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Big issues closing the distance!...advice anyone

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    Big issues closing the distance!...advice anyone

    Okay so i already posted ths as a reply...but I thought it needed its own thread.

    I want to close the distance but...
    I have the problem of how I will get back there to the Philippines! My charity have said they wont take me back! And we cant live on his one salary...its filipino salary so its teeny tiny!...I want to bring him here but hes not qualified to work in the UK.
    I found a new charity and american one...but iv'e tried contacting them...but not responce for a month...i'm thinking they are fakes

    any one good and finding these things out check them out....

    even if I do find a new charity i still need to find sponsors for my work as a missionary...which is proving difficult...

    uhh I'm just putting this out there.. isn't it kind of wrong to pose as someone being selfless and doing work for God and having people PAY you.. just to be with your boyfriend? I'm just not sure if lying to people so they'll pay your way is the best method..


      LOL!...thats not correct!
      I go to the philippines as a missionary, I met my Bf through being a misionary! if i were to find a mission field like the one i had before, then sponsorship would be the way to go about it....because i actually would be working for God, which is my primary motive for returning to the country! But as i'm on a forum for LD i figured that was what people would have advice about.
      But if it does become impossible for me to continue on as a missionary, of course i would not take sponsorship!
      hence the mention of him moving to the UK or living of his salary!


        I don't think she's lying about whawt she's doing ^^; I think she'd prefer to be where her boyfriend is but this is what she wants to do.

        anyway, as to the problem at hand... I would continue trying to get him to go to the UK if you like it better there. The only reason I say that is that if y'all stay in the UK the salary would be different and if ever y'all had to live off of one salary you could. If you want to go back to the Philippines I'd suggest that either you find a job first and continue missionary work inside and outside the job or maybe find work with a church.


          The Philippines is my prefered place, its more of a personal calling on my life to bring hope and life to the maby struggling people of that country. As I said i'm looking at the charity above as I have experince in that feild as my last place was a orphange too...but I just can't seem to get reply from them :/. There is also another charity, however they are Catholic and my demonination is born maybe there would be no support for this...the again the God I serve opens doors.


            Have you thought about finding a job teaching english? Are you a native english speaker?


              the Philippines unforutnatly is one of the most english speaking countries outside of europe. So there is not much in the way of english taeching Jobs.


                I'm sure I've seen lots of TEFL teaching jobs based in Philippines.
                I'd go on the government website and take a lot at all the different options of how to move there. Check out some expat forums too, and read some stories of how other people have done it to give you a good idea of the ways to go about these things.


                  I just remebered something! Our place in the Philippines has a HUGE korean community...i'm pretty sure they study english as a foriegn language!
                  I am looking into this! thanks!

