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LDR's can be great because...

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    LDR's can be great because...

    So they have a thread in the Alumni section about why CDR's are so great but since we're not all in that boat, we need to find the positives in what we've got.

    Despite all the pain of missing your SO, there's still some great times to be had with you LDR SO. So tell me why your LDR can be great!

    -For me, it's given me the chance to travel to places that I never thought I would see in my life. Before my SO, I never had any desire to travel to the U.S, now, I love going there
    -Also, being keen on birdwatching, I love getting to visit him and going walking with him to see new birds.
    -When we fall asleep on skype together, it doesn't happen as much anymore now that our times to talk line up a bit better, but I still love when we're both exhausted and talking, and we just end up falling asleep together, because then I wake up, and he's still there.
    -Getting letters or e-mails from him, or a phone call when I least expect it, always very sweet =)
    Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
    First met: June 13th 2006

    Nothing compares to finally being able to touch your SO again after many, many long months. I'm always so excited. Simply being near her makes my heart beat faster and every little touch sends shivers through my whole body. It's such a wonderful feeling. You also learn to appreciate the little things. A wall post on your Facebook page, virtual flowers, Skype talks or a love letter. All of those things make me so happy. I also fell in love with my SO's country. New Zealand is truly beautiful.


      I'm with NaNi on this one, you learn to appreciate the little things.

      I loved nothing more than getting up in the morning with my SO, having breakfast together.
      My SO, his son and I all watching a movie.

      Simple domesticity (sp?) that others take for granted.

      Knowing that we communicate better than couples I know who are married.

      Jumping (quite literally) jumping on him at the airport and hearing people say "Awww"


        Communication is key, so if your relationship works out it means you both are very good at it. Great foundation for the future.
        It also forces us to take the slow route and get to know each other properly before making any big decisions. I think a lot of CD couples fail because they rush things for various reasons and find out they're not ready for where they are.
        Creativity is also important, if you guys have a good satisfying relationship, most likely you're more creative than your average CD couple.
        Also, you can't make it unless you're absolutely sure this is what/who you want. Lukewarm doesn't cut it. So if you're in a fulfilling LDR, you know you're both sure of each other and didn't just settle for something convenient, because you get tried and tested more than an average CDR.

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


          I love being able to visit him and sleeping in together on weekends. I like opening my eyes and seeing his face next to mine. I just sit and look at him and he makes my smile. We both get up and start our day together in the bathroom. Best feeling in the world is when he randomly mentions the future, like when we were on vacation in a hotel there were double sinks and he said "now this one is yours and this one is mine, just like we will have". Those things I like.

          Another thing I love is being able to simply hold his hand when we walk places, or he won't let me get out of the car until I give him a kiss because that is what allows the locks to work. Funny stuff like that.

          Even though we are apart and its really hard sometimes, I love texting him every morning and night, just hearing his ringtone go off on my phone gives me a smile.

          I want to move where he moves soon, but with school that is not a possibility yet. Someday! Ugh. Just talking about all of these things makes me smile, yet a a little sad.


            Originally posted by Malaga View Post
            Communication is key, so if your relationship works out it means you both are very good at it. Great foundation for the future.
            It also forces us to take the slow route and get to know each other properly before making any big decisions. I think a lot of CD couples fail because they rush things for various reasons and find out they're not ready for where they are.
            Creativity is also important, if you guys have a good satisfying relationship, most likely you're more creative than your average CD couple.
            Also, you can't make it unless you're absolutely sure this is what/who you want. Lukewarm doesn't cut it. So if you're in a fulfilling LDR, you know you're both sure of each other and didn't just settle for something convenient, because you get tried and tested more than an average CDR.
            I agree! Also you encounter problems much sooner and see if you mesh with each other well enough to get through and solve those problems. For instance, the distance can be a huge problem. If you can't deal with that so well, there is no point in continuing to invest emotionally in a LDR if the heartache of being apart is too great. Does that make sense???

            Anyway, I think my LDR can be great because:
            • I get to learn a new language and that's always a plus in my book. Having a SO who speaks a foreign language that you don't know gives you so much more incentive to want to learn it than in other circumstances. It makes it much more personal, you know?!
            • Seeing countries/towns I have already traveled in a perspective not my own
            • Learning to enjoy the little things and be happy about those
            • You can still be independent

            I'm sure there are a lot more, but I can't think up more on the spot...


              My LDR is great because:
              -if I decide not to shave my legs for a week, no one cares
              -when I get really busy, I don't feel guilty about neglecting my SO because he's not here to neglect
              -you really learn to appreciate the time you spend with your SO
              -you improve your communication skills
              -you know for sure that they think you're worth it

              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
              -- Anonymous


                Has anyone seen this week's post secret? If not check it out!

                We've had threads like this before, but it's always good to have some positivity inbetween all the sad threads soo:

                - I don't have to make compromises at my place. I eat whatever and whenever I want and if I don't want to clean, then I don't - I like the freedom.

                - Creativity! I can't touch my boyfriend or talk to him face-to-face, so I'm constantly finding creative ways to show him how much he means to me.

                - Getting to know a different culture (and language, although I've known the language before), it adds a lot of excitement to our relationship. I love learning from and about him.

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  Hope I can answer this question too, after closing the distance

                  I'm pretty much with the previous posters, really.. I think the most wonderful thing was the rush you get as the day of reuniting gets closer and when you finally get to see your love again and hold them and kiss them and and ♥ I loved that feeling so much.

                  Another thing is that I had a reason to travel more I'd been to UK before but I got to see different places with him and it was so nice, UK's such a beautiful place. We travelled to a few places together and I hope we get to do more of it in the future.

                  I also loooooved getting cute stuff in the post when I didn't expect to get anything.. and even just a call from him (we didn't get to hear each other's voices that often) really made my day And the 8-10 hour long talks we had on MSN.. it was the best

                  I'm happy that we're CD now but, even though the distance was killing me at times, I wouldn't change that time for anything.


                    amen to that Nani....while its been very tough to be in a LDR as i told Denise last night its been the most wonderful and amazing couple of years in my life, i wouldnt change any of it, i love her so much more each day, and knowing that your in a LDR that you know is gonna work out, the end result is having that person by your side under one roof! and as Nani said, little notes, emails, ect are amazing to get and i appreciate getting them so much, and defiantly theres no feeling that beats seeing your SO again at the airport, having them in your arms after such a long time of being away


                      one good thing is it forces us to open up and talk, my Nathan isn't the most talkative guy but bieng in this relationship all you get to do is talk, so its made us open and communicate. i also feel it deepens our relationship, because it wasn't based on physical, or where we went or what we did, it was truly based on us and no fluff. i have yet to meet so i dont have anything to compare it too, but bieng in a LDR has been very special, and even tho were far apart hes always been able to make me feel special or give me butterflys or just rock my world lol
                      I love you Nathan <3
                      5/25/09 <3


                        Our communication has grown so much since starting the LDR, and it is always a great skill to have as a couple and will only help us CD. I have learned it's okay to have a life that doesn't have to revolve around my boyfriend 24/7...and believe me, I see some of those with people I'm friends with who are in CDRs. I feel much more emotionally connected to Anthony because of the distance, and I have learned to be creative. I send him care packages and love letters, and I've come up with some unique ideas to spoil him with. Oh, and nothing beats the feeling of finally getting to be reunited for a visit. When he comes home for breaks, and when I went to visit him, the moment when we first saw each other after months of not seeing each other, it's just pure magic, and it feels so surreal. To be back in his arms, oh man....nothing compares to the feeling of euphoria that overcomes me. I wouldn't give up any of the experiences I've had in an LDR for anything.

                        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                          It really is nice to sit and think about the positives of being in an LDR sometimes because it can get very overwhelming to sit there and just pine for closing the distance in the future. I second pretty much what every one has said so far about why an LDR can be great.

                          -I have always always always wanted to travel and visiting my SO has given me the opportunity to travel more in the past year than I ever thought I'd be able to.
                          -Every day with him when we're apart is like an adventure because the events of our days are so different and we never know what we're going to talk about.
                          -He's five hours ahead of me, and I use a computer at work (and have a really, really lenient boss), so I can talk to him when he gets home while I'm still working.
                          -We both still have the ability to do what we need to do during the day (like go to class/work, do errands, or hang out with friends) without missing our chances to talk to each other.
                          -Even the smallest things like going to the grocery store or being lazy and watching tv become exciting when I do them with him.
                          -I looooove sending and receiving mail unexpectedly. It makes me feel special.
                          -And, of course, like Nani said, the distance makes that moment when we finally meet up again for a visit the most wonderful, exciting moment every time because of the distance up to that point.

                          I still hope we can close the distance in the future, but what we're still able to do with each other in the mean time makes me never want to trade our kind of relationship for anything.
                          "These are the days of miracle and wonder. This is the long-distance call."--Paul Simon
                          "I can't tell one from another. Did I find you, or you find me?
                          There was a time before we were born. If someone asks, this where I'll be. . .where I'll be."--Talking Heads


                            I actually don't hate being in an LDR, because for all the disadvantages they do have, I'm able to maintain my independence, which is important to me. I am looking forward to the day we close it though! Anyway...
                            * I get to travel, which I love.
                            * I get to experience life in a (somewhat) other culture like a native.
                            * I'm learning a new language. Well kinda learning, Finnish is close to impossible
                            * I get control of the remote!
                            * I'm in control of my own social life, I come and go as I please, and I do whatever I want.
                            * Everytime I see my boyfriend, it's a reunion. We're excited, happy and relaxed.
                            * Because our relationship is based on communication, and not sex, it's very, very strong. We understand each other so well, because we've spent countless hours just talking, without the usual distractions.
                            * We never take each other for granted, and appreciate every minute we do get to be together.

                            There are so many times where missing him just hits me -hard, like someone stabbed me in the stomach hard, but this is what we've got, and for now, that's OK with me.
                            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                              coz since its my first time of having an LDR,,its challenging to me...especially on our part we have a 16hour time difference,.its hard coz at first I need to adjust my time,,,coz if its morning here in phi,,there in Us its going to night time,,,thats why I need to be awake at night and sleeping in the morning just to see and talk to him,,,I'm missing him so much to be honest the loneliness killin' me...but I need to be positive and strong!,,,fro the two of us...for our future....

