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We're together :)

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    We're together :)

    Andy's here!

    I picked him up with my dad from Helsinki on Sunday night and we spent yesterday mostly sleeping cause we were home around 3am

    We've been walking with the dogs outside and just enjoying each other's company and hopefully this week we'll go to the cinema to see Shutter Island (which I'm dying to see ).

    We don't really have anymore plans, we'll just do whatever comes to mind but we're gonna take loads of pictures anyway (or we're gonna try at least) and sexcercise a lot

    It's been great as always when we see each other but after he leaves next Monday it could take some 3 months before we meet again - although when that happens he'll stay here for AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES since he finishes uni this summer.

    I'll be posting more once he's gone, right now I'm focusing on keeping him happy ♥

    Glad he he had a safe trip!! Looking forward to the pics and such Have a great time.
    Oh..and LOL @ sexercise!


      Hooray! Have a WONDERFUL time!


        Yay! Enjoy your time together!


          Yay! Have an amazing time! ;D



            Sounds great! I don't know how the weather is over there, but if spring is in the air there, too, what a wonderful time for you to spend together! Enjoy!


              Awesome!! Have an excellent time you two!


                YAAAAYYYY!!!! Have fun!


                  Have a wonderful time together! Enjoy every second!


                    Have a fantastic time. Enjoy eachother and be safeeee!


                      Yay! Shutter Island was a good movie. Have fun! don't pull any muscles


                        Thanks all!

                        Went to see Shutter Island last night - really good film! And Leo .... ahhhh

                        Time has gone by SO FAST it's unreal, it's Friday already ... Luckily I'm going back to work next week so that'll take my mind off of missing him so much And it wont be long now before we'll be TOGETHER FOREVER!

                        Still have loads of things to talk about and look up, we made a list of things that need to be sorted before he can move here so we're on it for the last few days we're together ...

                        And no pulled muscles so far Molly


                          Have fun!!!


                            hope you guys had/ are having a great time : D
                            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                            ~Richard Bach

                            “Always,” said Snape.

