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Summer Internship

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    Summer Internship

    I got a summer internship that I applied for a couple hours away from my house. Of course I'm really excited that I got it, but Newton is not. I can tell he's happy for me, and he'd tell me to take it no matter what... but I also know he wishes I didn't get it. Which I totally understand... we were supposed to have this summer together, and now because of this internship we end up with about 4 weeks total together... It's just too good of an opportunity for me to turn down. I've said yes to the company, I just hope it doesn't ruin our relationship... Has anyone else gone through something like this? I just don't know how to help him feel better.


    I am really glad you didn't turn it down on account of your boyfriend. Yes of course it sucks that you won't get to spend as much time with him as planned but 4 weeks is still pretty good. You should never give up opportunities such as this for someone you are involved with, because if you end up ever breaking up you will regret not doing it. The summer is only 2-3 months, it will fly by and if he can't handle that then its probably better to find out now then wasting the summer with him and not doing something you want just to end up in the same place.


      I'm going over this summer to visit my SO, i'm staying there 60 days. it's been planned since december i think, and he went and got this interview for an internship without warning me, he got the place, and i'm happy, because it's a fantastic opportunity for him, but that means he will be gone every freaking morning throughout my stay.
      it hurts a bit, but at least this can make him decide what he may want from his future

      Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


        Yes, I have been through something really similar. I'm currently waiting to hear from both an internship in London and an internship in Nebraska. My SO really wants me to get the one in Nebraska, so I'm feeling so pressured. It's been a dilemma for ages now, and if I don't get the Nebraska internship I'm not sure what I will do. I don't know if I can handle being unemployed, even if it means being with my SO


          My ex was really unsupportive of my ventures... One of the reasons we broke up was because he wasn't supportive of my plans to study abroad, which would have made us temporarily LD. I'm proud of you for thinking of what's best for you and taking the opportunity. Express to him that you feel bad but it was something to good to pass up and if he's a good guy, he will understand and be supportive anyway, even if he's sad that he'll get to see you less.

