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LDRs harder than CDRs?

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    LDRs harder than CDRs?

    As someone who has experienced both sides of the close/long distance relationship - I have to say that hands down, long distance relationships are much harder to maintain that close distance relationships. The difficulty of communication, of expression, of showing your affecttion for one another - it is limited to words and voices - things that holding hands could never amount to.

    I've been in my LDR for nearly a year (28 more days!) and it has been a very rough time coping with the distance. It still shocks me that some people tell me how my relationship doesn't really count because he doesn't live near me. How I should dump him and find someone closer that's worth it. And today was just so great - one of my coworkers told me that my year long relationship actually counts less than a "real relationship". We were discussing how a close friend had gotten engaged after only dating for 10 months, and yet I've dated my boyfriend for nearly 18 months and don't expect a ring anytime soon.

    "Well that's because your relationship isn't actually real since you are far apart. You can't be as [emotionally?] close as regular relationships."

    I call bull crap. She may have been dating her boyfriend for two years, but does she know what it's like to spend months alone trying to make friends and live independently? What it feels like when a man comes up to you at a bar and when I turn him down says "You shouldn't be going out at all if you have a boyfriend. Why isn't he here with you now?" To hear again and again that my boyfriend doesn't really like me since he doesn't live near me. That he's not worth it. That I should find someone else?

    And yet after nearly 12 months I have survived through this. We have survived together. We have learned to conquer our challenges not only together, but alone.

    Then she added this little gem to the mix: "You shouldn't even think about getting engaged until you've lived together." Because EVERYONE lives together before marriage, you know? :P Believe it or not, some people are old-fashioned and save that moving-in for marriage. And there are higher divorce rates for couples who haved lived together before marriage. Guess she should tell that to her "real" boyfriend that she lives with.

    Grrr. People stink.
    First date: 12.27.09
    Started the distance: 6.10.10
    Finished the distance: 8.17.12

    J & C

    Ugh, I'm sorry they were saying all of this to you! They just don't understand what you're feeling. I've gotten some of the same crap from people, telling me it'll never work and I'm crazy for even trying. Well, I take that and I use it as fuel and it makes me work even harder to stay connected to my boyfriend and I want to prove to people LDR's can work. Try not to take what they say to heart...don't let them get you down. Your relationship is just as much "real" as theirs, if not more! People who have never been in an LDR tend to judge and generalize, based on what they see in the the media. Only those who are living it get it...we're all here for you and we know your relationship is normal. You CAN be close with an LDR significant other...and it makes it that much more special when you do get to hear from them or see them. Hang in there! =] *hugs*

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


      Sorry to hear that people have given you a hard time! You don't have to listen to those though, because people always are going to spout off about things they know bullshit about, because they haven't experienced it. They just have no idea, no concept. You (and all the others) on the other hand have experienced it, so be confident, don't let them pull you down and, above all things, have faith! It's your relationship and you both work hard at it. You'll definitely pull through!


        Personally I think people give too much credit to yet take for granted the physical part of a relationship. There is something to be desired when you're long distance but it doesn't make things any less real. After all plenty close distance relationships leave things to be desired such as, oh I'unno, actually knowing the person beyond what they look like naked yet they're not criticized in the same light. As long as there's an emotional connection, it's real.

        But unfortunately there are some things in life that unless you've gone through it firsthand you can't really understand it and LDRs are one of them. Someone who sees their partner every day and has never truly been parted from them can't imagine what it's like to go months or even years without touching, kissing, or anything else so they can't imagine how someone else could do that and seem fine with it and still call it a relationship.


          I feel your pain!! ; ^ ; *huggles* and I agree with you 100% on all fronts >.<


            LDR's are more of a relationship because it requires twice the work!! Ugh. People like that make me want to scream. I'm done both CDR and LDR with my SO of three years and I'll tell you LDR is harder but our relationship is a lot stronger because of it.
            *It doesn't matter where you are but who you are with*


              Originally posted by leonina View Post
              Then she added this little gem to the mix: "You shouldn't even think about getting engaged until you've lived together." Because EVERYONE lives together before marriage, you know? :P
              Nooooooot everyone.
              My heart belongs to a pilot!


                I hate it when people are like that too, obviously. If only they could know what an emotional rollercoaster it is, and how much hard work you have to put into it, how trying it can be when all you need is a hug or a touch and it's not possible and you know it won't be for some time too...but to still make it work and keep making it work to be together. The amount of commitment, trust, work and determination needed is a thousandfold that which is needed in a CDR.

                And as for the whole "you shouldn't even think about getting engaged" thing, what a load of crap if you ask me - I think that two people in a LDR know each other much better and more intimately than in most CDR, because you spend so much more time talking and simply being together without physical contact that you truly get to know the person better than you would have in the same amount of time in a CDR - that's my opinion of course . It was like that for us, we met online and didn't meet in person until we were together almost two years (due to various reasons) but when we finally did it was just perfect really, the transition from online to real-life was seamless, because we knew each other so well and we were always ourselves with each other...the meeting just confirmed what we already knew...after having been together for only two weeks before he had to go back we are even more sure that we want this to be permanent, and the first conversation we had after he was back at his home he said "so what do you say as soon as it's possible we move in and live together and get married and have kids ( he said all of this in a semi joking manner ofc, but I know him well enough to know he meant it)...because you are definitely the one and I know it now more than ever before".

                Anyway! All I actually wanted to say is don't let people like that get you down...they have no idea what they are talking about! *hugs*

