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    Heres the deal,

    Most of you may know that me and my ex were close distance and then went to long distance after struggling with the distance we broke up. I was ok with it, late he got a girlfriend about a month after. They were together for a few months and then broke up. After they broke up she IM'd me cause she needed someone to talk to and idk we got into a dispute and she told me his kissed her while we were together. Its been a while since I never confronted him about it but the reality is it hurt. It hurt me a lot, I did let it go until today. It just randomly came to mind and I wanna know I want to ask him. On my msn status message it said I had a question I needed an answer to. He asked me about it but I didnt answer because they were together (they are bf and gf again). I dont know how to ask him without conflict.

    does it really matter?!?! He is your ex for a reason... you need to take some time and NOT CONTACT HIM so you can heal... then nothing he's done in the past will hurt you. It is just that simple. If you keep being friends or whatever and being in contact on a regular basis, you will NEVER get it in your head he's not coming back. And even if he did, would you really want someone who can't trust (and if I recall correctly... you trusted him but he broke that trust...).

    Take time to heal and then move on. Otherwise, he will just keep hurting you though I doubt he realizes that he can still do that. Most men are not that savvy.


      well I did spend a lot of time away from him and I no longer h ave any feelings for him what so ever. we are friends now but that is all. I still wanna know. I wanna know if he is someone I can trust.... i wanna know if she was telling the truth this has always bugged me and yeah I had a lot of time to think today and it kinda came into mind.


        Ahh. I've went through things kinda similar to this. But I promise, it's better just letting it go. Even if he says nothing happened, it's probable that your mind won't fully believe him, which will just create more stress. But if you just let it go all together, it'll be a lot heathier and less stressful. And if you loved this boy, it's probably better to just cut off all ties with him too. Because more than likely, you'll end up falling for him again. It's happened to me several times. Sorry if I'm sounding too much like a know-it-all. I just thought I'd try to help.


          I can see how this can bug you. It would probably bug me also. And I would probably like to know the truth..but like one of the ladies above said...would you be able to believe him anyway? If he said no..i think in the back of your mind you will always think..he didn't tell me the truth. So I also suggest to just let it go. It will be the best for you. I know that its easier said then done..but i do believe its the best thing to do.


            That's a bugger, but the past is the past, you are no longer together, I don't see why she would lie to you about it. Maybe in the future he will talk to you about it. Take care!


              I think she lied about it cause when they broke up the first time I told her that she should just move on because while he is telling her he loves her he's going and telling me the same thing.... which makes him a player she got all pissy and was like " Well!! He kissed me when you guys were together!.... yeah thats what he did! It happened twice" and I was like uhhh wtf >_< ..............but yeah idk what im gonna do ha. Im deffinataly moved on its just this is one thing I wanna know just as a closure type thing.... or well I think I wanna know im honestly scared.


                LET IT BE LET IT BE!!!! It's in the best who cares WHATEVER!! That's what I always tell myself, it took some time to actually start believing it but I use it ALL the time now.


                  I gotta agree with the others.
                  Sometimes, it's just best to let things go. You and your ex had a chance to make it work, it didn't, so it's just better to let it go. Don't put more salt into the wound. You don't need it.
                  Good luck<3

