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Why is your LDR worth it?

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    Why is your LDR worth it?

    "Worth It". It's the encouraging phrase we all say to ourselves to remind us why we are in this for the long haul. Why we stick around and wait and go through the get to the good parts.

    So why is your LDR worth it?
    Of course, theres your other half. The one we do this for. The one who IS the light at the end of the tunnel. But specifically, what's going to happen when you finally get to close that distance?

    For me, my SO and I have been talking...and I've really been thinking. We've been together a long time, and we finally agreed a couple months ago to move in together when we get to close the distance. I also think theres going to be an engagement, but we haven't really discussed that specifically yet. Anyways, his plan is to go find a job that he will make good money at after he finishes school, then get a house, then i'll move in and take my time finding a job i'll earn good money at.

    However, I told a friend of mine the other day, who kinda knows my history with him and all that we have been through: "After this ordeal is over, there better be a ring on my finger! hahaha" to which she agreed.

    Why is it worth it? What a serious question. i guess because at the end of all this waiting and these obstacles and challenges at the end i get to be with my partner for life. If after all of this, the first meeting, the LD the travelling back and forth, we stay strong. I do want to eventually tie the knot, thats where ever relationship wants to go someday right? Or to grow old with someone. I admit im scared, i don't let myself really have a serious talk about marriage or official closing the distance plans. Im not fully sure where he's at, and discussing this with him seems to soon lol wait till our first physical meeting. I don't want to thing about to far ahead yet. But its worth it because i do imagine my future with him, i want to be with him. He makes me feel good about myself, and feel loved. I worry about him, think always about him, I love him. So why is it worth it? Because he is worth it, he is someone worth fighting for, worth crying over, worth waiting years for. He's mine, my one and only. And no matter how crazy he drives me, or how insane i get lol, i know i can't be without him.
    Idk if this answers your question, sorry, its unexplainable
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      Why is my LDR worth it?

      Well because I absolutely love my SO to death and I know with certainty that he is the one I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life, there is a reason why we found each other and I believe that we were put such a long distance away from each other because whoever, if any one is actually up there watching over us, wanted us to work for our love so that we will always know no matter what that nothing can come between us, it's a test to make us, and our love, stronger and I believe that our love is worth waiting for, nothing and no one can stop us. I know without any doubt in my mind that we will always be together in heart and soul, that in itself makes the long distance worth every single tear, every single smile, and every single I love you.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        He's the one for me. I've changed so much for the better because this, and I know we will be able to grow and work together as time goes on. This time next year we should be married. I know no matter what he is an important part of my future. Before when we were CD, we had been together 9 months and never had a fight nor incident, so this LD business was to be our test. If we can get through this, we know we're meant to be. He makes me so happy, and I love the person I am around him too, so a year of being LD is worth it now we are planning a lifetime together

        <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
        <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
        The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
        <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
        <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
        Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
        Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


          because ive been waiting forever for someone like her to come into my life, someone who treats me with respect, someone who loves me for who i am, someone who isnt afraid to show me how much they love me, as cheesy as it sounds she completes me, im not whole when im not with her. I love her so much and ok i get frusterated with the distance and i get lonely it will be worth it next year when we finally move together under one roof! i know she is my soulmate i feel that so thats why its worth it!


            My LDR is worth it because I'm deeply in love with my SO. She's over 11,500 miles away from me, but I don't care for anyone else. I don't long to be with anyone else. She has my heart. She can make me smile. She can make me feel less lonely, from the other side of the world. We're perfect together. Every moment I'm able to spend in her presence is the most wonderful feeling. We want to make this LDR work, end the distance and live our lives together.


              It's worth it because he is.After all I've been though with exes and whatnot, He made me believe in love again. I was so sure that I would never love anyone the way I loved my ex. But he showed me that I could, that I could love in a healthy relationship. And I love him so much more.
              "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                My LDR is worth it because the love we have for each other is like no other.


                  It's worth it to me because there's not even any questioning on whether or not it is worth it. We are just supposed to be together, no matter what - simple as that. We have only been together 10 months, but we feel like we have always been together. It was a long time coming. This LDR is a small fraction of the rest of our lives together, so that's why it is worth it.


                    My LDR is worth it because, after going through so many girlfriends through high school and college, I finally found someone outside of my family that truly loves me for me. Sure, I could have run after the beauty, but I probably would have been as lonely a couple months later when she was gone. I feel that now, I have brains and true beauty. She's the only one for me, and I would love nothing more than to put that ring on her finger.
                    National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                    National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                    Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year

