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Longest without ANY communication from SO

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    Longest without ANY communication from SO

    He is visiting his family in another country... last got a text from him on Sunday, but he is traveling across the country. Plus, he has reached his texting for the month!! International calls are expensive... gawh!!

    I have read his last text, emails....everything to help comfort me, but there is nothing better than hearing my phone beep with a text from him or a call on my cell..

    I miss him so much, but I will talk to him again soon, he returns from his trip this weekend and I will be up til early morning waiting for him on skype, you betcha!!

    But this really is the hardest thing for me right now!!

    How long have you gone without any communication? How do you cope??

    3-4 days and i didnt cope so well :/ ended up bawling alot


      Prepare something for him for when he comes back. Learn a song so you can sing it to him, or make a nice craft thing, to keep you occupied and is an outlet for all that feelings of missing him. Very healthy. (:

      The longest we've gone without communication is probably only a handful of days, when he's gone camping or I'm on holiday in another country. We've been pretty lucky that way. (:


        Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
        3-4 days and i didnt cope so well :/ ended up bawling alot
        Hihi Caitlin!

        Yes, the bawling I am doing.... It just makes all the other waiting seem like forever.. i hate this part...


          Originally posted by 13000km View Post
          Prepare something for him for when he comes back. Learn a song so you can sing it to him, or make a nice craft thing, to keep you occupied and is an outlet for all that feelings of missing him. Very healthy. (:
          Thank you!! Is great idea! But I the way I am feeling, I would make something just to break it,ughhhhh!

          and don't even ask about my singing...

          Maybe a poem and definitely more blogging! Now that I might can do


            For me, the longest has been about 3 days without at least a quick email to let me know he's safe (that was when he was in a war zone...) It's really hard! Write to him if you miss him too much- it definitely makes me feel better!


    'll be OK We went a week once very early in our relationship, he was away with friends, and I really missed him! I just gave myself little projects to keep busy, and I took my dog out to the park she likes everyday after work. Those things helped and the time managed to go by. Actually, it turned out to be a good thing, it made me realize how important he had become to my life
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                I had to wait about a week once because my SO was hunting and had no cell service. It wasn't fun. I wrote him a letter while he was gone and I made it sort of a daily journal of sorts. I would write a little bit each day. That really helped me feel close to him and he really appreciated coming home to a letter from me too.


                  3 weeks is probably the longest, my SO has a tendency to disappear, seems to be how he copes with things so there has been a few occasions where I don't hear from him for a couple of weeks.
                  It's not easy but you get through it, life goes on and you can't just dwell on it. I'm going through it at the moment, I haven't heard from him for a week and a half now. Plus we've barely spoken for the last month or so, it's hard and I have moments where I'm completely depressed but I still get on with my life, I have to.
                  Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                    2 or 3 days, when I was away without internet access or phone reception. I know it's not very long but I didn't like it much. It made me feel better to write emails to him anyway, and then send them all at once when I was back. It made me feel a little more connected to him, and he really appreciated that I'd been thinking of him all weekend.


                      3-4 days when he pulls his disappearing act. But like I said before, he'll make a big show of posting various things via his Twitter and Facebook to let me know he's OK.

                      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                        I think it was two or maybe three days. I was in Rome and didn't have any internet connections, occasionally wifi on my phone. But yes, apart from that I talk to him every day!


                          Longest I've gone... 3 or 4 weeks. We spoke the second to last week of June and then the next time we had any contact was the 2nd of August or somewhere within the first week of the month, last year. It was pretty upsetting especially with a friend who was planting ideas in my head that got me angry enough to harass him during the second week of no contact which attributed to the rest of the silence we had because he wanted to wait until I quit trying to bite his head off to talk. He had gone out of town and long story short there was family drama so he was pretty withdrawn and down hence the silence.

                          It's hard to cope with total and complete silence on their end of things as opposed to an occasional message somewhere that lets you know they're at least alive but the best you can do is keep yourself busy and if you know they'll be contacting you after so many days then hey you have something to look forward to. It's harder when you don't know what's going on or when they'll talk to you again so you're left with either waiting or trying to contact them in some form without sounding hysterical.


                            Without ANY communication? Maybe a day? For example, when we're on a plane to visit each other. We always make sure that we either send a text message or an email whenever we can.


                              2-3 days. When I go camping at this lake that has NO service unless I go into town.

                              First Met Online: May 08
                              Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                              First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                              Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                              Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13

