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Almost time for our first visit...

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    Almost time for our first visit...

    Just 'bout a week left now until I visit her for the first time...

    Not so sure I can do this :\

    i have about a week until i have my first visit with my LD boy and i am freaking out too. what are your concerns? have you talked to her about them? i talk to him about all my concerns and it really just makes us stronger since he knows how much i want things to go right for us and we reassure each other that the feelings we have will be enough to make any awkward situation into a good story to tell in the future or overcome any hiccups that may come up during my trip.


      I'll be flying out/landing there on the 15th, so i'm really excited! But I think my biggest thing is that I just want it to go perfectly, and i'm afraid of not quit living up to the expectations. We have such a great relationship going on right now, and I would hate for my visit to cause anything that might ruin that, you know? I kind of brought up that I am nervous and was even considering calling off the trip altogether, and she just reassured me that it will be alright and that she didn't want me to doubt anything.. I haven't really said a lot about it though because I don't want to come across like i'm insecure lol..


        It seems normal to be nervous about something you're really excited about, especially something big like this. I was really nervous before my first visit, too (almost to the point of freaking out), because I was worried about the visit changing everything or things for us being very different in person. When I told my SO, he just shrugged and said that, if things had been going so well for us online up to that point, why should a visit change anything? If anything, visits would make things even better. Try not to worry about expectations being too high, especially if things are already going great for you two and you're both excited about the visit. Your SO doesn't sound like she's too worried, that has to be reassuring too! I bet that your first in-person visit will surpass any expectations you guys have in the best way possible.
        "These are the days of miracle and wonder. This is the long-distance call."--Paul Simon
        "I can't tell one from another. Did I find you, or you find me?
        There was a time before we were born. If someone asks, this where I'll be. . .where I'll be."--Talking Heads


          Originally posted by theyellowdart View Post
          I'll be flying out/landing there on the 15th, so i'm really excited! But I think my biggest thing is that I just want it to go perfectly, and i'm afraid of not quit living up to the expectations. We have such a great relationship going on right now, and I would hate for my visit to cause anything that might ruin that, you know? I kind of brought up that I am nervous and was even considering calling off the trip altogether, and she just reassured me that it will be alright and that she didn't want me to doubt anything.. I haven't really said a lot about it though because I don't want to come across like i'm insecure lol..

          I was really nervous before our first meeting as well. I didn't think he was going to show up. We talked about my fears, and how was nervous as well, and I remember one thing he said to me months and months before we first met was that the first time we meet he can't wait for a hug.

          I was so nervous when I saw him standing there at the airport that I choked it all down and rushed out of my car and gave him the biggest hug, I didn't want to let him go after that.

          I had the same fears, I was worried that I wouldn't live up to his expectations, that I wouldn't be pretty enough, that there just would be no chemistry, but above all, I think we owed it to each other to find out.

          And like I said, as soon as we met there was no odd moment, there was no worry, we just knew that we were meant to be together.

          I will add, I try to believe that he's coming back, but it's hard for me to have faith in that. I wish every night for a date of our next visit and I hate the distance between us, the distance makes me insecure because I want to be there for him. I've got to learn to have and keep the faith.


            First visits can be very exciting and nerve wracking. Go with the intention of having a great time, but make sure you have prepared yourself for any mishaps that could happen. On my first visit to my SO after we were an official couple was the worst that I cold have ever imagined at first. After a few days though, things were great. In spite of those few days at the beginning, I wouldn't have traded that visit for the world. Go and have fun, but don't expect perfection. Even if a million terrible things happen, I know that you'll think it was all worth while because you got to spend that time with your SO in person. I know it did.
            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

            Met: August 22, 2010
            Made it official: September 17, 2010
            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
            Got married: November 21, 2012
            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


              It is perfectly normal to be nervous right before the first visit. I understand the worries going through your head.

              The week or so before my first visit, I was extremely nervous and DID end up freaking out. I became very mood swingy and either started picking fights with him or became very clingy. I was very fortunate that he grew up with two women and knew that I didn't mean most of what I said/did and was very patient and talked me out of those moods.

              As soon as we saw each other at the airport and shared a hug (one I will always remember), every doubt and worry and fear I had disappeared.

              He later admitted that while waiting for me at the airport he wouldn't have ditched, but was so nervous that he thought about it. So, yeah, it happens to everyone. I hope you guys have an amazing time together. (:


                We ended up talking about it last night.. shes just as nervous as me I guess, shes afraid of not living up to my expectations, though I don't really know how she couldn't.. shes pretty much the most amazing woman ever (no offense :P). She reassured me that it will all be alright and nothing can change what we have, and that I shouldn't worry. So I am going to do my best not to, but I probably still will haha.. I guess if nothing else, that just shows I really care and really want this to work.

                I think one of my biggest fears is that first initial meeting at the airport, haha. What if she doesn't recognize me? What if she chickens out and isn't even there altogether? What if she doesn't like what she sees in person? A whole bunch of things could go wrong I suppose :P I'm just being a worry wart.

                Princess, what happened that first week that made it so horrible, if I may ask? I'm just curious :P


                  I had the exact same questions popping up: Whaf if she doesn't recognize me? What if she doesn't like what she sees? What if we don't get along? All my worries were a waste of time really. It was so perfect. We were both nervous and shy, but nothing else. It's normal to freak out though. Meeting for the first time in person is something completely different than just online communication. Good luck and lots of fun!


                    i still have a month to go before we first meet but i have these same fear. We been doing so good what if when we meet it gets ruined and we end up just friends, or what if he doesnt like what he see's or ehh, but in the end he's my nathan and i am his. Its worth all the risks and fears. You went through so much in a LDR all the waiting and struggles. I think its worth taking a chance and to just go for it. And if its true real love, then it will work out, right?
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      I think most had this feeling their first time. I was very nervous; i get very nervous when i have to do my drama performances, but when i went to meet my SO i was even more nervous >.< I remember seeing him and my legs literally went to jelly.
                      I was also worried that he might be different in person and might not turn up etc, but i was silly to think that >.<
                      Im sure it'll be fine for you both Good luck

