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Spent on Visiting?

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    Spent on Visiting?

    I'm just curious on how much you are spending to go see your boyfriend/girlfriend or SO?

    I calculated mine.

    visiting every 2 weeks...

    Full tank filled both there and back. 44 x 2 = $88 spent on gas each trip.

    Dating 1 year...2 months. Long distance: 4 months. So that is 8 Times in the last 4 Months that I've planned on going to see him. Randomly for special occasions: 3 (but we wont count those in right now)...

    So..88 x 8= 704 spent on GAS in the last 4 months.

    Then I'll include the $150-200 on food, entertainment, drinks, care packages. I'll use the minimum of $150 because I have every time I go I spent that much with buying all sorts of things for him and I. He pays for things too, but I go all out when I go see him because I miss him and want to have a good time with him and friends. I know I could cut down, but I don't want to just lay around, thats what I do here already!

    So that is 8 x 150= 1200.

    1200 + 704 = $1904.

    I've spent roughly that much money just going to see him in the last 4 months. Mind you I'm a graduate student with undergrad bills.

    Here is another want to know how many times he has wanted to come see me.

    2...(WANTED to come see me)

    You want to know how many times he ACTUALLY came to see me.




    The weekend after I moved away; for 2 days.

    I know he is busy with school and work. But so am I! I take off work just to make up time that we have lost spending together. Like this next weekend I took off monday and tuesday because classes are done and my part time job for now allows me plenty of time needed off.

    They understand I'm in school.

    Yet...I'll be spending $238 plus more because its graduation weekend on seeing my boyfriend.

    Do any of you spend this amount of money? How do you get the other person to come see you?

    I know he is busy, but dang. If only he knew how much this is costing and then how much it is influencing our relationship. I've tried to share and he just says that he will try to come this summer. Doesn't everyone take time off in the summer? He took time off for his friends graduation. He took time off to go see x-co workers in Kansas City.

    As you can see this is frustrating!

    I've only seen my SO once but sense he lives so far away the bills stack up, and me being the nice person I am I paid for everything so lets see...

    $325 round trip plane ticket
    $300 for the hotel room
    $34 for food
    $80 for the comic con passes

    I saw him for a little less than 24 hours, yes I didn't even get a FULL day with him and spent 739 bucks :/ I don't have a job and honestly it took me a full year to save up that much money but it was worth it. ^^

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      I spent about $300 under $3000 on one trip. $240 round trip plane ticket, $300 for 8 days at a hotel, and the rest was cab fair, airport fees, food, two days at Epcot along with souvenirs from there, and then the $300 it took to change my flight to two days before the one I had originally scheduled. Orlando is an expensive city. I don't think I ever paid under $25 for any cab ride.


        Every trip back and forth for us, when we were LD, averaged $1500 for travel only. But he's an Aussie, and I'm American, so...

        If he doesn't have money but time, and you have money, maybe you could help to defray costs - or maybe HE could pay for some of your travel to come see him? Sometimes the money/time balance is different for people, and so you're able to balance out the two as a couple, with one offering to pay for the other who has time.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          My SO funds all of our trips. He doesn't feel comfortable with me paying since he makes a lot more money than I do.

          A plane ticket to visit him usually costs around $150-$200. Driving to see him usually costs $160 round trip because I have a very small, fuel efficient car. He pays for all the food, entertainment and lodging, if we don't stay at his place. I am a lucky person to have a generous boyfriend.


            @LadyMadHatter: Yeah, Orlando is a money pit. It makes most of its revenue on tourists. Kind of sucks since I live close to there and it's the only thing to do. =/

            I used to spend about, oh, $300-$400 or so with my old SO. Most of that was from the plane ticket and the rest of it was from eating out, going to attractions and such.
            With my visit with Chris coming up, I'm staying there for a month and a half (with no work), so I'm trying to save up about $500, including gas, food, entertainment and my bills to pay while I'm gone.


              Before we closed the distance, there would be, probably, 800 - 900 bucks spent by him on each trip made. A trip was usually made every 3 - 5 weeks. It adds up.

              "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
              - A. A. Milne


                in one visit:
                round trip ticket $800-1200
                food: grocery store and cook alot, so maybe ~$10/day
                transportation (if visiting london) $35/day
                shopping: ~$100


                  As a money concious girl...I dont want to think about it..each plane ticket was between 3-400 dollars. He's also done his traveling and spending money so its fair. I will say for me to spend money like I have to see him just solidifies how important he is to me and I know it will pay off in the future
                  " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                  Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                  Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                    $2500 for a plane ticket and $2500 for a holiday house. So around $5000 in total. Too expensive.


                      About $2000 total, for a plane ticket not in the busy season and 800 USD=about 5000 yuan as a generous budget to live well for 3-4 weeks, eat, and go out to karaoke and such. Then again, the next time I go will be all expenses paid as a study scholarship, so I won't have to pay this fee in at least 2 yrs or maybe ever, if he moves to America by 2-3 years.


                        Just ONE trip (3 weeks long) costs about almost 2500 USD

                        I spent 1700USD on a round trip ticket, the rest on food, going out, and buying gifts for friends at home. I earn quite a bit more than him at the moment because he's studying full time, so I paid for the travel expenses myself. He must have spent a lot too as he paid for most of our dates and bought me a lot of candy.


                          $2,200 for the ticket, $500-$800 for extra expenses during the three months I stayed. He paid for my food, transportation, shopping, etc.


                            For just a normal trip it costs about $2000? and thats just for flights. 0_o

                            A rough estimate for the 2 years we have been together and manage to see each other would be..crikey! over $10,000 still, worth every cent.


                              For flights I never paid more than 90€ for a return ticket, but I book far in advance so I get really good deals.
                              The train is like 70€ for a return ticket. I don't really spend more money there, than when I'm at home because going out is cheaper and I don't have to buy food (as he lives with his parents).
                              So visits are about about 100€. I visit him once a month usually. I don't like to think about how much money I spend on my relationship. It's a lot, especially when I count in that I can't work when I'm visiting for a few weeks. But it's worth every cent and there's probably no better way I could spend that money

                              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

