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Too soon to pack?

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    Too soon to pack?

    I still have 42 days left before I go on my 2 year visa to be with my SO. I am getting very excited and want to get everything ready before I leave, but I feel it's still too soon to do anything. I was thinking of getting out my suitcase and start throwing stuff in that I know I won't use before i go.
    How soon before you leave (close the distance) do you start getting your things ready?

    How do you decide what to bring and what not to? Two years is a long time to have to decide what clothes I can do without!

    I started planning what I was taking the day the trip got confirmed, which was a little over two months before said trip would happen. I got out my suitcase, made a list of everything I was taking and checked it, altered it, and so on for a couple weeks then got all the clothes washed that I was taking. Luckily I did do a test pack a few weeks beforehand because turned out my suitcase was too small so I had to borrow a bigger one from my Aunt, then I had to hunt down a luggage tag because I didn't have one, and did a couple more packing tests before I just packed everything sans what I was still using (toiletries) two weeks ahead of time and then the night before I left packed the rest. It kept me busy and made me realize it was actually going to happen by actively packing, taking crap out, adding stuff in, weighing the dumb thing so it would pass airport inspection, etc.

    I started with the basics and when it came to my clothes it came down to "okay what's the weather like, where will I be going, what can stand up to wear and tear" before it was sorting outfits. But, I also wear only t-shirts and jeans so it wasn't terribly hard to pack. Pack a couple winter gear things, pack a couple 'hot day' stuff, couple casual clothes, maybe a nice outfit should you go anywhere, try to think of what situations you might encounter the most and pack your clothes accordingly.


      I think the best thing to do right now is start making a list of what you need so that you can check it off later. It's early to start packing IMO.

      Here's the funny thing about clothes, you probably have at least twice as much stuff as you actually need. I went to Australia for a year and took maybe 10 shirts, a few sweatshirts, a few jeans, and a few pairs of shorts. I left behind at least 3/4 of my wardrobe, and the only thing I missed the entire time I was gone is one pair of jeans I left behind. Pack the stuff that you know you wear on a regular basis, and leave behind the things you hardly ever wear. Anything you find you're missing, you can buy when you're there. That way you don't end up having to pay for extra baggage.

      "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
      -- Anonymous


        I'm just making a list of things I'll be posting (or shipping- still deciding) of little things I'd rather buy here (as it's cheaper in Australia) for the 2 years and making a list of things to put in my luggage. Just essiential things that I know I'll use over and over again. So I'm just jotting down things at the moment. Also asking people- as they'd probably say stuff that you didn't even think about. Also I thought was a good idea is bringing a little notebook or in my case, I'm brining my little address book of important dates to remember and phone numbers etc. I'd hate to get there and have to worry about when someone's birthday was again and things like that.

        My SO was telling me not to worry about bringing my hair dryer or straightener as I could use his Mums, but the thing I had to explain to him was that I'd prefer to have things to call my own. Also if we move, I'd have to buy those things and so having my own with me will be much better and wiser.


          I'll be visiting my SO in just over three months and I've already made a list of things which I need to buy/take with me. It's just so exciting. So if you feel like packing stuff already, why not?


            Im going to book my flight for (most probably) the 9th of may, so thats about in two weeks and I dont have started to pack yet.
            Just do it how you feel its good :-) FOr some people 42 days are not too far away to start packing others just dont realise how soon it will me :-) Then I start panicking because I feel like I dont have enough of time and am sure Im going to forget something really yup...I think I also do have to start packing my stuff :-) Have fun!! x


              Awww how cute, i start planning what to take the moment i even think about buying the tickets, so even five months before.
              Start writing lists of what you need, and then consider if you need to shop for something and whatnot.
              You can put a pair of shoes in the suitcase or a few things you won't need until then, but other than that just plan what you want to take with you.

              Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                Awww how cute, i start planning what to take the moment i even think about buying the tickets, so even five months before.
                Start writing lists of what you need, and then consider if you need to shop for something and whatnot.
                You can put a pair of shoes in the suitcase or a few things you won't need until then, but other than that just plan what you want to take with you.

                Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


                  If you're not going to use the stuff you're packing in the next 42 days, are you really going to need it when you go? I'd suggest not packing until closer the time because that way you're less likely to keep adding to the pile. I spent a year in Germany and only took 2 suitcases worth of stuff, and I was so glad I didn't take more. For me, having too much stuff can cause more hassle than not having enough, because it just creates a big mess! I think I started packing about 2 days before I left for the year, and that was fine. Also bear in mind that your taste in clothing will probably change over the course of a year, so why you may want to take all your winter clothes, you might not even like them by the time winter comes around. If you miss something that much you could ask someone to ship it for you. Do you have a place to store stuff like that, eg parents' house?


                    hehe maybe a little soon to 'Pack'....but deffinatly not too soon to get started with planing and listing


                      It's just over a month till I see my SO, and I had a mental list of stuff I need to buy before I go for months now lol

                      I've been buying bits and pieces every week and putting them aside- like his birthday present, new clothes as I've lost weight and all my pants fall off me, yorkshire pudding tins, toiletries, new shoes etc. I should be pretty prepared by the time it's actually time to pack. I had a battle with my luggage last time, finding bags of the right size etc, but now all that is sorted. I normally start packing a week before, making sure I don't wear clothes I'm planning on packing, it means I spend a week in old reject clothes but I don't have to do laundry

                      <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                      <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                      The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                      <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                      <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                      Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                      Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                        I think I am going to be in serious trouble when it comes to actually zipping my suitcase shut. I gathered up all the shoes I WEAR....I've got 10!! I think planning is a very good idea!


                          It's definitely not too early to start packing the things that you know you wont need before then. Depending on how busy your life is, those 42 days will go by faster than you think they will. Make sure to make lists of everything that you will need and don't want to buy once you get there.

                          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                          - A. A. Milne


                            I agree with the if you're not using it in the next 42 days, will you really need it?

                            I am a pretty good essentials-only last-minute person when packing to travel. The only thing I tend to over pack on is the number of teeshirts. When I travel, I bring clothes and a toothbrush. Anything else can usually be found wherever I'm going, such as shampoo and body wash in hotels, or borrowing from the person you're staying with, or borrowing from the person you're traveling with, or if out in a village somewhere, they have their own ways of keeping clean, so I try it their way. It's always an interesting experience. (:

                            However, in terms of MOVING somewhere new...that's a different situation. I haven't moved for 11 years. We're closing the distance on June 4th and I have a mess of a room to clean out and decide what stuff to bring, so I understand your wanting to plan now. For me I have to bring quite a fair bit of textbooks and lecture notes and past papers because I'm transferring to the university there.

                            Other than that...this is probably what my list is going to look like
                            1 suitcase of clothes
                            6 pairs of shoes
                            maaaaybe guitar (because my boyfriend has a few)
                            ipod dock

                            That's all I can think of. Now thankyou for this thread, I can finally see clearly that everything else can go. (: All the best with your move!


                              Originally posted by 13000km View Post
                              I agree with the if you're not using it in the next 42 days, will you really need it?
                              The things I've got in a pile now are my bikini, some new underwear (going to throw out the old ratty ones before I leave, a couple summer dresses (not warm enough in Canada just yet to wear them here) as well as a couple nice dress tops (I don't really anticipate going anywhere nice before I go)
                              So to answer the question, they are things I will need just not right now.

