that love, but the last time I visited him when it was time to go, as usual, I began to cry. I cried and I cried and I cried and my tears almost brought him to tears. He said, "Please don't cry. I can't stand to see you cry. It makes me so sad." It wasn't exactly what he said, but the emotion in his voice, the knowledge that he loved me so much the sight of me in tears was going to bring him to the same. I cheered up for him because I couldn't stand to see him cry either. It was heartbreaking, but mind blowing all at once.


          You are totally right that we are spoiled with regular moments and that these special moments are something that we should never take for granted. I guess I've never had this feeling with anyone in my life. So him saying that is so odd to me but makes me feel even special about our future together! Thanks so much!


            I've had similar moments, I'm the crier. He tells me all the time that I should stop crying because he hates to see me cry. And that is when he wipes my tears. IDK. Its just one of those moments that you share. Its special isn't it.


              Aww, that's so sweet!

              I'm pretty used to being in relationships where the guys don't really express their when my SO was going to leave (starting our LDR) I was shocked when he cried, and told me how thankful he was to have me in his life, and how special I was to him. I think that will always be one of my favourite memories.

              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
              -- Anonymous


                Aww, that's so sweet!

                I'm pretty used to being in relationships where the guys don't really express their when my SO was going to leave (starting our LDR) I was shocked when he cried, and told me how thankful he was to have me in his life, and how special I was to him. I think that will always be one of my favourite memories.

                "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                -- Anonymous

