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How can we bring the sweetness and the same treatment,,,that you had before...

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    How can we bring the sweetness and the same treatment,,,that you had before...

    im missing the same old man that i met before,,my sweet fiance' who's always has the excitement of seeing me..talking to me even on cam.......
    now as time goes by i feel the changes in him......

    You're going to have to give more details than that before we can help or make suggestions. Is he no longer affectionate, does he not pay attention to you or seems to want to contact you less, what?


      he change his way of treatment to me...he's not like he's always saying he is busy...its hard for me coz only chatting is our way of communication then he's not fun of it anymore,..i feel that he is bored talking to me....i dont know whats going on....


        it hurts me...i feel disregarded and ignored....i miss him so much...i have nothing to do now but to cry every single moment taht im missing him.... :'(


          Talk to him. He's not going to know you feel neglected unless you tell him so. He's not a mind reader. It's possible that he really is busy and needs to be reminded that you have needs too!
          "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


            I agree with Rugger. There could be something going on in his life and his intentions are not to make you feel this way.


              thanks for the advice rugger and kristie...I do talked to him already and I told him what I feel...but everytime I'm talking about it,about what I feel,,he will just say I'm making dramas or he will say I'm being too sensitive and being too negative...he will said I'm acting like a baby....crying for just a simple issue...I know maybe he has some problems that he doesn't want to talk about with since men have an ego,,a pride they dont want to talk things to their partners.....
              I love my man a lot and it hurts me a lot everytime I feel being ignored by him....
              What will I gonna do?..I am all alone at home and he is the only person I'm talking with,,,chatting with him is my thing...coz I'm always missing him...were miles apart.... :'(


                You have every right to feel upset, do not let him put you down by saying you're being dramatic or acting like a baby. To you these problems and feeling ignored are real and should be treated as such, not swept away carelessly. If he thinks you are being silly he needs to reassure you, not insult you or ignore you. There's a saying that goes something like "love is letting them see you cry." If he cannot emotionally open up to you or has suddenly closed himself off to you then there is something wrong with him. If he does not want to talk about it and work it out then that's his problem. You should not suffer because he has emotionally pulled away.

                Whenever you talk to him about how you feel and how he's acting, do you end up crying or get very emotional? I'm wondering if perhaps it might be better for you to, say, write a letter and try to keep it as calm and to the point as possible to let him know how his actions towards you make you feel and that you would like to be able to talk about it seriously without being brushed aside so that you will no longer feel ignored. His reaction towards your talking to him might be because you get emotional or hysterical and he sees it as ridiculous instead of taking it seriously as an actual issue. Men are logical, if you can present this to him in a logical manner then he may take it more seriously.


                  I am guilty of being too emotional whenever I feel ignored. But most of the time these being-ignored feelings are all in the mind. My SO hates it whenever he hears me cry but I can't do anything because am a cry baby.
                  I think he might be experiencing a problem right now and he doesn't want to bother or worry you. If you feel that he is ignoring you too much, it's best if you talk about it and tell him how you feel. But I advise that you must control yourself or else he'll get pissed off if you cry the whole time. I can relate to what you said that you feel completely alone without him because your life is centered only towards him. I think its time for you to go out with your friends and spend some time with your family, get a nice haircut, do something new so that you'll spend your time wisely without thinking only about him.
                  Hope I helped.


                    ohh thank you we'reunderthesamesky,,thanks for the advice,,my man is too tough and since he is a military...thats why...he hates seeing me crying,,he said he feel negative vibes with that...but i can't help but cry can't control my emotions...i miss him so much,,every single moment of my life I want to spend with him....and since chatting is the only way of our communication..sometimes he get tired to it...he may not tell it but i do feel it...i miss him muchhh :'(

