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3 things you love the most about your SO

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    3 things you love the most about your SO

    mine are..
    1. he (pretends not to be sometimes but) he is THE sweeeeetest and nicest and understanding and romantic and loving guy that i have ever known
    2. i can always trust him, believe him and i always know that no matter what hell always be there for me when i need him
    3. thanks to him my life is a million times better. he made me so much more confident and happy than i ever thought i could be <3

    1) He loves me 100%. Despite all of my flaws, and my tendency to say things I shouldn't say. His love for me is absolutely unconditional.
    2) His brain. He is one of the smartest people I've ever met. He constantly amazes me with his knowledge.
    3) He's just comfortable. It's as if we've been together all of our lives. We don't have to hide anything, or be someone that we're not. I can just be me with him, and that's what he wants. I can be the girl who can dress up and go out on the town or to social events, and the girl who can watch sports and drink beer with the guys. I can just be me with him, and he's perfectly fine with that.

    "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
    - A. A. Milne


      1. I love love love that we are best friends. It allows us to do more than just be a couple when we're together, it allows us to communicate and hang out as friends as well. But there is still the couple thing where we can act like a couple as well. xD So it's good no matter what.

      2. He is so corny!!! And I love it!!! Jaja!! On Valentines Day last year, he ordered a bouquet of roses from proflowers and had them ordered to my house. This year on Valentines Day he gave me a single red rose that has been specially preserved to last for up to two years. He thought of the idea to get each other promise rings for our two year anniversary, and he and a friend of mine sent me and this same friends boyfriend (who is also my friend) out on a treasure hunt to the beach and the burried treasure had candy (which he knows I LOOOOVE), a stuffed bunny =) and a picture frame with an extra surprise picture in the back!!

      And by the way, the extra picture thing was put there by him so that when we're apart, if I get sad, he'd tell me to open the back of the picture frame so as to put a surprised smile on my face. He ended up telling me earlier than he was supposed to 'cause I think he really wanted to tell me apparently.

      3. He is extremely understanding And he always tries his hardest, which just makes me love him all the more =D. Whenever we get into arguments, if its something he did, he always apologizes, tries to fix it, and tries to make me feel better. He also understands that sometimes I'm just upset about something...and if I get upset at him because of it, he tries to give me a hug...which I simply can't resist. :P

      He is my guardian angel


        1. His patience .
        Hands down the single thing I love most about him. When I'm being really dumb/slow and he has to explain the same thing to me for ages and ages, he will do so until he is completely sure that I got it. I never have to pretend or be ashamed that there's something I didn't understand, because I know he'll love to explain it to me. He doesn't ever lose his temper, no matter how stupid other people are.

        2. His trust and confidence.
        I know that he trusts me. He never questions my love, he's not jealous and he's just so convinced that we will work out and that we're perfect for each other. It shows me that I have no reason not to trust him. And it helps me a lot that he's so convinced that we'll end up growing old together. I don't know where he takes it from, but if someone's that convinced he must have his reasons, so I don't doubt it either.

        3. His natural curiosity.
        He's so eager to learn and get to know new things and seems to be interested in everything and everyone he meets. I can't imagine him ever being bored or not knowing what to do. From foreign languages over ancient cultures to the newest trends in fashion - there's nothing he does not want to know more about. It's so refreshing and even after we've been dating for quite some time I still discover new things that he knows a lot about.

        I could list a million more things (his looks - god, he's CUTE!!) but this are probably the three most important ones...

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          I love how sweet he is, he's always here for me when I need him the most
          I love the way he treats me like a kid when we're playing around, even though I act like I hate it I didn't get much of a childhood so it's nice being at to act like a kid.
          I love the way he stands up for what he believes in and never backs down.

          Met: 8.17.09
          Started Dating: 8.20.09
          First Met: 10.2.10
          Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


            1. hes blunt and honest, he doesn't sugar coat things or his opinions, sometimes make come off as mean or harsh but i love that hes honest. Love this quality about him (most of the time lol)
            2. Hes patient with me, i feel like i give him alot of problems, and im kinda emotional, and he puts up with that i love that he puts up with me.
            3. His energy, i love when he dances even tho i havent really got to see him, love how he goes out and does things with his life, even tho its hard for me when hes away i admire this in him

            i have more top favorates but only listing the three things that came to mind first lol
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              Three top things are:

              1. He loves me big time and proves that to me in all possible ways.
              2. He's my bestfriend, confidante, diary, teacher, playmate, enemy at times and my man rolled into one. He never fails to amaze me.
              3. He accepts me for who I am despite of my imperfections and flaws.

              And the list goes on and on and on...


                first he makes me smile,,his funny side is what I like the most,,sense of humor....though at first that you will look at him..he looks so serious....but people dont know his funny side....only in me....

                then he is sweet,,other people dont know that too,,coz he look so snobbish and serious at first that you look at him,,,,but he is the sweetest man I've ever met second to my dad....he has his own way of showing you how much he cares...

                and because he loves me,despite of my situation of being a single mom,,he accepts everything in my family and he went back home to my homeland and stay for almost 2 mos. just to experience my life,,and learn my simple and poor life...

                I LOVE MY SO so much...he is my MAN,MY BEST FRIEND AND MY LIFE..he and MY SON ANDIE


                  I can't choose just three ^^; I've tried for the last ten minutes to figure out just three or the top three and I can't figure out just three to put down ^^; sorry ^^;


                    1. he is the sort of wonderful person that everyone honestly and sincerely loves. He's just so friendly, kind, and incredibly entertaining!
                    2. he says he's awkward about romance, but without even realising it, he does the sweetest, most sincere things to show me he loves me.
                    3. he understands me and knows me better than I ever thought a person could... he has helped me through so many difficult things, and he has helped me learn more about who I am.

                    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                      1. She can make me laugh and be calm even when I don't even want to smile. That's certainly saying something because usually when I'm angry or depressed, not many people can make me crack even the smallest of smiles. She can do that, and what's more, do it with ease.

                      2. She isn't one to dress up for every little thing, like I've seen some people do, but whether or not she dresses up, she still manages to look absolutely wonderful.

                      3. She is a beautiful, wonderful young woman that I wouldn't trade for anything!
                      National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                      National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                      Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                        Three? Just three??? Oh boy...
                        1. He accepts me for who I am, and he's the first person I'm wholly myself with. Through him, I learn about myself.
                        2. His ridiculous sense of humor, he's so funny and makes me laugh so much. No matter what my day was like, by the end of it, I feel good.
                        3. His compassion and empathy.

                        I wish I could also say more, like his intelligence, his loyalty, his natural curiosity, his boyishness, etc. but that would be cheating
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          His kindness, sensitivity, and acceptance.


                            1. The way he seems willing to do almost everything for me. If I want something he buys it, if I want to eat something he cooks it, if I want to go somewhere he makes it happen.
                            2. His eyes... I got to have them here. He has the kindest dark brown eyes I've ever seen. I can stare into those for hours. And then I love way he sometimes just looks at me.
                            3. His humor. His jokes are so stupid, but he makes me laugh. Especially when he's not "trying" to be funny, since he has a natural funny charm, he just haven't noticed it, yet. Which makes him often try too hard... XD


                              1. He's so sweet. I know it's kind of the beginning of the relationship, but he's been sweet nonstop even before we got together. He always makes sure that I'm okay, that I'm happy and will randomly tell me everything he loves about me.
                              2. Every night, no matter if I'm busy or he's busy, we always find the time to skype with each other.
                              3. He doesn't mind how weird I am. With how me and my best friend are sometimes, It seems like no one else can stand us or get us. With Chris, he takes my weirdness and loves it. That's what made me fall had for him.

