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He is driving me crazy

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    As far as my knowledge goes if the police are notified of a suicidal person or a suicide attempt they will take the person to the hospital or get an ambulance so that they can be restrained and can't escape or injure themselves in the vehicle. I might be wrong though. It is very hard to get people to take stuff like that seriously because of the mass amounts of people who do it for attention and unless you know for certain he's hurt himself before whether in this case or for something else, it very well could be all talk. It's hard to fake being nuts, but there are different kinds of nuts and not all of them are ready to hop in a 6 foot hole wearing their Sunday best despite running around with a kitchen knife and screaming about the Second Coming. Either way it does have to be treated as serious or at least real because the only one who knows is the nut.

    If you have any tangible evidence of him threatening to hurt himself, you, or anyone else or just his general erratic behavior, contact the police station where he lives (you can usually call your local station or a 911 dispatcher and ask to be transferred, I believe) and explain the situation and offer to send them the information either in the mail or via fax or something so they know it's not a joke. They will check on him and if it continues just continue calling and chances are they'll end up taking it seriously and either see to it he gets help or contact his folks to take him in for something like suicide watch or just general care.

    It's a very hard situation, I watched my ex best friend go through it. You care enough to want to help but there's not much to be done besides return to them and when you don't want that, it becomes a conflict of safety and interest. All you can really do is try to turn him over to someone who will get him help and then remove yourself from the situation quickly.


      it has become pure manipulation, "I only won't kill myself if you stay with me."
      I asked even if you know I don't want to be with you and it's by force.
      And he said "yes."

      I got his entire family involved and when they called him but did nothing else and were entirely unless I got the campus police at his school involved.
      I cannot do that to myself. STAY for the sake of saving a life.
      Please everyone, keep your thoughts, prayers, whatever else you do with him
      I am really hoping they'll put him on suicide watch, I had to send the police proof and I had tons of it, so hopefully now SOMEONE will believe me.
      So maybe you should pray for me too.... Thank you everyone.
      ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


        You are only responsible for your own actions, he's responsible for his. I'm going to guess his threats were nothing more than an attempt at serious manipulation, and if he's unstable enough, he could make a weak attempt that he knows won't kill him. Either way, my thoughts are with you, you're doing exactly the right thing, and stay strong.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I've known very few people who use that tactic who actually do something extreme enough to land them in the hospital, much less die. If they die, they lose because their entire reason for going bonkers is to get their way. Dying doesn't grant them that. I realized a long time ago (through both observation and personal, first-hand experience) that those that continually threaten to take their own lives are blowing smoke out of their ass. It's almost a sure-fire way to get attention, get sympathy, pity, ass-pats, whatever they're looking for. Those that kill themselves you can't really say you ever saw it coming because they keep it to themselves.

          Like Moon said you are responsible for you and your actions and he's responsible for his. Don't ruin your life protecting one that doesn't deserve it. You've done all you can by handing over proof to the authorities who will take it from there. If his family won't get involved chances are he's either pulled this crap before to the point they know he's BSing or they just don't care. That's on them, I'm sick in the head but I still lack sympathy for those that do these things and refuse help. Yeah you may have a problem that causes you to be miserable but it doesn't give you the go-ahead to fuck up someone else.

          My ranting aside, I do wish the best for you and please don't hesitate to come to us for support or help.


            Thanks guys, I know that people that say they are going to are usually just all talk, but you can never be too careful and you never know what they are capable of doing to themselves if they reach a certain point. While it may be purely manipulation and attention seeking, there is always a chance that he may really do it. But basically this was the last straw for me, I handed responsibility over to someone else and that the extent of the support I can give him. It's time I got out of this scenario.

            As much as I hated hearing that I needed to get out this from so many people: here, friends, my sister etc. I am glad that everyone did and gave me the push to do this.
            ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


              Sometimes the best advice you can take is the one you don't want to.

              Even in a relationship you have to come first in certain things. Your happiness, obviously, is first and it didn't sound like you were the least bit happy. You've done what you can and hopefully things will look up for you and life can go back to how it should be. And hopefully that guy will get the help he needs and learn he can't manipulate people to staying by putting a knife to his throat.

