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Please help! The results of DV 2012 lottery were voided!

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    Please help! The results of DV 2012 lottery were voided!

    I don't know if most of you heard, but the DV lottery 2012 results were voided!
    This was my only chance to see my partner, since the US law doesn't leave me any other way to live with her, we're a same sex binational couple, and since I won the lottery we were going to close the distance forever! Now it doesn't seem like it's going to be happening anytime soon. Since they are voiding the results because of a computer error?! The error was their not mine, since I've already sent the filled out forms and still have my case number and the letter from them stating that i won!

    Please help me and sign this petition, maybe we are able to have them rethink the results

    This is the only way for me and my partner to be together..
    Of all the things I learned from you
    The main was to let go..

    call them up and talk to them it might help, if not you might have to reapply


      She is agoraphobic, she can't move in with me - and calling them doesn't help, hey lied to us, made us send the forms to them and then all of a sudden gave us these news!
      I bet you would talk differently if it was you in this situation!
      Of all the things I learned from you
      The main was to let go..


        From what I've read, they are drawing again and all entries are still valid so there still may be a chance for you and your partner. I'm sorry that this has happened but they have to be fair and abide by the law. Signed the petition for you and i hope that everything works out.
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          thank you for signing - what chances do you think we have with this being redrawn?
          I've been calling them hours before they posted about re-draw and they didn't inform us about anything, in fact they kept telling us to send the filled out forms as soon as possible. Which by the way I did, the forms are with them as well as my documents and photos, which cost fedex, which isn't cheap. instead of re-drawing what seemed to be their mistake, they could've just let the 22 000 get their visas and redraw the rest 78000. By the way, they know the results of the draw in december, do you really expect me to believe they didn't know there was a mistake by then?!
          Of all the things I learned from you
          The main was to let go..


            "I think I know why they waited until midday on Friday... They wanted to minimize the damage in the press. So, they would rather tell people that everything was fine except for minor website technical difficulties (and that they should be sending applications to them to the KCC), then tell them what was really happening. And all of this just to minimize press exposure.
            As for the "suddenly discovered computer glitch". Well, I tell you what. Mistakes like this do not suddenly happen. They have full time staff (on very good salaries) designing algorithms and making sure that everything is fine. The program has been run for MANY YEARS. They had 6 MONTHS to check if everything was fine. Simple tabulation by day of winning would have shown the pattern of winning. Yet, NOBODY was disciplined, according to Associated Press. How come?
            They accepted this algorithm (random selection of two days, and then getting the majority of winners from these days) a long time ago. They though it was fine. The previous winners were selected in this manner all previous years. What was different this year was that they posted all the results very early, so winners started to report their stats on day 1. And the losers (very unethically, I must say) took advantage of this, and started to threaten KCC with lawsuits. They got scared, and now you know what has happened. But since they knew all along that algorithm was OK, they could not really punish anybody."

            post of one of the people on the fb page - might give you an idea
            Of all the things I learned from you
            The main was to let go..


              I can't imagine how much this has got to suck, but look at it this way. How would you feel if you hadn't won the draw and found out the draw was illegal and they let them all apply regardless. You'd be upset and demand a redraw, they have a duty to everyone who applied to be fair and ensure everyone has an equal chance.
              It's hard being an international couple (I'm in the U.K and boyfriend in Canada) but if it's meant to be.... it will happen for you.
              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                look at it this way - you're not taking a chance away from those who didn't win - the re-draw has plenty of places for them to say the least.
                And you are right it is hard being an international couple - a same-sex one at that since we don't have the same rights as you do.
                Of all the things I learned from you
                The main was to let go..


                  Originally posted by Sopho View Post
                  She is agoraphobic, she can't move in with me - and calling them doesn't help, hey lied to us, made us send the forms to them and then all of a sudden gave us these news!
                  I bet you would talk differently if it was you in this situation!
                  :/ hi i am in your situation remember? im going through the visa process as we speak also in a same sex relationship so i know how hard it is, so dont fucking jump down my throat, its not my bloody fault they lied to you and how was i supposed to know she was that. dont you dare jump down my throat for telling you to call them and ask whats up, and i know your upset but stop jumping down peoples throats who are trying to help you a little. jesus......


                    first of all, there is no need to curse, i don't remember offending you by that kind of language
                    Second of all - I am sorry if i sound rude - i have just been getting a lot of comments these days, sounding like "oh well, too bad, good luck guys" when it's our lives at stake - people who care and understand wouldn't post something like this - if you don't understand, that's fine, i'll explain, but if you don't care, than why post at all?..we are in a bad situation as is.
                    Of all the things I learned from you
                    The main was to let go..


                      Originally posted by Sopho View Post
                      first of all, there is no need to curse, i don't remember offending you by that kind of language
                      Second of all - I am sorry if i sound rude - i have just been getting a lot of comments these days, sounding like "oh well, too bad, good luck guys" when it's our lives at stake - people who care and understand wouldn't post something like this - if you don't understand, that's fine, i'll explain, but if you don't care, than why post at all?..we are in a bad situation as is.
                      well not gonna apologize for cussing you pissed me off, people swear its a part of life. im sorry you've been getting those kinds of comments but as Leonsgirl said if its meant to happen for you it will, if not then you gotta move on. Obviously this is not the route your supposed to take, if your supposed to take another route then you need to find it, if you cant then its just not meant to happen, i know you love her but you have to consider all the possibilities here


                        I don't think it up to anyone else to decide what route i am supposed to be taking but me, all i am asking is for help, if you can and will, sing the petition. I amn't asking for advise here.
                        Of all the things I learned from you
                        The main was to let go..


                          Originally posted by Sopho View Post
                          I don't think it up to anyone else to decide what route i am supposed to be taking but me, all i am asking is for help, if you can and will, sing the petition. I amn't asking for advise here.
                          didnt say anybody but you was going to do that, good lord woman your doing it again :/, just because i know how hard it is i'll sign it however im not doing it for you im doing it because everybody has a right to be with there partners....and thats all the reason im doing it for....


                            thank you - that's the reason
                            Of all the things I learned from you
                            The main was to let go..

