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3 things you love the most about your SO

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    1. He is the sweetest, most romantic guy ever. He is always leaving me sweet soppy messages >.<
    2. He is so understanding - I get in some shitty moods coz of exam stress and school etc, and although I take it out on him sometimes, he always calms me down and cheers me up and doesnt get annoyed that I get in crap moods. He just understands everything about me
    3. He is so perfect and loving. He does everything he can to keep me happy - although he doesnt even need to try. He loves me always and always reminds me how beautiful he thinks I am and how much he loves me
    I could be here forever saying how amazing he is >.<


      I really can't just choose three things. I love absolutely everything about my SO.


        My boy is incredibly attentive and sweet when I am with him, is very intelligent, and wants the same things out of life that I do. I love that we can be silly and romantic but also have intelligent arguments or discussions about things. I also love that we share the same dream of moving to the same city and he's willing to work as hard for it as I am. He's definitely The One.


          Originally posted by we'reunderthesamesky View Post
          2. He's my bestfriend, confidante, diary, teacher, playmate, enemy at times and my man rolled into one. He never fails to amaze me.
          That reminds me of my boyfriend as well! Especially the diary part And the enemy part is when he tickles me lmao!


            1. I love that he always wants to make sure that I'm happy. He does whatever he can to lift my mood when I'm sad or to make me laugh.
            2. I love that he wants to take care of me. He's always saying things like I can't wait to cook for you again. Or one time he said that he wished I would get sick while I was visiting him this June so he could take care of me. It sounds weird, but it's so sweet.
            3. He is the sweetest, most amazing man I have ever met. He's always telling me sweet things and just astounds me every day.

            There is so much more I could say about why I love. I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I have him. I love him so much.
            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

            Met: August 22, 2010
            Made it official: September 17, 2010
            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
            Got married: November 21, 2012
            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


              1. he knows me better than anyone else ever has, and he still loves me and supports me,
              2. he makes me happy, laugh, and we have the best times together.
              3. he is the best thing in my life and he always will be.


                1) How much he makes me laugh and smile. He doesn't even have to try hard it seems to make me laugh. I love his humor!
                2) How honest and faithful he is. If I ask him something, he will tell me the truth, he won't lie about it. That means everything to me, because even sometimes if it something I don't want to hear, it's better to hear the truth than a lie, and I know that I can always have his honesty and his trust. I trust him so much, and I wouldn't for one second think he would do something to take away my trust I have for him 3) The way he looks at me and smiles and how he is a man. It's so attractive to me to see him smiling at me and I love his brown eyes. And how manly he is, it's such a turn on! How he takes control in bed, how he always has plans, and just takes "the man role", it's just really nice, and I feel so safe and protected with them, like I know I will always be ok and I know I will never get hurt. And feeling safe around my man is so important to me, it's really special!


                  1. His kind heart
                  2. His brilliant mind
                  3. His wonderful personality

                  I honestly couldn't be more specific than this.


                    1. he makes me smile and laugh
                    2. he has a really good heart-cares about family and friends
                    3. he makes me feel important and loved

