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does your SO still woo you?

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    does your SO still woo you?

    i came across this quote
    “If I am not worth the wooing, I am surely not worth the winning.” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    What exactly does it mean??
    Anyways does your SO still go out of his/her way to show they care? Do those extra little things, still chase after you, or has it died down? I know most relationships after awhile die down and get to that "comfort" stage. But i think its nice when your loved one goes out of there way to say "hey, i love you and i wanted to let you know"

    so whats the last thing your SO did to really woo you, what stage are you in, when was the last time, just share ur opinion on this subject.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3

    My SO skyped me late one night upset that I didn't think he did enough to show he loves me. I had joked earlier that the flowers he could see behind me while skyping were from a secret admirer and I guess he thought that he needed to do things like that for me more. I told him not to worry.
    I don't think he still chases me, but the things he does for me are woo like I guess. He enjoys giving me massages, holds the door etx. I don't know if thats what you mean by wooing though.


      I've always thought of wooing as just going that extra mile to show your affection to that person.

      When I was on my last visit with my partner he grabbed my hand and started dancing with me right before I was about to leave. I laughed at him and asked him what he was doing. He replied he was dancing with me. I said there wasn't any music and he began singing [badly] and continued dancing with me. It's almost been two years and he still dances with me when there isn't any music, he still holds my hand in his, and he still tells me I am beautiful everyday even though these days he rarely sees me unless I send him a pic or he sees me on cam. I hope in twenty years I can say the same.

      I think it is very easy to get comfortable with the person you are with and stop doing all the little things that the person enjoys or makes that person smile, but I think getting too comfortable is dangerous. I always want to be reminded that I am special to him and I go out of my way to make him feel the same.


        i think getting to comfortable isn't good either, i watch my parents and they love each other but they fight a ton but every now and then one of them will do something small but that extra little something and you can see how much that means. i want to make sure i always remeber not to take anything for granted, don't want to lose him because i didn't give him the love he deserved, and visa versa. its those little moments, when you go out of your way, the smiles you give and those warm fuzzy feelings that keep a romance alive.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          Originally posted by Mara View Post
          I think it is very easy to get comfortable with the person you are with and stop doing all the little things that the person enjoys or makes that person smile, but I think getting too comfortable is dangerous. I always want to be reminded that I am special to him and I go out of my way to make him feel the same.
          You need to be comfortable with the person that you're with, but there is a point where you can get too comfortable in that you're too relaxed about it. Because it is nice to be reminded and to remind the person that you're with that you're thinking of them or you still enjoy those little fun things. It's harder when you're apart (though sometimes it's just as simple as text message saying good morning and asking how I slept), but when we're together we still have those little things. They're fun.

          I remember going to some sort of family gathering once, and there was a couple there, around 50-ish and they were just constantly smiling and laughing with each other and holding hands and he would pat her on the bum when he thought no-one was looking. And I thought to myself that that was how I wanted to be when I got to that age
          Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
          First met: June 13th 2006


            Yes, my SO still woos me. He rubbed my feet last night. We've been going out for almost two years, and we're now living together.

            For us, I think the little wooing things are important. He knows what I really like, need, and enjoy - cuddling, talking, lots of kissing. When we were LD, it was spending time with me, and being kissy/snuggly, and it was great. My personal opinion is that you can always be 'wooed' - that is, we make a conscious choice whether or not to pay attention to our partner's needs. Everyone's needs are different, and watching those are vital to keeping the romance alive.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              haha yes he does and I keep up too. I tell him everyday how beautiful he is and how lucky I am- I love to make him smile the way he does when I do something like that. I'll draw a little picture for our letters- we exchange love letters regularly too. He'll send me candy every so often, as I do him. When we're CD he gives me back rubs and foot rubs and we curl up in the corner of the sofa and snuggle a lot. Sometimes we'll be sat quietly doing our own thing and one of us will give the other a kiss on the cheek and go back to what we were doing. He'll sometimes get up early to leave a flower out for me when I wake up. I cook for him a lot and bake him cookies.

              There's lots of just little things which we use to "woo" I guess. Doesn't have to be extravagant. Even him calling me a pet-name keeps things romantic for me haha

              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                Yes he does,
                Little messages while I'm asleep, songs when I'm awake And i do the same for him.
                It's important to do little things to make your partner smile and feel loved, nothing worse than feeling neglected and taken for granted.
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                  yeah she does, and so do i. we made a little vow to do that no matter how long we've been together, just make every day Valentines Day like you should with your partner


                    My SO and I just had a talk about this actually. He was going through a really rough time and all affection seemed to stop completely. I was really upset and finally brought it up to him. Since then he has turned on the charm, most recently letting me cry for half an hour on the phone. He wrote me this adorable letter after I left that also brightened my day. After three years we make sure to show through little things that we care.

                    Want a good idea? I took the lyrics to Bruno Mar's "Grenade" and made it into a love song. It was hilarious and he thought it was great. It was one of my better projects. Haha.
                    *It doesn't matter where you are but who you are with*


                      Yes he does and it's one of the many things I love about him. He will always try and do things to make me feel special and loved, and every day there is something - even if it's a small gesture it carries a great weight and just when I think it's not possible I love him even more


                        Not really. He's never been one for romantic gestures. He still texts me to let me know he loves me tho.
                        "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                          Yes, he does.. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with him. If people could hear the way we talk sometimes, they'd probably puke, lol. I love all of our mushy, lovey-dovey talk!


                            I love mush too, lol im a big sap, i love the romantic words and the love poems and all that mushy goey love lol, makes me get butterflys and ahh!
                            I love you Nathan <3
                            5/25/09 <3


                              Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
                              I love mush too, lol im a big sap, i love the romantic words and the love poems and all that mushy goey love lol, makes me get butterflys and ahh!

                              lol, me too. On the outside, you would never imagine he would be the type of guy to say/feel these things. I think that's the best part for me... Knowing that I get to see a side of him no one else does.

