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Do you worry?

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    Do you worry?

    Do you ever worry that after going a long period of time without seeing your SO you won't feel the same when you see them?

    Someone said something about what if its like a summer fling you had where it was great but when you see that person again its not the same as it was during that summer. That has stuck in my mind the last couple days.
    I know I love him but I feel like even though we skype quite often he's just become a figment of my imagination. Its hard to believe he is real. It has been almost half a bloody year since I've seen him. I've never really had trouble with the distance and try not to think about it too much, but I am kind of scared that by removing my emotions to help with the distance they might not come back when I see him.

    Sometimes I think I am able detach my emotions too easily, I will often wonder to myself 'If I never saw my mom/dad/so/etc again would I be okay' I can always answer yes. I suppose if it were actually to happen my answer might be different, but it bothers me that I am able to answer yes so easily in hypothetical situations.

    Am I a robot or does anyone else have feelings like this?

    No, I'd say you're not a robot. Or at least then I am one too.

    I've found that my best coping method has actually been to deaden my emotions towards him a little. He's a little the same way as well. I feel like if I let go of my control and let myself be enraptured by how much I want him, I'll dissolve into a puddle of useless mess that only wants to pout that I can't hold him/kiss him(and have it, logically come to no use and only waste valuable hours of my life). I've already dissolved my control several times, and have become that useless mess I predicted. Thus, it's been my go to coping mechanism sometimes-to CONTROL myself over much so that I don't slip into the other end of the spectrum.

    And as for the "he's a figment of my imagination" part I hear you on that one loud and clear too. I was with my SO last year from October(when we met) to mid December, and I had to come back to my country in December. It's been 5 months, it will be a minimum of 7 more, most likely 13 more. I haven't seen a full body picture of him for 3 months, I hardly get clear reception enough on skype to see his face...sometimes I definitely do wonder whether I made him up...but going into details is going into one of the darkest parts of my mind. I just try to put this out of my too.

    TLDR; you're not a robot.


      Someone asked me this before and it bothered me but then I realized I had nothing to worry about. Your mind will play tricks on you. If you convince yourself to believe it will happen then it will. I had to make myself stop thinking so much. Over thinking is not good.. especially in an LDR. Keep your head up. If it's true love then you just know. No if's and's or or's about it. Be confident and believe in your LDR.


        Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
        I know I love him but I feel like even though we skype quite often he's just become a figment of my imagination. Its hard to believe he is real. It has been almost half a bloody year since I've seen him. I've never really had trouble with the distance and try not to think about it too much, but I am kind of scared that by removing my emotions to help with the distance they might not come back when I see him.
        I've really struggled with the concept of mine being real too lately. It's been 16 months since I was last with my SO and as much as I try and try, I struggle to remember details that earlier on I could still remember and recall and would comfort me. Lately I've found it hard to remember what it's like to be with him, because sometimes it honestly doesn't feel real because we've been seperated for so long and it has been distressing me. I told him that I was struggling for it to feel real, and he understood and just reassured me on it, letting me know that he was real and that having me in his life was the most real thing to him.

        So no, you're not a robot. I have also worried about not feeling the same when I see him again, but I know when I'm actually in that moment, it won't be an issue, little fears just creep up easily when you're seperated.
        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
        First met: June 13th 2006


          I totally understand how you feel. There's times when whatever we say to each other seem totally hollow to me, where I'm just... numb to everything. And sometimes nothing helps but to say what I know deep down - that I still love him, that he still loves me, that it's just a mood that will pass.


            No, I don't. Not with my SO. We might have arguments while being long distance, but as soon as we see each other in person everything is absolutely perfect again. My heart beats faster and every little touch sends shivers all through my body. It's a wonderful feeling.


              Same with me. I don't worry about things like that, even though we have to wait almost 13 months until we see each other again. For me, there is no reason to. Add to it the fact that I hate to think about if's and but's and or's because they make me start doubting what I have with my SO. So, I am on the same page like kymckenna. NO OVERTHINKING! Have faith and stay positive...


                to be honest I'm not worrying of what will I feel If my feelings will change for the period of time that we will not see each other,.what I'm worrying is if my SO will change his feelings for me...I love my SO a lot and I believe in the two of us....Just have faith and Love him as long as you could...Loving him unconditionally...


                  sometimes. but then i kick myself in the butt and tell myself im being really silly and thats not the case


                    I think everyone does. For me its when we go for a little while without talking to each other on the phone. Its kind of like I think he'll fade away but then we talk and I hear his voice and it makes me happy and lovey dovey again :3


                      I don't feel any different after not seeing him for a long period of time so I don't worry. We just catch up on the time we've missed.

