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    We do not know any of each others passwords. I don't think its necessary to know them. I wouldn't want to feel like I had to tip toe around the internet just incase he decided he wanted to log on to my fb/email etc to see what I was up to. What is the point of having each others passwords? Even if the both of you say you won't log on to each others accounts thats BS cause then whats the reason to have the passwords. One gets mad or suspects something or is just curious and then you find the other has had a lengthy convo with someone of the opposite sex, then what? It could be harmless but it opens up a whole new can of worms of stuff to get angry about, when at the first place sharing passwords was a sign of trust. Just doesn't make sense to me.


      We're both (especially my SO) technologically inclined people, and he's a computer science major, so he's all about Internet security and such. We haven't given each other our passwords, nor do we intend to anytime soon. I know I would feel weird if I knew he had access to my accounts, not that I am hiding anything. I'm certain he'd feel the same way. We trust each other enough to not need to check up on one another, and we just try and let the other do their own thing. Granted, we are FB friends, and listed as in a relationship with one another. I would never do anything to hurt my SO or betray his trust, and he wouldn't either, so we don't feel the need to give our passwords to one another. Also, I wouldn't read his text messages if I was given the opportunity without him knowing, and I believe he would do the same.

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        My SO had my password for facebook a few months ago so he could play my games for me till my internet was hooked up after moving house and that's all he did with it. I've never had his and i don't want it either as i have no need for it. It's something that has ever bothered me or him.
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          thanks guys....I appreciate all your comments...eveyone has different opinions....and I respect that!


            Absolutely not. I have no need whatsoever to his passwords, and he doesn't need mine. Although I have nothing to hide, if he asked for them, it would cause a serious problem, being committed doesn't mean you give up all rights to privacy. That being said, if there was a legitimate reason for him to ask, sure, I'd give it to him, but to me just having them to have them, and to go through my stuff, is a serious lack of trust and an invasion of privacy, not to mention the control issue.

            he and I do tend to be more private by nature than most people though, which is why I'm so adamant about it.
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              I don't feel the need to give him the passwords to my personal accounts and as nosy as I am, I wouldn't ask for his either. It just doesn't seem all that necessary. If he feels I'm doing something hurtful to our relationship through a forums or whathaveyou, I expect he would come right out and ask me about it, and vice versa. Snooping and looking through each others things only seems to hurt both persons involved from what I've seen on the boards and it's a situation I would like to avoid. I'm sure if we had some very important information that we needed to share through the use of a shared password that would be a different story, but I don't feel we've reached that point yet of needing to know that type of information.


                Did not read the comments. No we do not know each others passwords. But our relationship is kind of screwy so I am not even on his FB any more. ANd he always had password on his phone which i do not know and on his computer which I also do not know. My opinion is that yeah you should have privacy and all, but it should not be a problem to give the password or not make a big deal out of giving it or something. I think two people in a relationship should have nothing to hide in social networks or phone. If there is something to hide then may be better not be in a relationship. Duh! And that is me - who's situation is not even close to what I consider healthy


                  I know his password, and I've given him mine. But it wasn't like a this is a step in our relationship: trusting each other with our passwords. It was out of convenience for whatever reason.

                  I don't think being committed to each other has anything to do with having each other's passwords, especially if you're using them to check up on each other. If I give you my password I'm trusting that you'll use it for the intended purpose and not to go in there looking for something you disagree with. A committed couple should also be able to trust each other not to have secrets enough to not want to check each other's accounts...

                  I've just taken some medication, so if I don't make sense, ehhh.


                    thanks guys for the opinions


                      I don't know my boyfriend's passwords, and he doesn't know mine, and I don't really care to know them. I trust him and his accounts are his and my accounts are mine. If I was logged on though and he just looked at it, I wouldn't care, because I know I don't have anything to hide. He knew my password to get into my computer last year since when we were close distance and he used my laptop for a little bit. I only use two different passwords for all my accounts, so if he figured that out and looked through my accounts lol I honestly wouldn't care because I never use my email for personal emails except when I send things to him, and for facebook, everything I do he can see on my page so it's not really a secret! And for my private facebook messages it consists of messages between my boyfriend and I, my best friend, and my roommate, lol not that exciting! But if he ever did take a peak, he might even get a laugh out of it! So it's whatevs to me lol it's all about trust though


                        yah...its ALL About TRUST....thans Brandie


                          Um, I'm going to be honest, I don't think it's right to know each other's passwords.

                          That being said, we share a Pandora account and he obviously knows the password to that, and to my image hosting site (so he can access pictures of me at all times) and because of knowing those passwords - he really knows my password to many things. However, I don't think he knows he does, and my email and what not has another password.

                          I would never ask him a password, and I know he wouldn't ask me mine either. It's important that private lives stay private.


                            I know his pws but I dunno if he remembers mine.
                            We almost run into an argument about it when I thought he allowed another person to open his account but it's false alarm. Just getting paranoid.


                              Originally posted by we'reunderthesamesky View Post
                              I know his pws but I dunno if he remembers mine.
                              We almost run into an argument about it when I thought he allowed another person to open his account but it's false alarm. Just getting paranoid.
                              yay!...i never get false alarm...just being paranoid maybe...hahaha....


                                Originally posted by we'reunderthesamesky View Post
                                I know his pws but I dunno if he remembers mine.
                                We almost run into an argument about it when I thought he allowed another person to open his account but it's false alarm. Just getting paranoid.
                                yay!...i never get false alarm...just being paranoid maybe...hahaha....

