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    Just wanna know from you guys,,are u and your SO's passwords in the their email adds,fb acct.?,,twitter and other net sites that you both have....Do you know it?,,I mean does your SO's and you have the same,,or are they giving it to you?....

    ..coz me and my SO's password are the same,,or if not we make it a point that we know each other's password...since we're engaged and committed to each other...and coz before we are CDR at first,,we just needed to be apart for us to finish some errands for our future

    But to be honest we had argues and issues coz since I knew his password I just found out something,,that makes me feel jealous...that cause of him to get mad at me...that now he change his password in his fb acct...but mine he still knew it...coz i dont wanna change and I still want him to know everything....

    am I bad?,,of what I did of checking his fb acct.,,coz he is doing it too in mine...
    Any comment and advice,,please...

    To be honest, being engaged and committed doesn't give you two any rite to each others passwords. If anything, especially if you're checking it all the time, it shows you don't trust each other. Though maybe if it's always been this way, it's some sort of habit you have both formed?

    I have my SO's fb password, he gave it to me once so I could look at his little sister's senior pictures, as I wasn't fb friends with her at the time. I told him he should change his password, but he hasn't (so he says, I haven't checked to test it out, and I won't either), he trusts me not to go on there, and I'm not even tempted to do so anyway; it's his private account, I have no rite to be looking through it.

    If it's causing fights, I suggest you both change your passwords, these things are private for a reason.

    <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
    <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
    The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
    <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
    <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
    Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
    Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


      My man knows my FB password, and goes on there most days. He deleted his account and thinks mine if way more interesting, he sees it as a way to get to know my friends better because he can't meet them. I love that he goes on there =)

      I have his e-mail password and he has mine. I used to go on his often because his crazy ass ex would e-mail him all the time so he'd keep them on there until I've read them for me to see what she was saying. She doesn't e-mail him anymore, probably texts him now instead.

      His friend e-mails him often, and sometimes instead of forwarding the e-mail to me my man will just tell me to look on his account instead and stuff. Or like when I was finding us an apartment and sending and recieving lots of e-mails, it was easier for him to just go on mine and read them all rather than me forwarding every one to him. =)

      It works for us.
      We've got no trust issues it's generally to make things easier for us.


        thanks guys for the advice i appreciate that he changed his password for good,,but its his right,,and all I can do now is to trust him more....


          I think I gave him my password for an online account once so that he could change something for me when I didn't have access to a computer. Otherwise, we don't know each other's passwords. We both have a password for our computers, and whenever I visit him, he changes the password on his to something else and tells me what it is so I can use it whenever I want, but he doesn't tell me the other password. I don't mind, I have no need for it, nor do I have a need to go looking into any of his things. If he genuinly asked for a password of mine, e-mail/facebook or something, I would probably just give it to him, I have nothing to hide. But we've never really thought to share them. Even though we're together, everybody needs their own little bit of privacy, whether it's between general e-mail chit-chat between friends or something more serious.
          Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
          First met: June 13th 2006


            We both know each other passwords. We will go to each other fb/email/messenger/and etc occasionally but not much. I have nothing to hide and I trust him.. So it works for us too..

            Like Nicole said, if it cause a fight, it is better to change the pw.


              My SO has my password (I use the same one for every account I have). I sometimes even tell her to log into my Facebook account to look at something or to log into my Gmail account to read through an email. I don't mind. I also trust her enough to know that she would never spy on me. I have my SO's password as well, but I can't remember it most of the time and I would never use it without her telling me to for some reason.


                ya I understand why he change he needed to change his password,,,but me I will not change my password coz I will still trust him to open my emails and pm....


                  I have nothing at all to hide from my SO, but I was in a very bad situation with a previous relationship with some one who had my passwords and information and stole from me. So I don't share mine with him. I always tell him if he really wants to see something he can ask and I will gladly show it, but he respects my need for a little bit of privacy.
                  I don't think you "have" to share that type of information with anyone. We trust each other without the need to invade each others privacy like that. I would be upset with my SO if I found out he had gotten into any of my accounts and checked things out because that would feel like he didn't trust me and didn't respect me. And I am just as committed in my relationship as anyone.


                    He doesn't and I'd be very upset if I found out he was going through my e-mail (facebook messages, whatever).
                    It's not that I have something to hide from him that he wouldn't like or that would upset him. But everyone has the right to some privacy, and that doesn't only concern me but also the people mailing or messaging me. If they confide me something in private, then I owe it to them not to tell my boyfriend about it.
                    There are things he doesn't have to know and there are things that I don't even want to know.

                    Sometimes when he's taking a shower or whatever and gets a text, I'll read it to him. But I'm not too comfortable even with that.

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      I just had a discussion about this with a friend. I would never go as far as to give him my password, or ask him to give me his. It never came up between us and I think we'd both find it unhealthy.

                      However I concede I'm a bit overly protective of both my phone and my computer, to the extent of not leaving them unattended. I hate the idea of someone, anyone, not just my boyfriend, using my computer or phone without my presence. I have nothing in particular to hide, I'm just a real privacy freak and I would never do it to anyone else either. I know how it might look like, but thankfully it's not been an issue with him.

                      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                        We don't have each others passwords. It's simply not necessary. Everyone needs some level of privacy in a relationship. Being committed does not entitle you to know every tiny thing your SO does, whether it be out in the real world, or online.

                        "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                        - A. A. Milne


                          Originally posted by nicole View Post
                          To be honest, being engaged and committed doesn't give you two any rite to each others passwords. If anything, especially if you're checking it all the time, it shows you don't trust each other.
                          ^This, this, this. THIS.

                          He's never given me his passwords, I've never given him mine, and neither of us have ever asked for them. There's simply been no legitimate need to share them - if ever at some point there is, I'll willingly share mine, as I have nothing to hide, but we genuinely don't have any issues with jealousy over Facebook, email, and the like. Since we don't, it would be destructive to even try to go there.

                          He has a right to his privacy, I have a right to mine. I have no desire to suffocate him by questioning every single interaction he has. I trust him, and he does right by me. He has nothing to prove to me by surrendering his passwords.
                          My heart belongs to a pilot!


                            I mean no offense to those who share passwords and have no problems in their relationship over it, but my personal opinion is that it's stupid. If you have an insane level of trust for your SO and you're not going to end up stalking their activity or anything then y'know hey so long as they have nothing to hide. I just don't find it necessary and I believe it's an invasion of privacy. Not to mention if you ever break up there is the possibility someone's going to be bitter enough to mess with your account.

                            There's really nothing that calls for exchanging passwords and I would never be comfortable doing that for any account I have online no matter how much I trust my SO because I have a right to say what I want, where I want, and get the option for only certain people to see it.


                              Nope non of us have each others passwords, ive given him my FB password before so he could go and feed my crops (lol one of those FB passwords) but ive changed my password since then to one my mom doesn't know lol. I haven't re-gave it to him and he doesn't ask. I don't know any of his passwords other then the one to see him live and to see his pictures for me on Photobucket. Once long long ago when all i did was ask question after questions to keep the conversations fun i asked him would he give me his password to his myspace (was using that at the time lol) he said if i wanted it. so i think if either one of us asked we would give cause don't have anything to hide. but as far as wanting it i trust him and we dont really have the want to go on each others stuff
                              I love you Nathan <3
                              5/25/09 <3

