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closing the distance earlier than expected...getting nervous

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    closing the distance earlier than expected...getting nervous

    My SO was originally supposed to move back to florida at the end of august. We have been fighting a lot this year and it was getting very hard to deal with. Last week when he was in Pittsburgh (where i'm from) with me he got a call saying that he got accepted to an internship with disney and it starts june 23rd. so after figuring out school and everything, he will be here june 21st.

    its right around the corner! and now i'm getting excited and nervous. we are going from seeing eachother every other month to living together.

    any advice from anyone who has closed the distance? what has changed the most?

    Hey there
    that sounds like a big change to make, for sure. I'm not in exactly the same situation, but something similar. My boy was living up at school during the year and now he's home, but he came home waaaaaaay earlier than I thought- and of course right during finals. However now he is up north again moving into his house...
    One thing I have noticed is that we were arguing a bit more than usual the past few months. I think a lot of it is anticipation of being home and being together, but not knowing what to expect... things always change. But most of the time change is good
    And as for the internship - that could be a blessing for the closing the distance jitters. My sister is participating in a Disney internship currently and she works a LOT. So you probably won't feel crowded or overwhelmed too badly if you guys can find a schedule and cooperate for alone time and/or couple time.
    All the best to you and your SO


      Good for you!

      I will also be closing the distance temporarily because of a summer internship.

